
— plt version 03Jan20 —

Matlab users may be interested in this toolbox for its focus

in one or more of these three areas:

  1. A plotting interface. An alternative to Matlab’s plot and plotyy.

a. Like plot, plt commands can be typed at the command prompt.

For simple commands the interface is the same.

b. Optimized for data exploration.

c. Improved zooming, panning, & auto-scaling controls

d. Workspace plotting (interactively select variables to plot)

e. Automatically generated legend (also used for trace selection).

f. Up to 999 traces on a single axis.

(Limited to 99 traces if a legend is required.)

g. Fast and easy cursor movement with delta, rms, mean, y/x, and

magnitude readouts.

h. Supports subplots, each with individual cursor control & readout.

i. Peak/Valley finder, display expansion history, and metric prefixes.

j. Better looking grid lines with selectable color and style.

k. Editing of trace properties, figure colors, and annotations.

l. Mouse and keyboard driven data editing.

m. Regular updates based suggestions from users.

n. A major advantage of plt is the consistency and flexibility of the

command line interface, all explained in a single help file with

example code for every important option. No longer will you have

to hunt for obscure handle graphics commands scattered throughout

the Matlab documentation.

  1. A GUI building framework (usually involving 2D or 3D plotting)

a. An alternative to Matlab’s App designer or Guide.

b. Provides a collection of pseudo objects and auxiliary functions

tailored to simplify your GUI designs.

c. The capability to move and resize the pseudo objects and native

Matlab objects while recording the positions so that they can be

made permanent.

d. A methodology for combining these elements presented with a series

of example programs.

  1. Signal Processing

In addition to their role in demonstrating various plt features

the following 14 example programs were also designed to have an

educational value in the signal processing field:

  • afilt.m (classical analog filters)

  • bounce.m (random walks)

  • curves.m (classic plane curves)

  • dice.m (Monte Carlo simulation)

  • editz.m (z-plane analysis)

  • gauss.m (summation of random variables)

  • julia.m (Mandelbrot & Julia set fractals)

  • pltquiv.m (Hermite polynomial interpolation)

  • pltmap.m (2-dimensional cubic interpolation)

  • square.m (synthesis of harmonic functions)

  • tas.m (aircraft peformance modeling)

  • weight.m (classic sound level weighting curves)

  • wfall.m (clipping distortion effects)

  • winplt.m (fft windowing)

This toolbox has been verified under all Matlab releases from 12.1

(ver 6.1) to R2019a using all Windows versions from XP to Windows 10.

Brief testing has also been done under the Mac and other Unix platforms.


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