人脸表情识别 数据集x论文x代码 -- 资源集合

?FER Datasets

?FER Challenges

?Related Reviews

?Outstanding Researchers or Groups

?Related Conferences and Journals

?Facial Expression Recognition (FER)

?Cross-Dataset FER

?Facial Action Unit Recognition

?Affective Level Estimation

?Human Factors on FR or FER

FER Datasets

FER Challenges

Related Reviews

  • (ACM Computing Surveys 19) Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 19) Deep Learning for Human Affect Recognition: Insights and New Developments [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 18) Survey on Emotional Body Gesture Recognition [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 17)Automatic Analysis of Facial Actions: A Survey [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16) Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-Related Applications[paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15) Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition [paper]
  • (Image and Vision Computing 13) Categorical and dimensional affect analysis in continuous input: Current trends and future directions [paper]
  • (FG 11) Emotion representation, analysis and synthesis in continuous space: A survey [paper]
  • Deep Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey [paper]

Outstanding Researchers Or Groups

? Outstanding affective computing researchers or groups that are still active in this field, in no particular order.

Related Conferences and Journals




IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Pattern Recognition,IEEE Transactions on Affective ComputingIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticIEEE Transactions on Human-Machine SystemsImage and Vision ComputingComputer Vision and Image UnderstandingIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video TechnologyIEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental SystemsIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on MultimediaIEEE AccessIEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsNeurocomputingIEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity SciencePattern Recognition Letters

Facial Expression Recognition

Association for the Advance of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

  • (2019) Mode Variational LSTM Robust to Unseen Modes of Variation: Application to Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation [paper]
  • (2019) CycleEmotionGAN: Emotional Semantic Consistency Preserved CycleGAN for Adapting Image Emotions [paper]
  • (2018) ExprGAN: Facial Expression Editing with Controllable Expression Intensity [paper],[code][?]
  • (2018) Learning Spatio-temporal Features with Partial Expression Sequences for on-the-Fly Prediction [paper][?]

ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM)

  • (2019) PDANet: Polarity-consistent Deep Attention Network for Fine-grained Visual Emotion Regression [paper]
  • (2018) Fast and Light Manifold CNN based 3D Facial Expression Recognition across Pose Variations [paper]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild: A Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Attention Transfer Approach [paper]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition Enhanced by Thermal Images through Adversarial Learning [paper]
  • (2018) Geometry Guided Adversarial Facial Expression Synthesis [paper]
  • (2018) Conditional Expression Synthesis with Face Parsing Transformation [paper]

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

  • (2019) Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Networks [paper]
  • (2019) Attention-Aware Polarity Sensitive Embedding for Affective Image Retrieval [paper]
  • (2019) Zero-Shot Emotion Recognition via Affective Structural Embedding [paper]
  • (2017) A Novel Space-Time Representation on the Positive Semidefinite Cone for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • (2017) (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition via Joint Deep Learning of RGB-Depth Map Latent Representations [paper][?]
  • (2017) (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition using Visual Saliency and Deep Learning [paper][??]
  • (2015) Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][???]
  • (2015) Pairwise Conditional Random Forests for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets [paper]
  • (2018) Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias [paper]
  • (2018) Deep Multi-Task Learning to Recognise Subtle Facial Expressions of Mental States [paper]
  • (2016) Peak-Piloted Deep Network for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][???]

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

  • (2019) A Compact Embedding for Facial Expression Similarity [paper]
  • (2019) Facial Emotion Distribution Learning by Exploiting Low-Rank Label Correlations Locally [paper]
  • (2019) Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision [paper] [code]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition by De-expression Residue Learning [paper][???]
  • (2018) Joint Pose and Expression Modeling for Facial Expression Recognition [paper],[code][??]
  • (2018) 4DFAB: A Large Scale 4D Database for Facial Expression Analysis and Biometric Applications [paper][?]
  • (2018) (workshop) Covariance Pooling for Facial Expression Recognition [paper],[code][?]
  • (2018) (workshop) Unsupervised Features for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation over Time [paper][??]
  • (2018) (workshop) A Compact Deep Learning Model for Robust Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • (2017) Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Expression Recognition in the Wild [paper][?]
  • (2017) Emotion Recognition in Context [paper][?]
  • (2017) (workshop) Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks [paper][?]
  • (2017) (workshop) Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild With Multiple Memory Networks [paper][??]
  • (2017) (workshop) DyadGAN: Generating Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions [paper][?]
  • (2017) (workshop) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper][??]
  • (2016) LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos [paper][?]
  • (2016) Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Using Ordinal Information [paper],[Supplementary][??]
  • (2016) EmotioNet: An accurate, real-time algorithm for the automatic annotation of a million facial expressions in the wild [paper],[Supplementary][?]
  • (2016) Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Corpus for Human Behavior Analysis [paper][?]
  • (2016) (workshop) Automatic Recognition of Emotions and Membership in Group Videos [paper][?]
  • (2016) (workshop) Extended DISFA Dataset: Investigating Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expressions [paper][?]
  • (2014) Learning Expressionlets on Spatio-Temporal Manifold for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition [paper][??]
  • (2014) Facial Expression Recognition via a Boosted Deep Belief Network [paper][?]
  • (2013) Capturing Complex Spatio-Temporal Relations among Facial Muscles for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

  • (2018) Personality-Aware Personalized Emotion Recognition from Physiological Signals [paper]
  • (2017) Approximating Discrete Probability Distribution of Image Emotions by Multi-Modal Features Fusion [paper]
  • (2017) Dependency Exploitation: A Unified CNN-RNN Approach for Visual Emotion Recognition [paper]
  • (2017) Joint Image Emotion Classification and Distribution Learning via Deep Convolutional Neural Network [paper]
  • (2016) Multi-View Exclusive Unsupervised Dimension Reduction for Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition [paper]

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

  • (2019)A Personalized Affective Memory Model for Improving Emotion Recognition [paper]

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)

  • (2019) Expression, Affect, Action Unit Recognition: Aff-Wild2, Multi-Task Learning and ArcFace [paper]
  • (2019) Annealed Label Transfer for Face Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition via Collaborative Cross-domain Dynamic Image Network [paper]
  • (2019) An Unsupervised Subspace Ranking Method for Continuous Emotions in Face Images [paper]
  • (2018) Feature Selection Mechanism in CNNs for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)

  • (2018) Group Affect Prediction Using Multimodal Distributions [paper]
  • (2016) Going Deeper in Facial Expression Recognition using Deep Neural Networks [paper][?]

ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI)

  • (2018) Multi-Feature Based Emotion Recognition for Video Clips [paper]
  • (2018) Video-based Emotion Recognition Using Deeply-Supervised Neural Networks [paper]
  • (2018) Multiple Spatio-temporal Feature Learning for Video-based Emotion Recognition in the Wild [paper]
  • (2018) An Occam’s Razor View on Learning Audiovisual Emotion Recognition with Small Training Sets [paper]
  • (2018) Group-Level Emotion Recognition Using Hybrid Deep Models Based on Faces, Scenes, Skeletons and Visual Attentions [paper]
  • (2018) Cascade Attention Networks For Group Emotion Recognition with Face, Body and Image Cues [paper]
  • (2018) Group-Level Emotion Recognition using Deep Models with A Four-stream Hybrid Network [paper]
  • (2018) An Attention Model for group-level emotion recognition[paper]
  • (2017) Learning supervised scoring ensemble for emotion recognition in the wild [paper]
  • (2017) Convolutional neural networks pretrained on large face recognition datasets for emotion classification from video [paper]
  • (2017) Temporal Multimodal Fusion for Video Emotion Classification in the Wild [paper]
  • (2017) Emotion recognition with multimodal features and temporal models [paper]
  • (2017) Audio-visual emotion recognition using deep transfer learning and multiple temporal models [paper]

IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG)

  • (2019) Discriminative Attention-based Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) GF-CapsNet: Using Gabor Jet and Capsule Networks for Facial Age, Gender, and Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) G2-VER: Geometry Guided Model Ensemble for Video-based Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) A Graph-Structured Representation with BRNN for Static-based Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Using Photorealistic Face Synthesis and Domain Adaptation to Improve Facial Expression Analysis [paper]
  • (2019) Your Fellows Matter: Affect Analysis across Subjects in Group Videos [paper]
  • (2019) AFAR: A Deep Learning Based Tool for Automated Facial Affect Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Face and Emotion Recognition with Neural Networks on Mobile Devices: Practical Implementation on Different Platforms [paper]
  • (2019) Hierarchical Group-level Emotion Recognition in the Wild [paper]
  • (2019) Bounded Residual Gradient Networks (BReG-Net) for Facial Affect Computing [paper]
  • (2019) Generalizing to unseen head poses in facial expression recognition and action unit intensity estimation [paper]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Grounded Conversational Dialogue Generation[paper]
  • (2018) Island Loss for Learning Discriminative Features in Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Multi-Channel Pose-Aware Convolution Neural Networks for Multi-View Facial Expression Recognition [paper][???]
  • (2018) Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition using Dynamic Geometrical Image Network [paper][?]
  • (2018) ExpNet: Landmark-Free, Deep, 3D Facial Expressions [paper][code][?]
  • (2018) Perceptual Facial Expression Representation [paper][?]
  • (2018) Emotion-Preserving Representation Learning via Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper][??]
  • (2018) Spotting the Details: The Various Facets of Facial Expressions [paper][?]
  • (2018) Identity-Adaptive Facial Expression Recognition Through Expression Regeneration Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks [paper][???]
  • (2018) Hand-crafted Feature Guided Deep Learning for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][??]
  • (2018) Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • (2018) Changes in Facial Expression as Biometric: A Database and Benchmarks of Identification [paper][?]
  • (2018) LTP-ML : Micro-Expression Detection by Recognition of Local temporal Pattern of Facial Movements [paper][?]
  • (2018) From Macro to Micro Expression Recognition: Deep Learning on Small Datasets Using Transfer Learning [paper][?]
  • (2017) Accurate Facial Parts Localization and Deep Learning for 3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • (2017) FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition [paper][??]
  • (2017) Deep generative-contrastive networks for facial expression recognition [paper][???]
  • (2017) Identity-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][???]
  • (2017) (workshop) Spatio-Temporal Facial Expression Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields [paper][?]
  • (2017) Head Pose and Expression Transfer using Facial Status Score [paper][?]
  • (2017) Sayette Group Formation Task (GFT) Spontaneous Facial Expression Database [paper][??]
  • (2017) Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • (2017) Implicit Media Tagging and Affect Prediction from RGB-D video of spontaneous facial expressions [paper][??]
  • (2015) Pairwise Linear Regression: An Efficient and Fast Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)

  • (2019) Context-Aware Affective Graph Reasoning for Emotion Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Pooling Map Adaptation in Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]

IEEE Trans on Affective Computing

  • (2018) Heterogeneous Knowledge Transfer in Video Emotion Recognition, Attribution and Summarization [paper][???]
  • (2018) Emotion Recognition in Simulated Social Interactions [paper]
  • (2018) Co-clustering to reveal salient facial features for expression recognition[paper]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition with Identity and Emotion Joint Learning [paper]
  • (2018) Unsupervised adaptation of a person-specific manifold of facial expressions [paper][???]
  • (2018) Multi-velocity neural networks for facial expression recognition in videos [paper][???]
  • (2018) Multi-Objective based Spatio-Temporal Feature Representation Learning Robust to Expression Intensity Variations for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Visually Interpretable Representation Learning for Depression Recognition from Facial Images [paper][????]
  • (2018) An Adaptive Bayesian Source Separation Method for Intensity Estimation of Facial AUs [paper][????]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition in Video with Multiple Feature Fusion [paper][??]
  • (2018) The Indian Spontaneous Expression Database for Emotion Recognition[paper]

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

  • (2019) Sparse Coding of Shape Trajectories for Facial Expression and Action Recognition [paper]

IEEE Access

  • (2019) A deep spatial and temporal aggregation framework for video-based facial expression recognition [paper]
  • (2019) cGAN Based Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction [paper]
  • (2018) Geometric-Convolutional Feature Fusion Based on Learning Propagation for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Adaptive Feature Mapping for Customizing Deep Learning Based Facial Expression Recognition Model[paper]
  • (2018) Facial Expression Recognition Using Weighted Mixture Deep Neural Network Based on Double-Channel Facial Images [paper]
  • (2018) SMEConvNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Spontaneous Facial Micro-Expression From Long Videos [paper]
  • (2018) Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition From Still Images of Faces [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

  • (2018) Occlusion aware facial expression recognition using CNN with attention mechanism [paper]
  • (2017) Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Evolutional Spatial-Temporal Networks [paper]
  • (2013) Simultaneous Facial Feature Tracking and Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2005) Active and Dynamic Information Fusion for Facial Expression Understanding from Image Sequences [paper]

Pattern Recognition

  • (2019) Deep multi-path convolutional neural network joint with salient region attention for facial expression recognition [paper][????]
  • (2018) Conditional convolution neural network enhanced random forest for facial expression recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Collaborative discriminative multi-metric learning for facial expression recognition in video [paper]
  • (2015) Multimodal learning for facial expression recognition [paper]
  • (2014) Facial expression recognition in dynamic sequences: An integrated approach [paper]


  • (2019) Semi-supervised facial expression recognition using reduced spatial features and Deep Belief Networks [paper]
  • (2019) Three Convolutional Neural Network Models for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild [paper]
  • (2019) Cross-domain facial expression recognition via an intra-category common feature and inter-category Distinction feature fusion network [paper]
  • (2018) A visual attention based ROI detection method for facial expression recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Spatio-temporal convolutional features with nested LSTM for facial expression recognition [paper][????]
  • (2017) Emotion-modulated attention improves expression recognition: A deep learning model [paper]
  • (2017) An efficient unconstrained facial expression recognition algorithm based on Stack Binarized Auto-encoders and Binarized Neural Networks [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

  • (2019) Facial Expression Recognition Using Hierarchical Features With Deep Comprehensive Multipatches Aggregation Convolutional Neural Networks [paper]
  • (2018) MixedEmotions: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multimodal Emotion Analysis [paper]
  • (2018) Multimodal Framework for Analyzing the Affect of a Group of People [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

  • (2018) Learning Affective Features With a Hybrid Deep Model for Audio–Visual Emotion Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Mixture Statistic Metric Learning for Robust Human Action and Expression Recognition [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems

  • (2019) Facial Expression Recognition via Deep Action Units Graph Network Based on Psychological Mechanism [paper]

Computer Vision and Image Understanding

  • (2019) Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild[paper]

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

  • (2019) Adaptive Weighting of Handcrafted Feature Losses for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2015) Learning Multiscale Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis[paper]

Pattern Recognition Letters

  • (2019) Deep spatial-temporal feature fusion for facial expression recognition in static images [paper]


  • (Neural Networks 2018) Affect recognition from facial movements and body gestures by hierarchical deep spatio-temporal features and fusion strategy [paper]
  • (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2018) Expression-targeted feature learning for effective facial expression recognition [paper]
  • (IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 2017) End-to-End Multimodal Emotion Recognition using Deep Neural Networks [paper],[code]

Cross-Dataset FER

  • (Neurocomputing18) Cross-domain Facial Expression Recognition via an Intra-category Common Feature and Inter-category Distinction feature Fusion Network [paper]
  • Cross-database non-frontal facial expression recognition based on transductive deep transfer learning [paper]
  • Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Facial Expression Recognition Using Generative Adversarial Networks [paper]
  • ICPR 18 Deep Emotion Transfer Network for Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition
  • FG 2018 Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition [paper][???]
  • FG 2018 Cross-generating GAN for Facial Identity Preserving [paper][?]
  • ACM MM 2017 Learning a Target Sample Re-Generator for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • TIP 2018 Domain Regeneration for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • CVPR 2013 Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Action Unit Detection [paper][?]
  • TPAMI 2017 Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Facial Expression Analysis [paper]
  • ICONIP 2016 Cross-Database Facial Expression Recognition via Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning [paper](P428)[?]
  • IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING 2018 Cross-Domain Color Facial Expression Recognition Using Transductive Transfer Subspace Learning [paper][?]
  • FG2018 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Optimal Transport for Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition [paper][??]
  • ICB2016 Discriminative Feature Adaptation for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • ICB2015 A Transfer Learning Approach to Cross-Database Facial Expression Recognition [paper][?]
  • ICRA2011 Cross-dataset facial expression recognition [paper][?]
  • Neurocomputing2016 Transfer subspace learning for cross-dataset facial expression recognition [paper][?]
  • IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA 2016 A Deep Neural Network-Driven Feature Learning Method for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition [paper](Cross-view facial expression recognition)[?]
  • CVPR2014 Constrained Deep Transfer Feature Learning and its Applications [paper](Cross-view facial expression recognition)[?]
  • IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS 2016 Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Domain-Adaptive Least-Squares Regression [paper][?]
  • ICMI2017 Cross-Modality Interaction between EEG Signals and Facial Expression [paper][?]
  • ACM MM 2017 Integrated Face Analytics Networks through Cross-Dataset Hybrid Training[paper][??]

Facial Action Unit Recognition


  • (2019) Joint Representation and Estimator Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2019) Self-Supervised Representation Learning From Videos for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2019) Local Relationship Learning with Person-specific Shape Regularization for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2018) Weakly-supervised Deep Convolutional Neural Network Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2018) Learning Facial Action Units from Web Images with Scalable Weakly Supervised Clustering [paper]
  • (2018) Classifier Learning with Prior Probabilities for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Bilateral Ordinal Relevance Multi-instance Regression for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2018) Weakly Supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition through Adversarial Training [paper]
  • (2017) Deep Structured Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2017) Action Unit Detection with Region Adaptation, Multi-labeling Learning and Optimal Temporal Fusing [paper]
  • (2016) Deep Region and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper] [code] [code2]
  • (2016) Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection [paper]
  • (2016) Copula Ordinal Regression for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity [paper] [code]
  • (2015) Latent Trees for Estimating Intensity of Facial Action Units [paper][code]
  • (2015) Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2009) A framework for automated measurement of the intensity of non-posed Facial Action Units [paper]


  • (2017) DeepCoder: Semi-parametric Variational Autoencoders for Automatic Facial Action Coding [paper]
  • (2017) Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition from Partially Labeled Data [paper]
  • (2015) Learning to transfer: transferring latent task structures and its application to person-specific facial action unit detection [paper]
  • (2015) Multi-conditional Latent Variable Model for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2015) Confidence Preserving Machine for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]


  • (2018) Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment[paper]


  • (2019) Semantic Relationships Guided Representation Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (2019) Dual Semi-Supervised Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]


  • (2018) Personalized Multiple Facial Action Unit Recognition through Generative Adversarial Recognition Network [paper]


  • (2019) PAttNet: Patch-attentive deep network for action unit detection [paper]
  • (2018) Identity-based Adversarial Training of Deep CNNs for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (2018) Joint Action Unit localisation and intensity estimation through heatmap regression [paper] [code] [????]


  • (2019) Expression Empowered ResiDen Network for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2019) IdenNet: Identity-Aware Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2019) Multimodal Deep Feature Aggregation for Facial Action Unit Recognition using Visible Images and Physiological Signals [paper]
  • (2019) Facial Action Unit Analysis through 3D Point Cloud Neural Networks [paper]
  • (2018) Edge Convolutional Network for Facial Action Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2017) Support Vector Regression of Sparse Dictionary-Based Features for View-Independent Action Unit Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2017) Pose-independent Facial Action Unit Intensity Regression Based on Multi-task Deep Transfer Learning [paper]
  • (2017) AUMPNet: Simultaneous Action Units Detection and Intensity Estimation on Multipose Facial Images Using a Single Convolutional Neural Network [paper]
  • (2017) EAC-Net: A Region-based Deep Enhancing and Cropping Approach for Facial Action Unit Detection [paper]
  • (2015) Deep Learning based FACS Action Unit Occurrence and Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (2015) How much training data for facial action unit detection? [paper]
  • (2015) Facial Action Units Intensity Estimation by the Fusion of Features with Multi-kernel Support Vector Machine [paper]
  • (2015) A Unified Probabilistic Framework For Measuring The Intensity of Spontaneous Facial Action Units [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

  • (2018) Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation Enhanced Through Label Dependencies [paper]
  • (2017) Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (2016) Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit and Holistic Expression Recognition [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

  • (2015) Discriminant Functional Learning of Color Features for the Recognition of Facial Action Units and their Intensities [paper]
  • (2015) Context-Sensitive Dynamic Ordinal Regression for Intensity Estimation of Facial Action Units [paper]

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

  • (2019) Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation from Partially Labelled Data [paper]
  • (2017) Copula Ordinal Regression Framework for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity[paper]

Pattern Recognition

  • (2017) Feature and label relation modeling for multiple-facial action unit classification and intensity estimation [paper]
  • (2017) Expression-assisted facial action unit recognition under incomplete Au annotation [paper]
  • (2016) Task-dependent multi-task multiple kernel learning for facial action unit detection [paper]

Image and Vision Computing

  • (2016) Real-time facial action unit intensity prediction with regularized metric learning [paper]
  • (2012) Regression-based intensity estimation of facial action units [paper]

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

  • (2017) A joint dictionary learning and regression model for intensity estimation of facial AUs [paper]


  • Region-based facial representation for real-time Action Units intensity detection across datasets [paper]
  • (ACII17) Local-Global Ranking for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (Pattern Recognition Letters14) Estimating smile intensity: A better way [paper] [????]
  • (nccv15) Deep Learning based FACS Action Unit Occurrence and Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • Conditional Adversarial Synthesis of 3D Facial Action Units [paper] [???]
  • (NIPS16) Incremental Boosting Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition [paper]
  • (ICIP14) Facial action unit intensity estimation using rotation invariant features and regression analysis [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 16) Intensity Estimation of Spontaneous Facial Action Units Based on Their Sparsity Properties [paper]
  • Projects [Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox] [TAUD 2011] [LAUD 2010] [Openface] [[Openface-Paper](OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit)]

Affective Level Estimation


  • AffectNet [Website]
  • (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING) AffectNet: A Database for Facial Expression, Valence, and Arousal Computing in the Wild [paper]
  • EMOTIC dataset [Website]
  • (CVPR17) Emotion Recognition in Context [paper][Supp]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) EMOTIC: Emotions in Context Dataset
  • Aff-Wild DATASET[Website]
  • Deep Affect Prediction in-the-wild: Aff-Wild Database and Challenge, Deep Architectures, and Beyond [paper]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal ‘in-the-wild’ Challenge [paper]
  • HAPPEI dataset (happiness intensity)
  • DISFA [Website](AUs)
  • (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING13) DISFA: A Spontaneous Facial Action Intensity Database [paper]
  • GENKI-4K [Website](smile&non-smile)
  • Proposed Methods validated using GENKI-4K :
  • (ICCVW17) 95.76 SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild [paper][project]
  • (Machine Vision and Applications17) 92.05 Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks [paper]
  • (ACPR15) 94.6 Facial smile detection based on deep learning features. [paper]
  • AFFECTIVA-MIT AM-FED [Website](smile&non-smile)
  • Affectiva-MIT Facial Expression Dataset (AM-FED): Naturalistic and Spontaneous Facial Expressions Collected In-the-Wild [paper]
  • Binghamton Pittsburgh 4D Spontaneous Expression datase (BP4D) [Website]
  • The UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Expression Archive Database


  • Group-level happiness intensity recognition @ EmotiW16 [Website]
  • First Affect-in-the-Wild Challenge [Website]

Related Works

  • (ICMI16) Happiness level prediction with sequential inputs via multiple regressions [paper]
  • (CVPR17 workshop) Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild With Multiple Memory Networks [paper]
  • (ICMI16) Group Happiness Assessment Using Geometric Features and Dataset Balancing [paper]
  • (ICMI17) Group Emotion Recognition with Individual Facial Emotion CNNs and Global Image Based CNNs [paper]
  • Feature Extraction via Recurrent Random Deep Ensembles and its Application in Gruop-level Happiness Estimation [paper]
  • (ICPR18) Deep Spatiotemporal Representation of the Face for Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • Learning Pain from Action Unit Combinations: A Weakly Supervised Approach via Multiple Instance Learning [paper]
  • (CVPR17) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper]
  • (CVPR17 Workshop) Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video [paper]
  • Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-supervised Facial Behavior Analysis [paper]
  • (FG17) Generic to Specific Recognition Models for Group Membership Analysis in Videos [paper]
  • (Neurocomputing18)Facial expression intensity estimation using Siamese and triplet networks [paper]
  • (Neurocomputing16) A new descriptor of gradients Self-Similarity for smile detection in unconstrained scenarios [paper]
  • (IEEE trans on Affective Computing11) Continuous Prediction of Spontaneous Affect from Multiple Cues and Modalities in Valence-Arousal Space [paper]

Happiness (smile intensity estimation)

  • (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 09) Toward Practical Smile Detection [paper]
  • (Multimedia Tools and Applications18) Smile intensity recognition in real time videos: fuzzy system approach[paper]
  • (ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology18) The Effect of Pets on Happiness: A Large-Scale Multi-Factor Analysis Using Social Multimedia [paper]
  • (ICMSS '17) Happy Index: Analysis Based on Automatic Recognition of Emotion Flow [paper]
  • (ICPR 2012)Group Expression Intensity Estimation in Videos via Gaussian Processes [paper]
  • A Novel Approach to Detect Smile [paper]
  • (ICCV17 Workshop) SmileNet: Registration-Free Smiling Face Detection In The Wild [paper][project]
  • (ACII17) Smiling from Adolescence to Old Age: A Large Observational Study [paper]
  • Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Smile Recognition [paper]
  • Embedded Implementation of a Deep Learning Smile Detector [paper]
  • Smile detection in the wild based on transfer learning [paper]
  • Appearance-based smile intensity estimation by cascaded support vector machines [paper]
  • Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks [paper]
  • Fast and Robust Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded Support Vector Machines [paper]

Painful Expression Intensity Estimation

  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 19) Multi-modal Pain Intensity Recognition based on the SenseEmotion Database [paper]
  • (ICMI17) Cumulative Attributes for Pain Intensity Estimation [paper]
  • (CVPRW16)Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video[paper][???]
  • (CVPRW15)Pain Recognition using Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy of Facial Muscles[paper]
  • (CVPR17) Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions [paper][??]
  • (FG15)Weakly Supervised Pain Localization using Multiple Instance Learning [paper]
  • (ICPR14) Pain Intensity Evaluation Through Facial Action Units [paper]
  • (ieee trans on affective computing) Automatic Pain Assessment with Facial Activity Descriptors [paper]

Human factors on FR or FER

  • (IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science19) Demographic Effects in Facial Recognition and Their Dependence on Image Acquisition: An Evaluation of Eleven Commercial Systems [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science19) An Experimental Evaluation of Covariates Effects on Unconstrained Face Verification [paper]
  • (Symmetry18) Demographic-Assisted Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval [paper]
  • (Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning18) InclusiveFaceNet: Improving Face Attribute Detection with Race and Gender Diversity [paper]
  • Probabilistic Attribute Tree in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition [paper]
  • (International Journal of Computer Graphics18) Review on the effects of age, gender, and race demographics on automatic face recognition [paper]
  • (ICCV17) Attribute-Enhanced Face Recognition with Neural Tensor Fusion Networks [paper]
  • (ACII17) The effect of personality trait, age, and gender on the performance of automatic speech valence recognition [paper]
  • (Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics16) Face Verification Subject to Varying (Age, Ethnicity, and Gender) Demographics Using Deep Learning [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing13) Facial Expression Recognition Influenced by Human Aging [paper]
  • (IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security12) Face Recognition Performance: Role of Demographic Information [paper]
  • (FG11) Demographic Effects on Estimates of Automatic Face Recognition Performance [paper]
  • (CVPR04) How Features of the Human Face Affect Recognition: a Statistical Comparison of Three Face Recognition Algorithms [paper]
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