linux shell program summary

from:Sep 23 2016

mathematical operation:

floating number,bc calculator:

we can also use bc in shell scripts:

if - then - else

number comparison:

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              n1 -eq n2

              n1 -ge n2

              n1 -gt n2

              n1 -le n2

              n1 -lt n2

              n1 -ne n2

if - then - elif, notice that the second elif won't be executed, though it's also right.

strings comarison:

                          str1 = str2

                          str1 != str2

                          str1 < str2

                          str1 /> str2

                          -n str1

                          -z str1

 using file comparisons:

                  -d file    checks if file exists and is a dictory

                       -e file    checks if file exists

                       -f file     checks if file exists and is a file

                       -r file     checks if file exists and is readable

                  -s file     checks if file exists and is not empty

                       -w file    checks if file exists and is writable

                       -x file     checks if file exists and is executable

                       -o file     checks if file exists and is owned by the current user

                       -G file    checks if file exists and the default group is the same as the current user

                        file1 -nt file2   checks if file1 is newer than file2

                        file1 -ot file2   checks if file1 is older than file2

 considering compound testing

working with advanced if-then features






                  !              logical negation

                 ~              bitwise negation

                 **             exponentiation







notice the '++' of the screenshot.

it's writen of var++ not $var++

using double brackets

          [[ expression ]]

 the double bracket command provides advanced features for string comparisons---pattern matching.

Considering the case command:

case variable in

pattern1 | pattern2) command1;;

pattern3) command2;;

*) default commands;;


 The for command:

 The while command:

The until command:

