代码大全学习-28-代码调整策略和技巧(Code-Tuning Stategies and Techniques)

Checklist: Code-Tuning Strategies
 Overall Program Performance
  Have you considered improving performance by changing the program requirements?
  Have you considered improving performance by modifying the program's design?
  Have you considered improving performance by modifying the class design?
  Have you considered improving performance by avoiding operating system interactions?
  Have you considered improving performance by avoiding I/O?
  Have you considered improving performance by using a compiled language instead of an interpreted language?
  Have you considered improving performance by using compiler optimizations?
  Have you considered improving performance by switching to different hardware?
  Have you considered code tuning only as a last resort?
 Code-Tuning Approach
  Is your program fully correct before you begin code tuning?
  Have you measured performance bottlenecks before beginning code tuning?
  Have you measured the effect of each code-tuning change?
  Have you backed out the code-tuning changes that didn't produce the intended improvement?
  Have you tried more than one change to improve performance of each bottleneck, i.e., iterated?
Checklist: Code Tuning Techniques
 Improve Both Speed and Size
  Substitute table lookups for complicated logic
  Jam loops
  Use integer instead of floating-point variables
  Initialize data at compile time
  Use constants of the correct type
  Precompute results
  Eliminate common subexpressions
  Translate key routines to assembler
 Improve Speed Only
  Stop testing when you know the answer
  Order tests in case statements and if-then-else chains by frequency
  Compare performance of similar logic structures
  Use lazy evaluation
  Unswitch loops that contain if tests
  Unroll loops
  Minimize work performed inside loops
  Use sentinels in search loops
  Put the busiest loop on the inside of nested loops
  Reduce the strength of operations performed inside loops
  Change multiple-dimension arrays to a single dimension
  Minimize array references
  Augment data types with indexes
  Cache frequently used values
  Exploit algebraic identities
  Reduce strength in logical and mathematical expressions
  Be wary of system routines
  Rewrite routines in line
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