.NET WINFORM 控件库编译时提示被其他进程使用


错误4无法将文件“obj\Debug\shiney.winform.skins.dll”复制到“..\build\dll\debug\shiney.winform.skins.dll”。文件“..\build\dll\debug\shiney.winform.skins.dll”正由另一进程使用,因此该进程无法访问此文件。C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets28689 shiney.winform.skins




I have found this issue very easy to reproduce, and the fix for me is a variation on Richard Fors' answer. If I have a UserControl open in the designer, run the debugger, and then edit the UserControl, the subsequent rebuild will fail. If I close the UserControl before running the debugger I never get this error, so I just make sure to close the designer window before hitting F5.

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