springboot扫描自定义的servlet和filter代码详解_java - JAVA

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这几天使用spring boot编写公司一个应用,在编写了一个filter,用于指定编码的filter,如下:

 * Created by xiaxuan on 16/11/1.
@WebFilter(urlPatterns = "/*",filterName="CharacterEncodeFilter",
        @WebInitParam(name = "forceEncoding", value = "true")
public class CharacterEncodingFilter implements Filter {
  private String encoding = "UTF-8";
  private boolean forceEncoding = true;
  public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
    this.encoding = filterConfig.getInitParameter("encoding");
    String force = filterConfig.getInitParameter("forceEncoding");
    this.forceEncoding = (force == null) || Boolean.valueOf(force);
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (this.forceEncoding || request.getCharacterEncoding() == null) {
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
  public void destroy() {
  public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
    this.encoding = encoding;
  public void setForceEncoding(boolean forceEncoding) {
    this.forceEncoding = forceEncoding;

但是在实际使用的时候,却是完全没有起作用,后来查看了一下springboot的官方文档,filter和servlet、listener之类的需要单独进行注册才能使用,但是spring boot里面提供了一个注解来替代,为@ServletComponentScan,这个注解直接加在对应的Application启动类上即可,如下:

public class SpringBootWebApplication {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(SpringBootWebApplication.class, args);




 * Enables scanning for Servlet components ({@link WebFilter filters}, {@link WebServlet
 * servlets}, and {@link WebListener listeners}). Scanning is only performed when using an
 * embedded Servlet container.
 * <p>
 * Typically, one of {@code value}, {@code basePackages}, or {@code basePackageClasses}
 * should be specified to control the packages to be scanned for components. In their
 * absence, scanning will be performed from the package of the class with the annotation.
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
 * @since 1.3.0
 * @see WebServlet
 * @see WebFilter
 * @see WebListener
public @interface ServletComponentScan {
   * Alias for the {@link #basePackages()} attribute. Allows for more concise annotation
   * declarations e.g.: {@code @ServletComponentScan("org.my.pkg")} instead of
   * {@code @ServletComponentScan(basePackages="org.my.pkg")}.
   * @return the base packages to scan
  String[] value() default {};
   * Base packages to scan for annotated servlet components. {@link #value()} is an
   * alias for (and mutually exclusive with) this attribute.
   * <p>
   * Use {@link #basePackageClasses()} for a type-safe alternative to String-based
   * package names.
   * @return the base packages to scan
  String[] basePackages() default {};
   * Type-safe alternative to {@link #basePackages()} for specifying the packages to
   * scan for annotated servlet components. The package of each class specified will be
   * scanned.
   * @return classes from the base packages to scan
  Class<?>[] basePackageClasses() default {};


@ServletComponentScan(value = "cn.com")



以上就是本文关于springboot扫描自定义的servlet和filter代码详解的全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助。感兴趣的朋友可以参阅:浅谈Java注解和动态代理 、Java之Spring注解配置bean实例代码解析、浅谈Springboot之于Spring的优势等。有什么问题可以随时留言,小编会及时回复大家。同时希望朋友们对嗨学网多多支持!

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