
本文为MIT(作者:RALUCA ADA POPA)的博士论文,共154页。


Theft of confidential data is prevalent. Inmost applications, confidential data is stored at servers. Thus, existingsystems naturally try to prevent adversaries from compromising these servers.However, experience has shown that adversaries still find a way to break in andsteal the data. This dissertation shows how to protect data confidentialityeven when attackers get access to all the data stored on servers. We achievethis protection through a new approach to building secure systems: buildingpractical systems that compute on encrypted data, without access to thedecryption key. In this setting, we designed and built a database system(CryptDB), a web application platform (Mylar), and two mobile systems, as wellas developed new cryptographic schemes for them. We showed that these systemssupport a wide range of applications with low overhead. The work in this thesishas already had impact: Google uses CryptDB’s design for their new EncryptedBigQuery service, and a medical application of Boston’s Newton-Wellesleyhospital is secured with Mylar.

  1. 引言
  2. 在实用系统中计算加密数据的方法
  3. 基于CryptDB的加密数据库
  4. 基于Mylar的加密web应用
  5. 多密钥可搜索加密
  6. 功能加密
  7. 影响:工业与学术
  8. 相关工作
  9. 结论


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