


  1. 动态条件处理
  2. 分页

Oracle的分页必须要使用rownum, rownum支持小于号,不支持大于号,所以分页时需要子查询来处理大于号的问题

select *
  from (select rownum rw, a.*
          from (
          select * from eb_item
          ) a
         where rownum < 31) b
 where > 20;
	(1) 查询全量结果集
	(2) 以全量结果集作为一张表,以rownum作为查询条件小于开始行号,以全量结果集和rownum作为结果集,给rownum个别名


 <select id="selectItemByCondition" parameterType="com.rl.ecps.model.QueryCondition" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
 select *
 from (select rownum rw, a.*
         from (
         select * from eb_item t
           <if test="brandId != null">
              t.brand_id = #{brandId}
           <if test="auditStatus != null">
              and t.audit_status = #{auditStatus}
           <if test="showStatus != null">
              and t.show_status = #{showStatus}
           <if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''">
              and t.item_name like '%${itemName}%'
         order by t.item_id desc
         ) a
        where rownum < #{endNum}) b
where > #{startNum}


  <select id="selectItemByConditionCount" parameterType="com.rl.ecps.model.QueryCondition" resultType="int">
 	 select count(*) from eb_item t
          	<if test="brandId != null">
          		t.brand_id = #{brandId}
          	<if test="auditStatus != null">
          		and t.audit_status = #{auditStatus}
          	<if test="showStatus != null">
          		and t.show_status = #{showStatus}
          	<if test="itemName != null and itemName != ''">
          		and t.item_name like '%${itemName}%'


package com.rl.ecps.model;

public class QueryCondition {
   private Long brandId   ; 
   private Short auditStatus ; 
   private Short showStatus ; 
   private String itemName ; 
   private Integer startNum ; 
   private Integer endNum ;
   private Integer pageNo ; 

   public Integer getPageNo() {
      return pageNo;

   public void setPageNo(Integer pageNo) {
      this.pageNo = pageNo;

   public Long getBrandId() {
      return brandId;

   public void setBrandId(Long brandId) {
      this.brandId = brandId;

   public Short getAuditStatus() {
      return auditStatus;

   public void setAuditStatus(Short auditStatus) {
      this.auditStatus = auditStatus;

   public Short getShowStatus() {
      return showStatus;

   public void setShowStatus(Short showStatus) {
      this.showStatus = showStatus;

   public String getItemName() {
      return itemName;

   public void setItemName(String itemName) {
      this.itemName = itemName;

   public Integer getStartNum() {
      return startNum;

   public void setStartNum(Integer startNum) {
      this.startNum = startNum;

   public Integer getEndNum() {
      return endNum;

   public void setEndNum(Integer endNum) {
      this.endNum = endNum;


<li><a href="${path}/item/"><samp class="t05"></samp>商品录入/上下架</a></li>



package com.rl.ecps.model;

import java.util.List;

public class Page {

	 * 当前页码  (已知)
	private int pageNo = 1;

	 * 每页记录数(已知)
	private int pageSize = 5;

	 * 指定的查询条件下的总记录数
	private int totalCount = 0;

	 * 指定的查询条件下的总页数
	private int totalPage = 1;

	 * 查询的开始行号
	private int startNum = 0;

	 * 查询的结束行号
	private int endNum = 0;

	 * 查询的结果集
	private List<?> list;

	public int getPageNo() {
		return pageNo;

	public void setPageNo(int pageNo) {
		this.pageNo = pageNo;

	public int getPageSize() {
		return pageSize;

	public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
		this.pageSize = pageSize;

	public int getTotalCount() {
		return totalCount;

	public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) {
		this.totalCount = totalCount;

	 * totalCount		pageSize 	 totalPage
	 *     0				10			1
	 * 	   100				10			10
	 * 		92				10			10
	 * @return
	public int getTotalPage() {
		totalPage = totalCount/pageSize;
		if(totalCount == 0 || totalCount%pageSize != 0){
		return totalPage;

	public void setTotalPage(int totalPage) {
		this.totalPage = totalPage;

	public int getStartNum() {
		return (pageNo - 1) * pageSize;

	public void setStartNum(int startNum) {
		this.startNum = startNum;

	public int getEndNum() {
		return pageNo * pageSize + 1;

	public void setEndNum(int endNum) {
		this.endNum = endNum;

	public List<?> getList() {
		return list;

	public void setList(List<?> list) {
		this.list = list;


	public String listItem(QueryCondition qc, Model model){
		List<EbBrand> bList = brandService.selectBrandAll();
		model.addAttribute("bList", bList);
		if(qc.getPageNo() == null){
		Page page = itemService.selectItemByQC(qc);
		model.addAttribute("page", page);
		model.addAttribute("qc", qc);
		return "item/list";



	public Page selectItemByQC(QueryCondition qc) {
		int totalCount = itemDao.selectItemByConditionCount(qc);
		Page page = new Page();
		Integer startNum = page.getStartNum();
		Integer endNum = page.getEndNum();
		List<EbItem> itemList = itemDao.selectItemByCondition(qc);
		return page;




<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ include file="/ecps/console/common/taglibs.jsp"%>
<meta name="heading" content="商品录入及上下架管理"/>
<meta name="menu" content="ItemMgmtMenu"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/${system}/res/js/jquery.form.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/${system}/res/js/jquery.tablesorter.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">var path = "${path}";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${path }/ecps/console/res/item/js/list.js">
<body id="main">

<div class="frameL"><div class="menu icon">
    <jsp:include page="/${system}/common/itemmenu.jsp"/>
<form action="${path }/item/" method="post" id="showForm">
	<input id="itemId" name="itemId" type="hidden">
	<input id="showStatus1" name="showStatus" type="hidden">
	<input id="notes" name="notes" type="hidden">
<div class="frameR"><div class="content">

    <div class="loc icon"><samp class="t12"></samp>当前位置:商品管理&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;<span class="gray" title="商品录入及上下架">商品录入及上下架</span></div>

    <h2 class="h2_ch"><span id="tabs" class="l">
        <!--  <a id="label3" href="${base}/item/"   title="待上架实体商品" class="nor">待上架</a>  -->
        <a id="label6" href="${path}/item/"   title="全部实体商品" class="nor">全部</a>
        <a id="label4" href="${path}/item/"   title="未上架实体商品" class="nor">未上架</a>
        <a id="label5" href="${path}/item/"  title="已上架实体商品" class="nor">已上架</a>

<form id="form1" name="form1" action="${path}/item/" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" id="showStatus" value="${qc.showStatus }" name="showStatus">
    <div class="sch">
        <select id="brandId" name="brandId">
            <option value="">全部品牌</option>
            <c:forEach items="${bList }" var="brand">
            	<option value="${brand.brandId }" <c:if test="${qc.brandId == brand.brandId }">selected</c:if>  >${brand.brandName }</option>
        <select id="auditStatus" name="auditStatus" >
        	<option value="" selected>全部审核状态</option>
        	<option value="0" <c:if test="${qc.auditStatus == 0 }">selected</c:if> >待审核</option>
        	<option value="1" <c:if test="${qc.auditStatus == 1}">selected</c:if>>通过</option>
        	<option value="2" <c:if test="${qc.auditStatus == 2 }">selected</c:if>>不通过</option>
        <input type="text" id="searchText" value="${qc.itemName }" name="itemName" title="请输入商品名称" class="text20 medium gray" />
        <input type="submit" id="goSearch" class="hand btn60x20" value="查询" />

    <div class="page_c">
        <span class="l">
        <span class="r inb_a">
            <a href="${path}/item/" class="btn80x20" title="添加商品">添加商品</a>

	<table cellspacing="0" summary="" class="tab" id="myTable">
	            <th class="wp">商品名称</th>
			<c:forEach items="${page.list }" var="item">
				<td>${item.itemNo }</td>
                <td >${item.itemName }</td>
                <td><img alt="" src="${request_file_path }${item.imgs}" width="50" height="50"></td>
					<c:if test="${item.isNew == 1 }"><span class="is" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.isNew == 0 }"><span class="not" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.isGood == 1 }"><span class="is" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.isGood == 0 }"><span class="not" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.isHot == 1 }"><span class="is" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.isHot == 0 }"><span class="not" ></span></c:if>
                	<c:if test="${item.showStatus == 1 }"><span class="not" ></span></c:if>
					<c:if test="${item.showStatus == 0 }"><span class="is" ></span></c:if>
                	<c:if test="${item.auditStatus == 0 }">待审核</c:if>
                	<c:if test="${item.auditStatus == 1 }">通过</c:if>
                	<c:if test="${item.auditStatus == 2 }">不通过</c:if>
							<a href="/ecps-console/shop/item/viewItem.jsp" title="查看">查看</a>
					  		<c:if test="${item.showStatus == 0 }">
					  			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="isShow(${item.itemId}, 1)">下架</a>
					  			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="publish(${item.itemId})" >发布</a>
					  		<c:if test="${item.showStatus == 1 }">
					  			<a href="/ecps-console/ecps/console/item/">编辑</a>
					  			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="singleDel('2384')">删除</a>
					  			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="isShow(${item.itemId}, 0)">上架</a>
				<td colspan="13" align="right">
                选择啊:<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="全选" onclick="checkAllIds();">全选法克</a>
                <samp>-</samp> <a href="javascript:void(0);" title="取消" onclick="uncheckAllIds();">取消年末</a>
	<div class="page_c">
        <span class="l inb_a">
        <span class="r page">
        	<!-- 变化后的pageNo -->
            <input type="hidden" id="pageNo" name="pageNo" />
            <!-- 两个隐藏域用于判断上一页和下一页的展示和隐藏 -->
            <input type="hidden" value="${page.pageNo}" id="currentPageNo" name="currentPageNo" />
            <input type="hidden" value="${page.totalPage}" id="totalPage" name="totalPage" /><var id="pagePiece" class="orange">${page.totalCount }</var><var id="pageTotal">${page.pageNo }/${page.totalPage }</var>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="firstPage" class="hidden" >首页</a>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="previous" class="hidden" title="上一页">上一页</a>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="next" class="hidden" title="下一页">下一页</a>
            <select id="selectPage">
            	<c:forEach begin="1" end="${page.totalPage }" var="myPage">
            		<option value="${myPage }">第${myPage }页</option>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="lastPage" class="hidden">尾页</a>


	var showStatus = parseInt($("#showStatus").val());
	if(showStatus == 1){
		$("#label4").attr("class", "here");
	}else if(showStatus == 0){
		$("#label5").attr("class", "here");
		$("#label6").attr("class", "here");

	var pageNo = parseInt($("#currentPageNo").val());
	var totalPage = parseInt($("#totalPage").val());
	 * 判断翻页按钮展示
	if(pageNo == 1 && pageNo == totalPage){
	}else if(pageNo == 1 && totalPage > pageNo){
	}else if(pageNo > 1 && totalPage > pageNo){
	}else if(pageNo == totalPage && totalPage > 1){
	 * 点击下一页
		var myPage = $(this).val();


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