
  • 斜体

1)变量和函数,如 x + y = zf(x)=x^2+1

2)几何量,如坐标系 xyz,点 A,线 AB,角度 \angle A,面积 S 等

3)物理量和常数,如质量 m,力 F,功 W,光速 c,普朗克常量 h, 玻尔兹曼常数 K 等

4)分布,期望,方差,如正态分布 N(0,1)E(X), Var(X)

  • 黑斜体


  • 直体

1)特殊函数符号和运算符号,三角函数 \textup{sin (cos, tan, cot)} ,对数函数 \log,极限 \lim,微分 \textup{d},条件 \arg ,最大 \max 等

2)计量单位,如秒 \textup{s},米 \textup{m},千 \textup{K},升 \textup{L},牛 \textup{N},分贝 \textup{dB} 等

3)数学常数,如自然常数 \textup{e} ,圆周率 \mathrm{\pi},虚数 \mathrm{i} 等

3)非变量的上标下标,如矩阵转置 {\textup{T}}, {\textup{H}}

4)元器件标识,如开发板 STM32

  • 常用数学符号说明

Eh(·) denote statistical expectation operation with respect to random variable h,

CM×N denotes the space of all M × N matrices with complex entries;

(·)−1 denotes inverse operation;

(·)H denotes Hermitian transpose;

(·) ∗ denotes complex conjugate;

(·)T denotes transpose;

|·| denote the absolute value of a complex scalar;

tr(·) denotes trace operation; ·

F denotes the Frobenius norm of matrix;

λi(·) denotes the i-th maximum eigenvalue of a matrix;

diag {a} is a diagonal matrix with the entries a on its diagonal.

[1] https://wenku.baidu.com/view/c8daff79cd1755270722192e453610661ed95af0.html

[2] https://wenku.baidu.com/view/69897a66336c1eb91b375d1b.html

[3] https://wenku.baidu.com/view/875970eb172ded630b1cb69a.html

[4] https://wenku.baidu.com/view/217ab2562379168884868762caaedd3383c4b5a2.html

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