从零学习加密货币 1 概述 《Distributed Ledgers & Cryptocurrencies》

Electronic crypto-currencies such as bitcoin, and more generally the concept of a blockchain or distributed ledger, have the potential to revolutionise financial transactions and the role of financial institutions and regulators. This module will provide a foundation in the distributed ledgers and crypto-currencies, and will include the following topics: consensus in distributed systems, the CAP theorem, economic consensus, block-chains, Bitcoin, P2P contracts.



- 这个领域比较新颖,大概是2008年兴起的

- 理论和技术仍然在融合,两者并未发展成熟,所以请学会质疑。


1 问题提出


  1. the e-money is authentic (not counterfeit) 电子货币是要被认证的。(不能伪造)
  2. The same e-money cannot be spent more than once (double-spend porblem) 同一个电子货币不能被花费两次。




2 认识比特币

  • Bitcoin was first truly decentralized system for e-money比特币是第一个真正的电子货币去中心化系统
  • Asymmetric key cryptography
  • 非对称密钥加密
  • 性质:1.没有中央权威;2.去中心化;3.没有货币的双重支出;4.开放和公开;5.匿名(实际上是假名)
  • 协议:Proof of Work(PoW);Proof of Stake (PoS) ; Proof of Authority (PoA) ; Proof of Identity (PoI) ; Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)

3 分布式账目技术

  • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
  • All nodes on a distributed ledger agree on the values of the variable(s) on the ledger. They have a shared state.
  • The ledger also preserves past states (the history), so the protocol is stateful.
  • This property can prevent “double-spending” of some currency or asset.
  • 这个技术适用于:Cryptocurrency transactions;Currency transactions;Transactions involving exchanges of ownership of assets;Promises and commitments

4 作业

  • List the sequence of events involved in acceptance of new blocks by nodes.
  • Describe the mathematical problems used in Bitcoin for PoW.
  • What is the total maximum number of Bitcoin to be issued? How many have been issued so far? What will miners be paid after the maximum is reached?
  • What is a wallet? What is the difference between wallets held on personal machines versus wallets held on an exchange?
  • List the major Bitcoin exchanges and their country of location. Is there a major exchange which has not been hacked at least once?


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