
<!-- 统计查询 -->
	<select id="getStatistics" parameterType="PageParam" resultType="LonProcessVO" >

		select  bo.orgname,
               count(DISTINCT t3.neeaid) AS neeaid,
                count(DISTINCT t3.pkcus) AS people,
                (select sum(b.balance) from biz_card b 
                 where b.pkorg=bo.pkorg) as balance,
				(select count(*) from (select cc.pkorg
       from LON_PROCESS t
       left join cus_eval ce
         on ce.pkeval = t.pkaf
       left join cus_extend3 c3
         on c3.neeaid = ce.neeaid
       left join cus_customer cc
         on cc.pkcus = c3.pkcus
       left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname
                    from bas_dic_data t
                   where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
                     and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
         on bdd.pkdata = c3.yhzgx
       left join sta_staff ss
         on ss.pksta = t.pksta
       left join sta_post sp
         on sp.pkpost = ss.pkpost
      where 1 = 1
        and t.pkoa = 'rcs'
        and c3.yhzgx = '10'
        and t.pkpn = '1104'
        and cc.pkorg = bo.pkorg)
			    ) as approve,
		(select count(*) from
		 (select c.identificationno,
                                       'yyyy-mm-dd')) / 12) as years
    					from cus_customer c
		                 where 1 = 1
		                   and c.pkgz = cog.pkog
		                   and length(c.identificationno) = to_number(18)
		                   and fn_checkidcard(c.identificationno) = 1)
		         where years > 65) oldman,
				  (select count(*)
				    from cus_customer t
				    left join cus_extend2 t2
				      on t2.pkcus = t.pkcus
				    left join cus_extend3 t3
				      on t3.pkcus = t.pkcus
				    left join bas_regionalism br
				      on br.pkregi = t.pkregi
				    left join cus_org_grid cog
				      on cog.pkog = t.pkgz
				    left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
				                 from BAS_DIC_DATA t
				                where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
				                  and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
				      on bdd.pkdata = t3.yhzgx
				    left join (select *
				                 from (select t.pkcus,
				                              row_number() over(partition by pkcus order by markerdate desc) rn
				                         from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t
				                         left join (select *
				                                     from bas_dic_data bdc
				                                    where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
				                           on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype) t
				                where t.rn = 1) rn
				      on rn.pkcus = t.pkcus
				   where 1 = 1
				     and t3.neeaid is not null
				     and t.pkorg = bo.pkorg
				     and t3.PKPOVERTY_STATE = '1') AS pkpovertystate,
				(select count(*)
				  from cus_customer t
				  left join cus_extend2 t2
				    on t2.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join cus_extend3 t3
				    on t3.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join bas_regionalism br
				    on br.pkregi = t.pkregi
				  left join cus_org_grid cog
				    on cog.pkog = t.pkgz
				  left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
				               from BAS_DIC_DATA t
				              where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
				                and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
				    on bdd.pkdata = t3.yhzgx
				  left join (select *
				               from (select t.pkcus,
				                            row_number() over(partition by pkcus order by markerdate desc) rn
				                       from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t
				                       left join (select *
				                                   from bas_dic_data bdc
				                                  where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
				                         on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype) t
				              where t.rn = 1) rn
				    on rn.pkcus = t.pkcus
				 where 1 = 1
				   and t3.neeaid is not null
				   and t.pkorg = bo.pkorg
				   and rn.markertype = '2'
				   ) as bluelist,
				(select count(*)
				  from cus_customer t
				  left join cus_extend2 t2
				    on t2.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join cus_extend3 t3
				    on t3.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join bas_regionalism br
				    on br.pkregi = t.pkregi
				  left join cus_org_grid cog
				    on cog.pkog = t.pkgz
				  left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
				               from BAS_DIC_DATA t
				              where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
				                and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
				    on bdd.pkdata = t3.yhzgx
				  left join (select *
				               from (select t.pkcus,
				                            row_number() over(partition by pkcus order by markerdate desc) rn
				                       from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t
				                       left join (select *
				                                   from bas_dic_data bdc
				                                  where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
				                         on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype) t
				              where t.rn = 1) rn
				    on rn.pkcus = t.pkcus
				 where 1 = 1
				   and t3.neeaid is not null
				   and t.pkorg = bo.pkorg
				   and rn.markertype = '3'
				   ) as graylist,
	                 (select count(*)
	                from cus_customer t
	                left join cus_extend2 t2
	                  on t2.pkcus = t.pkcus
	                left join cus_extend3 t3
	                  on t3.pkcus = t.pkcus
	                left join bas_regionalism br
	                  on br.pkregi = t.pkregi
	                left join cus_org_grid cog
	                  on cog.pkog = t.pkgz
	                left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
	                             from BAS_DIC_DATA t
	                            where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
	                              and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
	                  on bdd.pkdata = t3.yhzgx
	                left join (select *
	                             from (select t.pkcus,
	                                          row_number() over(partition by pkcus order by markerdate desc) rn
	                                     from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t
	                                     left join (select *
	                                                 from bas_dic_data bdc
	                                                where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
	                                       on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype) t
	                            where t.rn = 1) rn
	                  on rn.pkcus = t.pkcus
	               where 1 = 1
	                 and t3.neeaid is not null
	                 and t.pkorg = bo.pkorg
	                 and rn.markertype = '4'
	                 )  as blacklist,
                (select count(*)
				  from cus_customer t
				  left join cus_extend2 t2
				    on t2.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join cus_extend3 t3
				    on t3.pkcus = t.pkcus
				  left join bas_regionalism br
				    on br.pkregi = t.pkregi
				  left join cus_org_grid cog
				    on cog.pkog = t.pkgz
				  left join cus_eval e
				    on e.neeaid = t3.neeaid
				  left join lon_process p
				    on p.pkaf = e.pkeval
				  left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
				               from BAS_DIC_DATA t
				              where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
				                and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
				    on bdd.pkdata = t3.yhzgx
				  left join (select *
				               from (select t.pkcus,
				                            row_number() over(partition by pkcus order by markerdate desc) rn
				                       from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t
				                       left join (select *
				                                   from bas_dic_data bdc
				                                  where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
				                         on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype) t
				              where t.rn = 1) rn
				    on rn.pkcus = t.pkcus
				 where 1 = 1
				   and t.pkorg = bo.pkorg
				   and rn.markertype is not null and p.pkproc is null and t3.neeaid not in 
				   (select t.neeaid from (select t.pkcus, t.markertype, bdc.dataname, t.markerdate, row_number() over(partition by t.pkcus order by t.markerdate desc) rn,
				    e.neeaid from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t left join (select * from bas_dic_data bdc where bdc.pktablecode = 'markertype') bdc
				     on bdc.pkdata = t.markertype left join cus_extend3 e on e.pkcus = t.pkcus) t 
				     where t.rn = 1 and t.markertype in ('2', '3', '4'))
				) commcuscustomerlist,
                (select count(*) 
                   from (select c.pkorg from
                   LON_PROCESS t
                   left join cus_eval ce
                     on ce.pkeval = t.pkaf
                   left join cus_extend3 c3
                     on c3.neeaid = ce.neeaid
                   left join cus_customer c
                     on c.pkcus = c3.pkcus
                   left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname
                               from bas_dic_data t
                              where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
                                and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
                     on bdd.pkdata = c3.yhzgx
                   left join sta_staff ss
                     on ss.pksta = t.pksta
                   left join sta_post sp
                     on sp.pkpost = ss.pkpost
                   left join cus_eval_result_marker cerm
                     on cerm.pkeval = t.pkaf
                  where 1 = 1
                    and t.pkoa = 'rcs'
                    and c3.yhzgx = '10'
                    and t.pkpn = '1105'
                    and t.pkstate = '1101' 
                    and c.pkorg = bo.pkorg
                  ) lonprocessnopasslistcount,
                (select count(*) 
                from (select c.pkorg  
                   from LON_PROCESS t
                   left join cus_eval ce
                     on ce.pkeval = t.pkaf
                   left join cus_extend3 c3
                     on c3.neeaid = ce.neeaid
                   left join cus_customer c
                     on c.pkcus = c3.pkcus
                   left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname
                               from bas_dic_data t
                              where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
                                and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
                     on bdd.pkdata = c3.yhzgx
                   left join sta_staff ss
                     on ss.pksta = t.pksta
                   left join sta_post sp
                     on sp.pkpost = ss.pkpost
                   left join cus_eval_result_marker cerm
                     on cerm.pkeval = t.pkaf
                  where 1 = 1
                    and t.pkoa = 'rcs'
                    and c3.yhzgx = '10'
                    and t.pkpn = '1105'
                    and t.pkstate = '1103'
                    and c.pkorg = bo.pkorg
                    ) lonprocesspasslistcount,
                    ( select count(*)
                from cus_eval e
                left join cus_extend3 ce
                  on e.neeaid = ce.neeaid
                left join cus_customer c
                  on c.pkcus = ce.pkcus  
                         inner join (select *
                   from (select p.pkproc,
                                row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY p.pkaf ORDER BY p.pkpn,p.rcreationtime desc) as rn
                           from lon_process p
                          where p.pkpn in ('1103')
                          ) ce
                  where ce.rn = '1') p
		        on p.pkaf = e.pkeval)  custobesigningdatacount,
		       (select count(*)
			  from cus_eval e
			  left join cus_extend3 ce
			    on e.neeaid = ce.neeaid
			  left join cus_customer c
			    on c.pkcus = ce.pkcus
	               inner join (select *
	                   from (select p.pkproc,
	                                row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY p.pkaf ORDER BY p.pkpn,p.rcreationtime desc) as rn
	                           from lon_process p
	                          where p.pkpn in ('1103')
	                            ) ce
	                  where ce.rn = '1') p
	        on p.pkaf = e.pkeval 
	         left join (select t.pkdata, t.dataname, t.remark
	                   from BAS_DIC_DATA t
	                  where t.pktablecode = 'association_relation'
	                    and t.pkparent = '1') bdd
	        on bdd.pkdata = ce.yhzgx
	     where  c.pkorg = bo.pkorg
	       and nvl(p.rstate, '0') = '0'
	       and p.pkstate in ('1101')) custobenosigningdatacount
		  from (select distinct pkcus, neeaid, PKPOVERTY_STATE from CUS_EXTEND3) t3
		  left join (select distinct pkcus, pkorg, PKGZ from cus_customer) c
		    on t3.pkcus = c.pkcus
		    left join cus_org_grid cog 
		   on cog.pkog = c.pkgz
		  left join bas_organization bo
		    on c.pkorg = bo.pkorg
		  left join (select distinct t.pkcus, t.markertype, t.neeaid
		               from CUS_LIST_MARKER_RECORD t) clmr
		    on clmr.pkcus = c.pkcus
		left join cus_eval_result_marker cerm
	     	on cerm.pkcus = c.pkcus
	    left join biz_card b
	     	on b.bankcard = cerm.card
		 where 1 = 1  and  cog.pklevel = 4
	<if test='queryParams.pkorg != null and queryParams.pkorg != ""'>
			and c.pkorg in (select bo.pkorg
                 from bas_organization bo
                start with bo.pkorg = #{queryParams.pkorg}
               connect by prior bo.pkorg = bo.pkparent)
	<if test='queryParams.pkog != null and queryParams.pkog != ""'>
		and c.pkgz = #{queryParams.pkog}
	   offset ${startNumber} rows fetch next ${rows} rows only



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