



ActivityStackSupervisor.java 、其内部类ActivityDisplay





  • a)【ActivityManagerService.java】:AMS包含一个ActivityStackSupervisor成员变量mStackSupervisor:
final ActivityStackSupervisor mStackSupervisor;
  • b)【ActivityStackSupervisor.java::ActivityDisplay】:ActivityStackSupervisor包含一个ActivityDisplay数组mActivityDisplays,后者是前者内部类,ActivityDisplay中的一个ActivityStack数组mStacks:
private final SparseArray<ActivityDisplay> mActivityDisplays = new SparseArray<>();
class ActivityDisplay extends ConfigurationContainer {
        /** Actual Display this object tracks. */
        int mDisplayId;
        Display mDisplay;

        /** All of the stacks on this display. Order matters, topmost stack is in front of all other
         * stacks, bottommost behind. Accessed directly by ActivityManager package classes */
        final ArrayList<ActivityStack> mStacks = new ArrayList<>();
  • c)【ActivityStack.java】ActivityStack包含一个TaskRecord数组mTaskHistory
private final ArrayList<TaskRecord> mTaskHistory = new ArrayList<>();
  • d)【TaskRecord.java】TaskRecord包含一个ActivityRecord数组mActivityies
final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mActivities;



ActivityManagerService {
            ActivityStack[] {
                TaskRecord[] {


  • a)【ActivityStackSupervisor.java::findActivityLocked】
    ActivityRecord findActivityLocked(Intent intent, ActivityInfo info,
                                      boolean compareIntentFilters) {
        for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
            final ArrayList<ActivityStack> stacks = mActivityDisplays.valueAt(displayNdx).mStacks;
            for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) {
                final ActivityRecord ar = stacks.get(stackNdx)
                        .findActivityLocked(intent, info, compareIntentFilters);
                if (ar != null) {
                    return ar;
        return null;
  • b)【ActivityStack.java::findActivityLocked】
ActivityRecord findActivityLocked(Intent intent, ActivityInfo info,
                                      boolean compareIntentFilters) {
        ComponentName cls = intent.getComponent();
        if (info.targetActivity != null) {
            cls = new ComponentName(info.packageName, info.targetActivity);
        final int userId = UserHandle.getUserId(info.applicationInfo.uid);
        for (int taskNdx = mTaskHistory.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) {
            final TaskRecord task = mTaskHistory.get(taskNdx);
            final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> activities = task.mActivities;
            for (int activityNdx = activities.size() - 1; activityNdx >= 0; --activityNdx) {
                ActivityRecord r = activities.get(activityNdx);
                if (!r.okToShowLocked()) {
                if (!r.finishing && r.userId == userId) {
                    if (compareIntentFilters) {
                        if (r.intent.filterEquals(intent)) {
                            return r;
                    } else {
                        if (r.intent.getComponent().equals(cls)) {
                            return r;
        return null;

由以上分析可知,AMS是通过ActivitySupervisor.java的内部类ActivityDisplay来实现多组显示的:根据不同的mDisplayId来划分不同的ActivityStack。而每一个ActivityStack代表什么呢?我们跟踪一下ActivitySupervisor.java: mActivityDisplays这个成员变量的操作便知一二:


    void setWindowManager(WindowManagerService wm) {
        synchronized (mService) {
            mWindowManager = wm;

            mDisplayManager =
            mDisplayManager.registerDisplayListener(this, null);
            mDisplayManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(DisplayManagerInternal.class);
            Display[] displays = mDisplayManager.getDisplays();
            for (int displayNdx = displays.length - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) {
                final int displayId = displays[displayNdx].getDisplayId();
                ActivityDisplay activityDisplay = new ActivityDisplay(displayId);
                if (activityDisplay.mDisplay == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Default Display does not exist");
                mActivityDisplays.put(displayId, activityDisplay);

            mHomeStack = mFocusedStack = mLastFocusedStack =
                    getStack(HOME_STACK_ID, CREATE_IF_NEEDED, ON_TOP);

            mInputManagerInternal = LocalServices.getService(InputManagerInternal.class);




    public Display[] getDisplays() {
        return getDisplays(null);
    public Display[] getDisplays(String category) {
        final int[] displayIds = mGlobal.getDisplayIds();
        synchronized (mLock) {
            try {
                if (category == null) {
                    addAllDisplaysLocked(mTempDisplays, displayIds);
                } else if (category.equals(DISPLAY_CATEGORY_PRESENTATION)) {
                return mTempDisplays.toArray(new Display[mTempDisplays.size()]);
            } finally {



        @Override // Binder call
        public int[] getDisplayIds() {
            final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
            final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
            try {
                return getDisplayIdsInternal(callingUid);
            } finally {

    private int[] getDisplayIdsInternal(int callingUid) {
        synchronized (mSyncRoot) {
            final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
            int[] displayIds = new int[count];
            int n = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
                DisplayInfo info = display.getDisplayInfoLocked();
                if (info.hasAccess(callingUid)) {
                    displayIds[n++] = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i);
            if (n != count) {
                displayIds = Arrays.copyOfRange(displayIds, 0, n);
            return displayIds;




public ActivityManagerService(Context systemContext) {
        mStackSupervisor = createStackSupervisor();
        mKeyguardController = mStackSupervisor.mKeyguardController;
        mCompatModePackages = new CompatModePackages(this, systemDir, mHandler);
        mIntentFirewall = new IntentFirewall(new IntentFirewallInterface(), mHandler);
        mTaskChangeNotificationController =
                new TaskChangeNotificationController(this, mStackSupervisor, mHandler);
        mActivityStarter = new ActivityStarter(this, mStackSupervisor);
        mRecentTasks = new RecentTasks(this, mStackSupervisor);




ActivityStack mHomeStack;
    //当前获得聚焦的activityStack, 接收输入、启动的activity
    ActivityStack mFocusedStack;
    private ActivityStack mLastFocusedStack;
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mActivitiesWaitingForVisibleActivity = new ArrayList<>();
    private final ArrayList<WaitInfo> mWaitingForActivityVisible = new ArrayList<>();

    final ArrayList<WaitResult> mWaitingActivityLaunched = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mStoppingActivities = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mFinishingActivities = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mGoingToSleepActivities = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mMultiWindowModeChangedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
    //pip=Picture-in-picture, 画中画模式发生了变化,需要通知application的ActivityRecord
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mPipModeChangedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
    SparseArray<ActivityStack> mStacks = new SparseArray<>();


void moveStackToDisplayLocked(int stackId, int displayId, boolean onTop) {
        final ActivityDisplay activityDisplay = getActivityDisplayOrCreateLocked(displayId);
        if (activityDisplay == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("moveStackToDisplayLocked: Unknown displayId="
                    + displayId);
        final ActivityStack stack = mStacks.get(stackId);
        if (stack == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("moveStackToDisplayLocked: Unknown stackId="
                    + stackId);
        final ActivityDisplay currentDisplay = stack.getDisplay();
        if (currentDisplay == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("moveStackToDisplayLocked: Stack with stack=" + stack
                    + " is not attached to any display.");

        if (currentDisplay.mDisplayId == displayId) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to move stack=" + stack
                    + " to its current displayId=" + displayId);
        stack.reparent(activityDisplay, onTop);
        // TODO(multi-display): resize stacks properly if moved from split-screen.


  • ActivityStackSupervisor是管理Activity的大boss
  • AMS支持多个逻辑显示器,每个逻辑显示器对应一个ActivityStack
  • 每个ActivityStack管理多个任务:TaskRecord
  • 每个任务有多个ActivityRecord



        public int startActivity(IBinder whoThread, String callingPackage,
                Intent intent, String resolvedType, Bundle bOptions) {

            int callingUser = UserHandle.getCallingUserId();
            TaskRecord tr;
            IApplicationThread appThread;
            synchronized (ActivityManagerService.this) {
                tr = mStackSupervisor.anyTaskForIdLocked(mTaskId);
                if (tr == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find task ID " + mTaskId);
                appThread = IApplicationThread.Stub.asInterface(whoThread);
                if (appThread == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad app thread " + appThread);
            return mActivityStarter.startActivityMayWait(appThread, -1, callingPackage, intent,
                    resolvedType, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null, null,
                    null, bOptions, false, callingUser, tr, "AppTaskImpl");




final int startActivityMayWait(IApplicationThread caller, int callingUid,
            String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags,
            ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, WaitResult outResult,
            Configuration globalConfig, Bundle bOptions, boolean ignoreTargetSecurity, int userId,
            TaskRecord inTask, String reason) {
        // Refuse possible leaked file descriptors
        if (intent != null && intent.hasFileDescriptors()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("File descriptors passed in Intent");
        boolean componentSpecified = intent.getComponent() != null;

        // Save a copy in case ephemeral needs it
        final Intent ephemeralIntent = new Intent(intent);
        // Don't modify the client's object!
        intent = new Intent(intent);
        if (componentSpecified
                && intent.getData() != null
                && Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())
                && mService.getPackageManagerInternalLocked()
                        .isInstantAppInstallerComponent(intent.getComponent())) {
            // intercept intents targeted directly to the ephemeral installer the
            // ephemeral installer should never be started with a raw URL; instead
            // adjust the intent so it looks like a "normal" instant app launch
            intent.setComponent(null /*component*/);
            componentSpecified = false;
        ActivityInfo aInfo = mSupervisor.resolveActivity(intent, rInfo, startFlags, profilerInfo);

        ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.fromBundle(bOptions);
        synchronized (mService) {
            final int realCallingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
            final int realCallingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();

            if (aInfo != null &&
                            & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_CANT_SAVE_STATE) != 0) {
            final ActivityRecord[] outRecord = new ActivityRecord[1];
            int res = startActivityLocked(caller, intent, ephemeralIntent, resolvedType,
                    aInfo, rInfo, voiceSession, voiceInteractor,
                    resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, callingPid,
                    callingUid, callingPackage, realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags,
                    options, ignoreTargetSecurity, componentSpecified, outRecord, inTask,

            if (stack.mConfigWillChange) {
                mService.updateConfigurationLocked(globalConfig, null, false);

            if (outResult != null) {
                outResult.result = res;
                if (res == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {
                    do {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    } while (outResult.result != START_TASK_TO_FRONT
                            && !outResult.timeout && outResult.who == null);
                    if (outResult.result == START_TASK_TO_FRONT) {
                        res = START_TASK_TO_FRONT;

            mSupervisor.mActivityMetricsLogger.notifyActivityLaunched(res, outRecord[0]);
            return res;


  • 通过PKMS查找匹配该Intent的ActivityInfo
  • 通过调用者PID、UID待信息进一步确认该ActivityInfo
  • 创建新的ActivityRrecord并启动
  • 核心调用:startActivityLocked下面将展开分析


    int startActivityLocked(IApplicationThread caller, Intent intent, Intent ephemeralIntent,
            String resolvedType, ActivityInfo aInfo, ResolveInfo rInfo,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int callingPid, int callingUid,
            String callingPackage, int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid, int startFlags,
            ActivityOptions options, boolean ignoreTargetSecurity, boolean componentSpecified,
            ActivityRecord[] outActivity, TaskRecord inTask, String reason) {

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(reason)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need to specify a reason.");
        mLastStartReason = reason;
        mLastStartActivityTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
        mLastStartActivityRecord[0] = null;
        mLastStartActivityResult = startActivity(caller, intent, ephemeralIntent, resolvedType,
                aInfo, rInfo, voiceSession, voiceInteractor, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode,
                callingPid, callingUid, callingPackage, realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags,
                options, ignoreTargetSecurity, componentSpecified, mLastStartActivityRecord,

        if (outActivity != null) {
            // mLastStartActivityRecord[0] is set in the call to startActivity above.
            outActivity[0] = mLastStartActivityRecord[0];

        // Aborted results are treated as successes externally, but we must track them internally.
        return mLastStartActivityResult != START_ABORTED ? mLastStartActivityResult : START_SUCCESS;




private int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, Intent intent, Intent ephemeralIntent,
            String resolvedType, ActivityInfo aInfo, ResolveInfo rInfo,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int callingPid, int callingUid,
            String callingPackage, int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid, int startFlags,
            ActivityOptions options, boolean ignoreTargetSecurity, boolean componentSpecified,
            ActivityRecord[] outActivity, TaskRecord inTask) {
        int err = ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS;
        // Pull the optional Ephemeral Installer-only bundle out of the options early.
        final Bundle verificationBundle
                = options != null ? options.popAppVerificationBundle() : null;

        ProcessRecord callerApp = null;
        if (caller != null) {
            callerApp = mService.getRecordForAppLocked(caller);
            if (callerApp != null) {
                callingPid = callerApp.pid;
                callingUid = callerApp.info.uid;
            } else {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to find app for caller " + caller
                        + " (pid=" + callingPid + ") when starting: "
                        + intent.toString());
                err = ActivityManager.START_PERMISSION_DENIED;

        final int userId = aInfo != null ? UserHandle.getUserId(aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) : 0;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS) {
            Slog.i(TAG, "START u" + userId + " {" + intent.toShortString(true, true, true, false)
                    + "} from uid " + callingUid);
        ActivityRecord sourceRecord = null;
        ActivityRecord resultRecord = null;
        if (resultTo != null) {
            sourceRecord = mSupervisor.isInAnyStackLocked(resultTo);
            if (DEBUG_RESULTS) Slog.v(TAG_RESULTS,
                    "Will send result to " + resultTo + " " + sourceRecord);
            if (sourceRecord != null) {
                if (requestCode >= 0 && !sourceRecord.finishing) {
                    resultRecord = sourceRecord;
        final int launchFlags = intent.getFlags();
        if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) != 0 && sourceRecord != null) {
            // Transfer the result target from the source activity to the new
            // one being started, including any failures.
            if (requestCode >= 0) {
                return ActivityManager.START_FORWARD_AND_REQUEST_CONFLICT;
            resultRecord = sourceRecord.resultTo;
            if (resultRecord != null && !resultRecord.isInStackLocked()) {
                resultRecord = null;
            resultWho = sourceRecord.resultWho;
            requestCode = sourceRecord.requestCode;
            sourceRecord.resultTo = null;
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                resultRecord.removeResultsLocked(sourceRecord, resultWho, requestCode);
            if (sourceRecord.launchedFromUid == callingUid) {
                // The new activity is being launched from the same uid as the previous
                // activity in the flow, and asking to forward its result back to the
                // previous.  In this case the activity is serving as a trampoline between
                // the two, so we also want to update its launchedFromPackage to be the
                // same as the previous activity.  Note that this is safe, since we know
                // these two packages come from the same uid; the caller could just as
                // well have supplied that same package name itself.  This specifially
                // deals with the case of an intent picker/chooser being launched in the app
                // flow to redirect to an activity picked by the user, where we want the final
                // activity to consider it to have been launched by the previous app activity.
                callingPackage = sourceRecord.launchedFromPackage;


        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && intent.getComponent() == null) {
            // We couldn't find a class that can handle the given Intent.
            // That's the end of that!
            err = ActivityManager.START_INTENT_NOT_RESOLVED;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && aInfo == null) {
            // We couldn't find the specific class specified in the Intent.
            // Also the end of the line.
            err = ActivityManager.START_CLASS_NOT_FOUND;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && sourceRecord != null
                && sourceRecord.getTask().voiceSession != null) {
            // If this activity is being launched as part of a voice session, we need
            // to ensure that it is safe to do so.  If the upcoming activity will also
            // be part of the voice session, we can only launch it if it has explicitly
            // said it supports the VOICE category, or it is a part of the calling app.
            if ((launchFlags & FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) == 0
                    && sourceRecord.info.applicationInfo.uid != aInfo.applicationInfo.uid) {
                try {
                    if (!AppGlobals.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(
                            intent.getComponent(), intent, resolvedType)) {
                                "Activity being started in current voice task does not support voice: "
                                        + intent);
                        err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;
                } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Failure checking voice capabilities", e);
                    err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;

        if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && voiceSession != null) {
            // If the caller is starting a new voice session, just make sure the target
            // is actually allowing it to run this way.
            try {
                if (!AppGlobals.getPackageManager().activitySupportsIntent(intent.getComponent(),
                        intent, resolvedType)) {
                            "Activity being started in new voice task does not support: "
                                    + intent);
                    err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Failure checking voice capabilities", e);
                err = ActivityManager.START_NOT_VOICE_COMPATIBLE;

        final ActivityStack resultStack = resultRecord == null ? null : resultRecord.getStack();

        if (err != START_SUCCESS) {
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                        -1, resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode, RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            return err;
        boolean abort = !mSupervisor.checkStartAnyActivityPermission(intent, aInfo, resultWho,
                requestCode, callingPid, callingUid, callingPackage, ignoreTargetSecurity, callerApp,
                resultRecord, resultStack, options);
        abort |= !mService.mIntentFirewall.checkStartActivity(intent, callingUid,
                callingPid, resolvedType, aInfo.applicationInfo);

        if (mService.mController != null) {
            try {
                // The Intent we give to the watcher has the extra data
                // stripped off, since it can contain private information.
                Intent watchIntent = intent.cloneFilter();
                abort |= !mService.mController.activityStarting(watchIntent,
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                mService.mController = null;
        mInterceptor.setStates(userId, realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags, callingPackage);
        mInterceptor.intercept(intent, rInfo, aInfo, resolvedType, inTask, callingPid, callingUid,
        intent = mInterceptor.mIntent;
        rInfo = mInterceptor.mRInfo;
        aInfo = mInterceptor.mAInfo;
        resolvedType = mInterceptor.mResolvedType;
        inTask = mInterceptor.mInTask;
        callingPid = mInterceptor.mCallingPid;
        callingUid = mInterceptor.mCallingUid;
        options = mInterceptor.mActivityOptions;
        if (abort) {
            if (resultRecord != null) {
                resultStack.sendActivityResultLocked(-1, resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode,
                        RESULT_CANCELED, null);
            // We pretend to the caller that it was really started, but
            // they will just get a cancel result.
            return START_ABORTED;

        if (mService.mPermissionReviewRequired && aInfo != null) {
            if (mService.getPackageManagerInternalLocked().isPermissionsReviewRequired(
                    aInfo.packageName, userId)) {
                IIntentSender target = mService.getIntentSenderLocked(
                        ActivityManager.INTENT_SENDER_ACTIVITY, callingPackage,
                        callingUid, userId, null, null, 0, new Intent[]{intent},
                        new String[]{resolvedType}, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT
                                | PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT, null);

                final int flags = intent.getFlags();
                Intent newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_REVIEW_PERMISSIONS);
                        | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS);
                newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME, aInfo.packageName);
                newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT, new IntentSender(target));
                if (resultRecord != null) {
                    newIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_RESULT_NEEDED, true);
                intent = newIntent;

                resolvedType = null;
                callingUid = realCallingUid;
                callingPid = realCallingPid;

                rInfo = mSupervisor.resolveIntent(intent, resolvedType, userId);
                aInfo = mSupervisor.resolveActivity(intent, rInfo, startFlags,
                        null /*profilerInfo*/);

                if (DEBUG_PERMISSIONS_REVIEW) {
                    Slog.i(TAG, "START u" + userId + " {" + intent.toShortString(true, true,
                            true, false) + "} from uid " + callingUid + " on display "
                            + (mSupervisor.mFocusedStack == null
                            ? DEFAULT_DISPLAY : mSupervisor.mFocusedStack.mDisplayId));

        // If we have an ephemeral app, abort the process of launching the resolved intent.
        // Instead, launch the ephemeral installer. Once the installer is finished, it
        // starts either the intent we resolved here [on install error] or the ephemeral
        // app [on install success].
        if (rInfo != null && rInfo.auxiliaryInfo != null) {
            intent = createLaunchIntent(rInfo.auxiliaryInfo, ephemeralIntent,
                    callingPackage, verificationBundle, resolvedType, userId);
            resolvedType = null;
            callingUid = realCallingUid;
            callingPid = realCallingPid;

            aInfo = mSupervisor.resolveActivity(intent, rInfo, startFlags, null /*profilerInfo*/);


  • 参数的合法性检查(注意学习err的判断和赋值技巧:虽然有多个独立的if连写,但是最终只会跑其中一个分支)
  • 权限检查
  • 看情况调整部分参数
  • 目前为止还没有开始真正干核心的活


        ActivityRecord r = new ActivityRecord(mService, callerApp, callingPid, callingUid,
                callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, aInfo, mService.getGlobalConfiguration(),
                resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode, componentSpecified, voiceSession != null,
                mSupervisor, options, sourceRecord);
        if (outActivity != null) {
            outActivity[0] = r; //保存到输入参数outActivity数组中

        if (r.appTimeTracker == null && sourceRecord != null) {
            // If the caller didn't specify an explicit time tracker, we want to continue
            // tracking under any it has.
            r.appTimeTracker = sourceRecord.appTimeTracker;

        final ActivityStack stack = mSupervisor.mFocusedStack;
        if (voiceSession == null && (stack.mResumedActivity == null
                || stack.mResumedActivity.info.applicationInfo.uid != callingUid)) {
            if (!mService.checkAppSwitchAllowedLocked(callingPid, callingUid,
                    realCallingPid, realCallingUid, "Activity start")) {
                //如果AMS当前禁止app switch,则只能把本次启动请求保存起来,以待app switch时再处理。
                PendingActivityLaunch pal =  new PendingActivityLaunch(r,
                        sourceRecord, startFlags, stack, callerApp);
                return ActivityManager.START_SWITCHES_CANCELED;

        if (mService.mDidAppSwitch) {//用于控制app switch,
            // This is the second allowed switch since we stopped switches,
            // so now just generally allow switches.  Use case: user presses
            // home (switches disabled, switch to home, mDidAppSwitch now true);
            // user taps a home icon (coming from home so allowed, we hit here
            // and now allow anyone to switch again).
            mService.mAppSwitchesAllowedTime = 0;
        } else {
            mService.mDidAppSwitch = true;
        return startActivity(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor, startFlags, true,
                options, inTask, outActivity);


  • 创建ActivityRecord
  • 如果当前AMS禁止app切换,那么将请求保存起来
  • 启动之前因系统禁止app切换而保存的pedding请求
  • 启用真正的启动函数——干真正启动相关的活



private int startActivity(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, TaskRecord inTask,
            ActivityRecord[] outActivity) {
        int result = START_CANCELED;
        try {
            result = startActivityUnchecked(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor,
                    startFlags, doResume, options, inTask, outActivity);
        } finally {
            // If we are not able to proceed, disassociate the activity from the task. Leaving an
            // activity in an incomplete state can lead to issues, such as performing operations
            // without a window container.
            if (!ActivityManager.isStartResultSuccessful(result)
                    && mStartActivity.getTask() != null) {
        postStartActivityProcessing(r, result, mSupervisor.getLastStack().mStackId,  mSourceRecord,

        return result;





private int startActivityUnchecked(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, TaskRecord inTask,
            ActivityRecord[] outActivity) {

        setInitialState(r, options, inTask, doResume, startFlags, sourceRecord, voiceSession,

        ActivityRecord reusedActivity = getReusableIntentActivity();

        final int preferredLaunchStackId =
                (mOptions != null) ? mOptions.getLaunchStackId() : INVALID_STACK_ID;
        final int preferredLaunchDisplayId =
                (mOptions != null) ? mOptions.getLaunchDisplayId() : DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
        if (reusedActivity != null) {
            // When the flags NEW_TASK and CLEAR_TASK are set, then the task gets reused but
            // still needs to be a lock task mode violation since the task gets cleared out and
            // the device would otherwise leave the locked task.
            if (mSupervisor.isLockTaskModeViolation(reusedActivity.getTask(),
                    (mLaunchFlags & (FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK))
                            == (FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK))) {
                Slog.e(TAG, "startActivityUnchecked: Attempt to violate Lock Task Mode");

            if (mStartActivity.getTask() == null) {
            if (reusedActivity.getTask().intent == null) {
                // This task was started because of movement of the activity based on affinity...
                // Now that we are actually launching it, we can assign the base intent.

            // This code path leads to delivering a new intent, we want to make sure we schedule it
            // as the first operation, in case the activity will be resumed as a result of later
            // operations.
            if ((mLaunchFlags & FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) != 0
                    || isDocumentLaunchesIntoExisting(mLaunchFlags)
                    || mLaunchSingleInstance || mLaunchSingleTask) {
                final TaskRecord task = reusedActivity.getTask();

                // In this situation we want to remove all activities from the task up to the one
                // being started. In most cases this means we are resetting the task to its initial
                // state.
                final ActivityRecord top = task.performClearTaskForReuseLocked(mStartActivity,

                // The above code can remove {@code reusedActivity} from the task, leading to the
                // the {@code ActivityRecord} removing its reference to the {@code TaskRecord}. The
                // task reference is needed in the call below to
                // {@link setTargetStackAndMoveToFrontIfNeeded}.
                if (reusedActivity.getTask() == null) {

                if (top != null) {
                    if (top.frontOfTask) {
                        // Activity aliases may mean we use different intents for the top activity,
                        // so make sure the task now has the identity of the new intent.


        //P1: 如果目标activity是在当前栈顶,检测一下是它是否只能启动一次
        final ActivityStack topStack = mSupervisor.mFocusedStack;
        final ActivityRecord topFocused = topStack.topActivity();
        final ActivityRecord top = topStack.topRunningNonDelayedActivityLocked(mNotTop);
        final boolean dontStart = top != null && mStartActivity.resultTo == null
                && top.realActivity.equals(mStartActivity.realActivity)
                && top.userId == mStartActivity.userId
                && top.app != null && top.app.thread != null
                && ((mLaunchFlags & FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) != 0
                || mLaunchSingleTop || mLaunchSingleTask);
        if (dontStart) {
            // For paranoia, make sure we have correctly resumed the top activity.
            topStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
            if (mDoResume) {
            if ((mStartFlags & START_FLAG_ONLY_IF_NEEDED) != 0) {
                // We don't need to start a new activity, and the client said not to do
                // anything if that is the case, so this is it!
                return START_RETURN_INTENT_TO_CALLER;


            // Don't use mStartActivity.task to show the toast. We're not starting a new activity
            // but reusing 'top'. Fields in mStartActivity may not be fully initialized.
            mSupervisor.handleNonResizableTaskIfNeeded(top.getTask(), preferredLaunchStackId,
                    preferredLaunchDisplayId, topStack.mStackId);

            return START_DELIVERED_TO_TOP;

        boolean newTask = false;
        final TaskRecord taskToAffiliate = (mLaunchTaskBehind && mSourceRecord != null)
                ? mSourceRecord.getTask() : null;

        int result = START_SUCCESS;
        if (mStartActivity.resultTo == null && mInTask == null && !mAddingToTask
                && (mLaunchFlags & FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) != 0) {
            newTask = true;
            result = setTaskFromReuseOrCreateNewTask(
                    taskToAffiliate, preferredLaunchStackId, topStack);
        } else if (mSourceRecord != null) {
            result = setTaskFromSourceRecord();
        } else if (mInTask != null) {
            result = setTaskFromInTask();
        } else {
            // This not being started from an existing activity, and not part of a new task...
            // just put it in the top task, though these days this case should never happen.
        if (result != START_SUCCESS) {
            return result;


  • 如果目标Activity已经在栈顶,那么就几乎不用做什么事情了
  • 否则需要进一步确定目标Activity运行于哪一个Task


                EventLogTags.AM_CREATE_ACTIVITY, mStartActivity, mStartActivity.getTask());
        mTargetStack.mLastPausedActivity = null;
        sendPowerHintForLaunchStartIfNeeded(false /* forceSend */, mStartActivity);
        mTargetStack.startActivityLocked(mStartActivity, topFocused, newTask, mKeepCurTransition,
        if (mDoResume) {
            final ActivityRecord topTaskActivity =
            if (!mTargetStack.isFocusable()
                    || (topTaskActivity != null && topTaskActivity.mTaskOverlay
                    && mStartActivity != topTaskActivity)) {
                mTargetStack.ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(null, 0, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS);
            } else {
                if (mTargetStack.isFocusable() && !mSupervisor.isFocusedStack(mTargetStack)) {
                mSupervisor.resumeFocusedStackTopActivityLocked(mTargetStack, mStartActivity,
        } else {
        mSupervisor.updateUserStackLocked(mStartActivity.userId, mTargetStack);
        mSupervisor.handleNonResizableTaskIfNeeded(mStartActivity.getTask(), preferredLaunchStackId,
                preferredLaunchDisplayId, mTargetStack.mStackId);

        return START_SUCCESS;



    final void startActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord focusedTopActivity,
            boolean newTask, boolean keepCurTransition, ActivityOptions options) {
        TaskRecord rTask = r.getTask();
        final int taskId = rTask.taskId;
        // mLaunchTaskBehind表示任务位于任务堆栈的后面.
        if (!r.mLaunchTaskBehind && (taskForIdLocked(taskId) == null || newTask)) {
            insertTaskAtTop(rTask, r);
        TaskRecord task = null;
        if (!newTask) {
            boolean startIt = true;
        // 把一个新的Activity放入栈顶,那下一步是与用户交互.
        if (r.getWindowContainerController() == null) {

        if (!isHomeOrRecentsStack() || numActivities() > 0) {
            if (r.mLaunchTaskBehind) {
                ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(null, 0, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS);
            } else if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW && doShow) {
                r.showStartingWindow(prev, newTask, isTaskSwitch(r, focusedTopActivity));
        } else {




boolean resumeFocusedStackTopActivityLocked(
            ActivityStack targetStack, ActivityRecord target, ActivityOptions targetOptions) {

        if (!readyToResume()) {
            return false;

        if (targetStack != null && isFocusedStack(targetStack)) {
            return targetStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(target, targetOptions);

        final ActivityRecord r = mFocusedStack.topRunningActivityLocked();
        if (r == null || r.state != RESUMED) {
            mFocusedStack.resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(null, null);
        } else if (r.state == RESUMED) {
            // Kick off any lingering app transitions form the MoveTaskToFront operation.

        return false;



boolean resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked(ActivityRecord prev, ActivityOptions options) {
        if (mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity) {
            return false;

        boolean result = false;
        try {
            mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity = true;
            result = resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(prev, options);
        } finally {
            mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity = false;
        final ActivityRecord next = topRunningActivityLocked(true /* focusableOnly */);
        if (next == null || !next.canTurnScreenOn()) {

        return result;



private boolean resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(ActivityRecord prev, ActivityOptions options) {
        if (!mService.mBooting && !mService.mBooted) {
            // Not ready yet!
            return false;

        final ActivityRecord next = topRunningActivityLocked(true /* focusableOnly */);

        final boolean hasRunningActivity = next != null;


        if (!hasRunningActivity) {
            // S1:如果栈中没有Activity,从其它地方找activity
            return resumeTopActivityInNextFocusableStack(prev, options, "noMoreActivities");

        next.delayedResume = false;
        ActivityStack lastStack = mStackSupervisor.getLastStack();
        if (next.app != null && next.app.thread != null) {
        } else {
            //S3: 第一次启动
            if (!next.hasBeenLaunched) {
                next.hasBeenLaunched = true;
            } else {
                if (SHOW_APP_STARTING_PREVIEW) {
                    next.showStartingWindow(null /* prev */, false /* newTask */,
                            false /* taskSwich */);
                if (DEBUG_SWITCH) Slog.v(TAG_SWITCH, "Restarting: " + next);
            if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG_STATES, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting " + next);
            mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked(next, true, true);

        if (DEBUG_STACK) mStackSupervisor.validateTopActivitiesLocked();
        return true;




void startSpecificActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r,
            boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) {
        ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName,
                r.info.applicationInfo.uid, true);
        if (app != null && app.thread != null) {
            try {
                if ((r.info.flags&ActivityInfo.FLAG_MULTIPROCESS) == 0
                        || !"android".equals(r.info.packageName)) {

                    app.addPackage(r.info.packageName, r.info.applicationInfo.versionCode,
                realStartActivityLocked(r, app, andResume, checkConfig);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting activity "
                        + r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e);
        mService.startProcessLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo, true, 0,
                "activity", r.intent.getComponent(), false, false, true);



    final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName,
            ApplicationInfo info, boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags,
            String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName, boolean allowWhileBooting,
            boolean isolated, boolean keepIfLarge) {
        return startProcessLocked(processName, info, knownToBeDead, intentFlags, hostingType,
                hostingName, allowWhileBooting, isolated, 0 /* isolatedUid */, keepIfLarge,
                null /* ABI override */, null /* entryPoint */, null /* entryPointArgs */,
                null /* crashHandler */);



final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName, ApplicationInfo info,
            boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags, String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName,
            boolean allowWhileBooting, boolean isolated, int isolatedUid, boolean keepIfLarge,
            String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs, Runnable crashHandler) {
        long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        ProcessRecord app;
        if (!isolated) {
            app = getProcessRecordLocked(processName, info.uid, keepIfLarge);
        } else {
            // If this is an isolated process, it can't re-use an existing process.
            app = null;

        if (app == null) {
            app = newProcessRecordLocked(info, processName, isolated, isolatedUid);
            if (app == null) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Failed making new process record for "
                        + processName + "/" + info.uid + " isolated=" + isolated);
                return null;
            app.crashHandler = crashHandler;
            checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done creating new process record");
        } else {
            // If this is a new package in the process, add the package to the list
            app.addPackage(info.packageName, info.versionCode, mProcessStats);
            checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: added package to existing proc");

        // process until it is.
        if (!mProcessesReady
                && !isAllowedWhileBooting(info)
                && !allowWhileBooting) {
            if (!mProcessesOnHold.contains(app)) {
            if (DEBUG_PROCESSES) Slog.v(TAG_PROCESSES,
                    "System not ready, putting on hold: " + app);
            checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: returning with proc on hold");
            return app;

                app, hostingType, hostingNameStr, abiOverride, entryPoint, entryPointArgs);
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done starting proc!");
        return (app.pid != 0) ? app : null;


private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app, String hostingType,
            String hostingNameStr, String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs) {

        try {
            if (hostingType.equals("webview_service")) {
            } else {
                startResult = Process.start(entryPoint,
                        app.processName, uid, uid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal,
                        app.info.targetSdkVersion, seInfo, requiredAbi, instructionSet,
                        app.info.dataDir, invokeWith, entryPointArgs);
            if (app.persistent) {
                Watchdog.getInstance().processStarted(app.processName, startResult.pid);

            synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) {
                //以pid为key,将代表该进程的ProcessPrecord对象加入到mPidsSelfLocked中保管                this.mPidsSelfLocked.put(startResult.pid, app);
                if (isActivityProcess) {
                    Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(PROC_START_TIMEOUT_MSG);
                    msg.obj = app;
                    mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, startResult.usingWrapper
            checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done updating pids map");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {




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