

## event.go

目前这部分代码被标记为Deprecated,告知用户使用Feed这个对象。 不过在代码中任然有使用。 而且这部分的代码也不多。 就简单介绍一下。

TypeMux是主要的使用。 subm记录了所有的订阅者。 可以看到每中类型都可以有很多的订阅者。
    // TypeMuxEvent is a time-tagged notification pushed to subscribers.
    type TypeMuxEvent struct {
        Time time.Time
        Data interface{}
    // A TypeMux dispatches events to registered receivers. Receivers can be
    // registered to handle events of certain type. Any operation
    // called after mux is stopped will return ErrMuxClosed.
    // The zero value is ready to use.
    // Deprecated: use Feed
    type TypeMux struct {
        mutex sync.RWMutex
        subm map[reflect.Type][]*TypeMuxSubscription
        stopped bool


    // Subscribe creates a subscription for events of the given types. The
    // subscription's channel is closed when it is unsubscribed
    // or the mux is closed.
    func (mux *TypeMux) Subscribe(types ...interface{}) *TypeMuxSubscription {
        sub := newsub(mux)
        defer mux.mutex.Unlock()
        if mux.stopped {
            // set the status to closed so that calling Unsubscribe after this
            // call will short circuit.
            sub.closed = true
        } else {
            if mux.subm == nil {
                mux.subm = make(map[reflect.Type][]*TypeMuxSubscription)
            for _, t := range types {
                rtyp := reflect.TypeOf(t)
                oldsubs := mux.subm[rtyp]
                if find(oldsubs, sub) != -1 {
                    panic(fmt.Sprintf("event: duplicate type %s in Subscribe", rtyp))
                subs := make([]*TypeMuxSubscription, len(oldsubs)+1)
                copy(subs, oldsubs)
                subs[len(oldsubs)] = sub
                mux.subm[rtyp] = subs
        return sub

    // TypeMuxSubscription is a subscription established through TypeMux.
    type TypeMuxSubscription struct {
        mux *TypeMux
        created time.Time
        closeMu sync.Mutex
        closing chan struct{}
        closed bool
        // these two are the same channel. they are stored separately so
        // postC can be set to nil without affecting the return value of
        // Chan.
        postMu sync.RWMutex
        // readC 和 postC 其实是同一个channel。 不过一个是从channel读 一个只从channel写
        // 单方向的channel
        readC <-chan *TypeMuxEvent
        postC chan<- *TypeMuxEvent
    func newsub(mux *TypeMux) *TypeMuxSubscription {
        c := make(chan *TypeMuxEvent)
        return &TypeMuxSubscription{
            mux: mux,
            created: time.Now(),
            readC: c,
            postC: c,
            closing: make(chan struct{}),


    // Post sends an event to all receivers registered for the given type.
    // It returns ErrMuxClosed if the mux has been stopped.
    func (mux *TypeMux) Post(ev interface{}) error {
        event := &TypeMuxEvent{
            Time: time.Now(),
            Data: ev,
        rtyp := reflect.TypeOf(ev)
        if mux.stopped {
            return ErrMuxClosed
        subs := mux.subm[rtyp]
        for _, sub := range subs {
            // 阻塞式的投递。
        return nil

    func (s *TypeMuxSubscription) deliver(event *TypeMuxEvent) {
        // Short circuit delivery if stale event
        if s.created.After(event.Time) {
        // Otherwise deliver the event
        defer s.postMu.RUnlock()
        select {    //阻塞方式的方法
        case s.postC <- event:
        case <-s.closing:

## feed.go


    // Feed implements one-to-many subscriptions where the carrier of events is a channel.
    // Values sent to a Feed are delivered to all subscribed channels simultaneously.
    // Feed 实现了 1对多的订阅模式,使用了channel来传递事件。 发送给Feed的值会同时被传递给所有订阅的channel。
    // Feeds can only be used with a single type. The type is determined by the first Send or
    // Subscribe operation. Subsequent calls to these methods panic if the type does not
    // match.
    // Feed只能被单个类型使用。这个和之前的event不同,event可以使用多个类型。 类型被第一个Send调用或者是Subscribe调用决定。 后续的调用如果类型和其不一致会panic
    // The zero value is ready to use.
    type Feed struct {
        once sync.Once // ensures that init only runs once
        sendLock chan struct{} // sendLock has a one-element buffer and is empty when held.It protects sendCases.
        removeSub chan interface{} // interrupts Send
        sendCases caseList // the active set of select cases used by Send
        // The inbox holds newly subscribed channels until they are added to sendCases.
        mu sync.Mutex
        inbox caseList
        etype reflect.Type
        closed bool

初始化 初始化会被once来保护保证只会被执行一次。

    func (f *Feed) init() {
        f.removeSub = make(chan interface{})
        f.sendLock = make(chan struct{}, 1)
        f.sendLock <- struct{}{}
        f.sendCases = caseList{{Chan: reflect.ValueOf(f.removeSub), Dir: reflect.SelectRecv}}

订阅,订阅投递了一个channel。 相对与event的不同。event的订阅是传入了需要订阅的类型,然后channel是在event的订阅代码里面构建然后返回的。 这种直接投递channel的模式可能会更加灵活。
    // Subscribe adds a channel to the feed. Future sends will be delivered on the channel
    // until the subscription is canceled. All channels added must have the same element type.
    // The channel should have ample buffer space to avoid blocking other subscribers.
    // Slow subscribers are not dropped.
    func (f *Feed) Subscribe(channel interface{}) Subscription {
        chanval := reflect.ValueOf(channel)
        chantyp := chanval.Type()
        if chantyp.Kind() != reflect.Chan || chantyp.ChanDir()&reflect.SendDir == 0 { // 如果类型不是channel。 或者是channel的方向不能发送数据。那么错误退出。
        sub := &feedSub{feed: f, channel: chanval, err: make(chan error, 1)}
        defer f.mu.Unlock()
        if !f.typecheck(chantyp.Elem()) {
            panic(feedTypeError{op: "Subscribe", got: chantyp, want: reflect.ChanOf(reflect.SendDir, f.etype)})
        // Add the select case to the inbox.
        // The next Send will add it to f.sendCases.
        cas := reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectSend, Chan: chanval}
        f.inbox = append(f.inbox, cas)
        return sub

Send方法,feed的Send方法不是遍历所有的channel然后阻塞方式的发送。这样可能导致慢的客户端影响快的客户端。 而是使用反射的方式使用SelectCase。 首先调用非阻塞方式的TrySend来尝试发送。这样如果没有慢的客户端。数据会直接全部发送完成。 如果TrySend部分客户端失败。 那么后续在循环Select的方式发送。 我猜测这也是feed会取代event的原因。

    // Send delivers to all subscribed channels simultaneously.
    // It returns the number of subscribers that the value was sent to.
    func (f *Feed) Send(value interface{}) (nsent int) {
        // Add new cases from the inbox after taking the send lock.
        f.sendCases = append(f.sendCases, f.inbox...)
        f.inbox = nil
        // Set the sent value on all channels.
        rvalue := reflect.ValueOf(value)
        if !f.typecheck(rvalue.Type()) {
            f.sendLock <- struct{}{}
            panic(feedTypeError{op: "Send", got: rvalue.Type(), want: f.etype})
        for i := firstSubSendCase; i < len(f.sendCases); i++ {
            f.sendCases[i].Send = rvalue
        // Send until all channels except removeSub have been chosen.
        cases := f.sendCases
        for {
            // Fast path: try sending without blocking before adding to the select set.
            // This should usually succeed if subscribers are fast enough and have free
            // buffer space.
            for i := firstSubSendCase; i < len(cases); i++ {
                if cases[i].Chan.TrySend(rvalue) {
                    cases = cases.deactivate(i)
            if len(cases) == firstSubSendCase {
            // Select on all the receivers, waiting for them to unblock.
            chosen, recv, _ := reflect.Select(cases)
            if chosen == 0 /* <-f.removeSub */ {
                index := f.sendCases.find(recv.Interface())
                f.sendCases = f.sendCases.delete(index)
                if index >= 0 && index < len(cases) {
                    cases = f.sendCases[:len(cases)-1]
            } else {
                cases = cases.deactivate(chosen)
        // Forget about the sent value and hand off the send lock.
        for i := firstSubSendCase; i < len(f.sendCases); i++ {
            f.sendCases[i].Send = reflect.Value{}
        f.sendLock <- struct{}{}
        return nsent



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