React Navigation源代码阅读 :routers/validateRouteConfigMap.js

import invariant from '../utils/invariant';

 * Make sure the config passed e.g. to StackRouter, TabRouter has
 * the correct format, and throw a clear error if it doesn't.
 *  检查传递给StackRouter, TabRouter等路由器的路由配置的格式,如果有问题直接抛出错误。
 *  什么样的路由配置认为是没问题的 ?
 * 1. 必须有配置项
 * 2. 每个配置项必须包含屏幕组件,也就是属性 screen 或者 属性方法 getScreen
 * 3. 每个配置项中 screen 或者 getScreen 二者最多存在一个,不能两个同时设置
 * 4. 如果是属性 screen, 其类型必须是 string 或者 function
function validateRouteConfigMap(routeConfigs) {
    const routeNames = Object.keys(routeConfigs);

    // 断言 : 必须有配置项
        routeNames.length > 0,
        'Please specify at least one route when configuring a navigator.'

    routeNames.forEach(routeName => {
        const routeConfig = routeConfigs[routeName];
        const screenComponent = getScreenComponent(routeConfig);

        if (
            !screenComponent ||
            (typeof screenComponent !== 'function' &&
                typeof screenComponent !== 'string' &&
        ) {
            // 如果某个配置项有 screen 属性,但 screen 属性的值不是一个 function 或者 string,
            // 抛出错误
            throw new Error(
                `The component for route '${routeName}' must be a ` +
                'React component. For example:\n\n' +
                "import MyScreen from './MyScreen';\n" +
                '...\n' +
                `${routeName}: MyScreen,\n` +
                '}\n\n' +
                'You can also use a navigator:\n\n' +
                "import MyNavigator from './MyNavigator';\n" +
                '...\n' +
                `${routeName}: MyNavigator,\n` +

        if (routeConfig.screen && routeConfig.getScreen) {
            // 如果某个配置项的 screen 和 getScreen 同时存在,抛出错误
            throw new Error(
                `Route '${routeName}' should declare a screen or ` +
                'a getScreen, not both.'

function getScreenComponent(routeConfig) {
    if (!routeConfig) {
        return null;

    return routeConfig.screen ? routeConfig.screen : routeConfig;

export default validateRouteConfigMap;

