DEV2 まとめ

   global class BatchSync implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts {


   Continuation クラス

public class AsyncExecutionExample implements Queueable {
    public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
        Account a = new Account(Name='Acme',Phone='(415) 555-1212');
        insert a;        
    System.enqueueJob(new SecondJob());


public class AsyncExecutionExampleTest {
    static testmethod void test1() {
        // startTest/stopTest block to force async processes 
        //   to run in the test.
        System.enqueueJob(new AsyncExecutionExample());
        // Validate that the job has run
        // by verifying that the record was created.
        // This query returns only the account created in test context by the 
        // Queueable class method.
        Account acct = [SELECT Name,Phone FROM Account WHERE Name='Acme' LIMIT 1];
        System.assertNotEquals(null, acct);
        System.assertEquals('(415) 555-1212', acct.Phone);
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