
本文为瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(作者:JONAS KRESSIN)的硕士论文,共40页。

在处理工业机器人的离线编程时,有一些复杂的软件可用于机器人路径规划,其中一个是Fraunhofer Chalmers中心开发的工业路径解决方案(IPS)。在寻找机器人路径时,有一件事没有考虑到,那就是机器人的电缆梳理台可能会磨损。由于梳理台磨损在材料成本和停机成本上都非常昂贵,因此在进行自动路径规划时需要考虑梳理台磨损。


When dealing with off-line programming ofindustrial robots there are sophisticated softwares available for planning ofthe robot paths, one being Industrial Path Solutions (IPS) developed by theFraunhofer Chalmers Centre. One thing that is not taken into account whenfinding the robot paths is potential wearing on the robots’ cable dresspacks.Since dresspacks wearing out is very expensive both in material cost and costfrom downtime, there is a need for incorporating dresspack wear considerationwhen making the automatic path planning. This thesis addresses the problem offinding robot paths that are less damaging for the dresspack, and the resultconsists of three different methods for dealing with this problem. The firstmethod involves computationally efficient restrictions of the robot jointvalues in order to avoid damage to the dresspack. The second method deals withthe issue of finding cable configurations that are robust to movements, sinceonly robust configurations should be used in the final sequences. Finally, thethird method involves a function that measures the cable wear as a cost, tothen be minimized when doing the automatic path planning. The three methods aretested and evaluated individually on a test case in IPS. The tests show thatwith the cable wear consideration, the robot takes different paths with lowervalues of the wearing measures than the case without cables. It is concludedthat with some improvements of the methods, they can be combined into a fullyimplementable solution.

  1. 引言
  2. 理论
  3. 研究方法
  4. 本文提出的解决方法和结果
  5. 讨论和结论
    附录A 电缆磨损测试用例图


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