

如果您对您的外表有疑问,用I’m not sure about来确认,告诉别人不要担心以消除疑虑,然后说上一句恭维。

A: I'm not sure about this tie.										我不确定这条领带是否合适。

B: I wouldn't worry about it. The color looks good with your suit.	要我就不担心。这个颜色和你的西服很配。

A: I'm not sure about my outfit.									我不确定我的衣服打扮好不好。

B: Don't worry. You look great!										别担心。你看起来很棒!

您也可以用带有think 的问题来请求确认,说 not at all 或Actually, no.来消除疑虑。您也可以告诉他们不要担心,并加一句恭维。

A: Do you think this outfit makes me look ugly?						你觉得我这一套衣服看起来难看吗?

B: Not at all!														一点也不!

A: You don't think this necklace is weird?							你不觉得这条项链很怪吗?

B: Actually, no. Don't worry – you look fabulous.					实际上不是。别担心,你看起来很美。
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