
1 需要的软件工具

  • arm-none-eabi-gdb
  • J-LINK GDB Server


 J-LINK GDB Server这个工具是安装J-LINK调试器驱动时一起安装的,我的如图:



这种调试属于远程调试,J-LINK GDB Server通过J-LINK调试器连接着开发板,arm-none-eabi-gdb通过远程连接指令target remote localhost:2331连接到 J-LINK GDB Server服务器。我们在调试程序时,只需要在arm-none-eabi-gdb中输入一些简单的GDB调试指令,就可以好像本地调试程序一样了。

2 准备调试用的脚本

# tiny6410_config
# connect to the J-Link gdb server
target remote localhost:2331
# Set JTAG speed to 30 kHz
monitor endian little
monitor speed 30
# Reset the target
monitor reset
monitor sleep 10
# CPU core initialization (to be done by user)
# Set the processor mode
monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3
#config MMU
#flush v3/v4 cache
monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#/* flush v4 TLB */
monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#disable MMU stuff and caches
monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002
#Peri port setup
monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013
#disable watchdog
monitor MemU32 0x7e004000  =  0x00000000
monitor sleep 10
#disable interrupt
monitor MemU32 0x71200014  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x71300014  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x7120000C  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x7130000C  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x71200F00  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x71300F00  =  0x00000000
#set clock 
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f900  =  0x0000801e
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f000  =  0x0000ffff
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f004  =  0x0000ffff
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f020  =  0x01043310
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f00C  =  0xc2150601
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f010  =  0xc2150601
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f024  =  0x00000003
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f014  =  0x00200102
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f018  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f01C  =  0x14000007
#config sdram
monitor MemU32 0x7e00f120  =  0x00000008
monitor MemU32 0x7e001004  =  0x00000004
monitor MemU32 0x7e001010  =  0x0000040f
monitor MemU32 0x7e001014  =  0x00000006
monitor MemU32 0x7e001018  =  0x00000001
monitor MemU32 0x7e00101c  =  0x00000002
monitor MemU32 0x7e001020  =  0x00000006
monitor MemU32 0x7e001024  =  0x0000000a
monitor MemU32 0x7e001028  =  0x0000000c
monitor MemU32 0x7e00102c  =  0x0000018f
monitor MemU32 0x7e001030  =  0x0000000c
monitor MemU32 0x7e001034  =  0x00000002
monitor MemU32 0x7e001038  =  0x00000002
monitor MemU32 0x7e00103c  =  0x00000002
monitor MemU32 0x7e001040  =  0x00000002
monitor MemU32 0x7e001044  =  0x00000013
monitor MemU32 0x7e001048  =  0x00000013
monitor MemU32 0x7e00100C  =  0x00010012
monitor MemU32 0x7e00104C  =  0x00000b45
monitor MemU32 0x7e001200  =  0x000150f8
monitor MemU32 0x7e001304  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x000c0000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x00000000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x00040000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x00040000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x000a0000
monitor MemU32 0x7e001008  =  0x00080032
monitor MemU32 0x7e001004  =  0x00000000
# Setup GDB for faster downloads
#set remote memory-write-packet-size 1024
#set remote memory-write-packet-size 4096
#set remote memory-write-packet-size fixed
monitor speed 12000
break _start


3 简单的调试过程



2)打开J-Link GDB Server软件,如果J-LINK驱动安装正确,软件会检测出开发板的存在,如图


-x init-6410:表示执行调试脚本


运行上面的命令后,出现如图所示的,就说明arm-noneeabi-gdb与J-Link GDB Server连接成功。




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