Programming ASP.NET MVC-Fundamentals of ASP.NET MVC(三)Convention over Configuration


            为了简化和使网站开发更有成效,ASP.Net MVC尽可能依靠约定优于配置原则。这就是说,不是依赖确定的配置,ASP.NET MVC 假设当开发者开发应用程序的时候会遵循确定的约定。

            如下图是 MVC 的文件结构:

           上图是我们建立InernetApplicate模板时自动生成的,给我们提供了一个很好的关于约定的例子。对应MCV模式有三个相应的文件夹:Models、Views、Controllers。我们可以很清楚地看到这些文件包含的内容。我们同样可以看到一些约定在起作用。比如:不仅Controlller文件夹包含所有的应用程序的controller classes,而且每一个controller class都是以controler为后缀的。framework就是使用这样的约定,当应用程序启动的时候,注册这些controller,而且把它们与对应的路由(route)联系。




          Convention over Configuration
To  make  website  development  easier  and  help  developers  be  more  productive,
ASP.NET MVC relies on the concept of convention over configuration whenever pos-
sible. This means that, instead of relying on explicit configuration settings, ASP.NET
MVC simply assumes that developers will follow certain conventions as they build their
The ASP.NET MVC project folder structure (Figure 1-4) is a great example of the
framework’s use of convention over configuration. There are three special folders in
the project that correspond to the elements of the MVC pattern: the Controllers,
Models, and Views folders. It’s pretty clear at a glance what each of these folders

When you look at the contents of these folders, you’ll find even more conventions at
work. For example, not only does the Controllers folder contain all of the application’s
controller classes, but the controller classes all follow the convention of ending their
names with the Controller suffix. The framework uses this convention to register the
application’s controllers when it starts up and associate controllers with their corre-
sponding routes.
Next, take a look at the Views folder. Beyond the obvious convention dictating that the
application’s views should live under this folder, it is split into subfolders: a Shared
folder, and an optional folder to contain the views for each controller. This convention
helps save developers from providing explicit locations of the views they’d like to dis-
play to users. Instead, developers can just provide the name of a view—say, “Index”—
and the framework will try its best to find the view within the Views folder, first in the
controller-specific folder and then, failing that, in the Shared views folder.

At first glance, the concept of convention over configuration may seem trivial. However,
these seemingly small or meaningless optimizations can really add up to significant
time savings, improved code readability, and increased developer productivity.

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