

在这篇文章中,我们将根据Tessendorf的论文[1]中的方程来实现统计波浪模型,以模拟海洋水。  使用快速傅立叶变换,我们将能够实现实时交互的帧速率。以下提供两个截图,首先是简单的光照渲染,之后的是网格模型的渲染。












其中\xi _{r}\xi _{i}是独立的高斯随机变量,P_{h}是菲利普频谱有如下形式:


现在,我们应该拥有渲染波高场所需的一切,但是我们将评估用于生成断续波的位移矢量和用于在每个顶点进行照明计算的法线矢量。 位移矢量由下式给出:





#ifndef FFT_H
#define FFT_H

#include <math.h>
#include "complex.h"

class cFFT {
    unsigned int N;
    unsigned int log_2_N;
    float pi2;
    bool invers_FFT;
    unsigned int *reversed;
    complex **T;
    complex *c;
    cFFT(unsigned int N,bool I);//N为傅立叶N值,I为是否为IFFT
    unsigned int reverse(unsigned int i);
    complex t(unsigned int x, unsigned int N);
    void fft(complex* input, int stride, int offset);



#include "fft.h"

cFFT::cFFT(unsigned int N,bool I) : N(N), invers_FFT(I),reversed(0), T(0), pi2(2 * M_PI) {
    c = 0;
    log_2_N = log(N)/log(2);
    reversed = new unsigned int[N];     // 预反转
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) reversed[i] = reverse(i);
    int pow2 = 1;
    T = new complex*[log_2_N];      // 预处理T(所有W值)
    for (int i = 0; i < log_2_N; i++) {
        T[i] = new complex[pow2];
        for (int j = 0; j < pow2; j++)
            if (invers_FFT)
                T[i][j] = t(j, pow2 * 2).conj();//复数的模为1时倒数等于共轭
                T[i][j] = t(j, pow2 * 2);
        pow2 *= 2;
    c = new complex[N];

cFFT::~cFFT() {
    if (c) delete [] c;
    if (T) {
        for (int i = 0; i < log_2_N; i++) if (T[i]) delete [] T[i];
        delete [] T;
    if (reversed) delete [] reversed;

unsigned int cFFT::reverse(unsigned int i) {
    unsigned int res = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < log_2_N; j++) {
        if((i>>j)&1) res|=(1<<(log_2_N-j-1));
    return res;

complex cFFT::t(unsigned int x, unsigned int N) {
    return complex(cos(-1*pi2 * x / N), sin(-1*pi2 * x / N));

void cFFT::fft(complex* input, int stride, int offset) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) c[i] = input[reversed[i] * stride + offset];
    int w_= 0;//执行第一次循环次数
    for(int l=2;l<=N;l*=2){
        int m=l/2;
        for(complex* p=c;p!=c+N;p+=l){
            for (int i=0; i<m; i++) {
                complex tW=T[w_][i]*p[i+m];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
            input[i * stride + offset] = c[i];



#ifndef FFT_OCEAN_hpp
#define FFT_OCEAN_hpp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp>
#include "complex.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace glm;

struct vertex_ocean{
    GLfloat x,y,z;//vertex
    GLfloat nx,ny,nz;//normal
    GLfloat tx,ty; //texcoords
    GLfloat a,b,c;//htilde0
    GLfloat _a,_b,_c;//htilde0mk conjugate
    GLfloat ox,oy,oz; // original position

class cOcean {
    private:                      // flag to render geometry or surface
    float g;                                // gravity constant
    int N, Nplus1;                          // dimension -- N should be a power of 2
    float A;                                // phillips spectrum parameter -- affects heights of waves
    vec2 w;                              // wind parameter
    float length;                           // length parameter
    complex *h_tilde,                       // for fast fourier transform
    *h_tilde_slopex, *h_tilde_slopez,
    *h_tilde_dx, *h_tilde_dz;
    cFFT *fft;                              // fast fourier transform
    float stride=0.1;
    vertex_ocean *vertices;                 // vertices for vertex buffer object
    unsigned int *indices;                  // indicies for vertex buffer object
    unsigned int indices_count;             // number of indices to render
    GLuint VAO,vbo_vertices, ebo_indices;       // vertex buffer objects
    Shader ocean_Shader,nrm_Shader;
    GLint vertex, normal, texCooed; // attributes and uniforms
    cOcean(const int N, const float A, const vec2 w, const float length,const std::string& vs,const std::string& fs,const std::string& nvs,const std::string& nfs,const std::string& ngeo);
    void release();
    float dispersion(int n_prime, int m_prime);     // deep water
    float phillips(int n_prime, int m_prime);       // phillips spectrum
    complex hTilde_0(int n_prime, int m_prime);
    complex hTilde(float t, int n_prime, int m_prime);

    void evaluateWavesFFT(float t);
    void render(float t, glm::vec3 view_pos, glm::mat4 Projection, glm::mat4 View, glm::mat4 Model, bool use_fft);

#endif /* FFT_OCEAN_hpp */
#include "FFT_OCEAN.hpp"

float uniformRandomVariable() {
    return (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;

complex gaussianRandomVariable() {
    float x1, x2, w;
    do {
        x1 = 2.f * uniformRandomVariable() - 1.f;
        x2 = 2.f * uniformRandomVariable() - 1.f;
        w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
    } while ( w >= 1.f );
    w = sqrt((-2.f * log(w)) / w);
    return complex(x1 * w, x2 * w);

cOcean::cOcean(const int N, const float A, const vec2 w, const float length,const std::string& vs,const std::string& fs,const std::string& nvs,const std::string& nfs,const std::string& ngeo) :
g(9.81), N(N), Nplus1(N+1), A(A), w(w), length(length),
vertices(0), indices(0), h_tilde(0), h_tilde_slopex(0), h_tilde_slopez(0), h_tilde_dx(0), h_tilde_dz(0), fft(0), ocean_Shader(vs.c_str(),fs.c_str()),nrm_Shader(nvs.c_str(),nfs.c_str(),ngeo.c_str())
    h_tilde        = new complex[N*N];
    h_tilde_slopex = new complex[N*N];
    h_tilde_slopez = new complex[N*N];
    h_tilde_dx     = new complex[N*N];
    h_tilde_dz     = new complex[N*N];
    fft            = new cFFT(N,1);
    vertices       = new vertex_ocean[Nplus1*Nplus1];
    indices        = new unsigned int[Nplus1*Nplus1*10];
    int index;
    complex htilde0, htilde0mk_conj;

    for (int m_prime = 0; m_prime < Nplus1; m_prime++) {
        for (int n_prime = 0; n_prime < Nplus1; n_prime++) {
            index = m_prime * Nplus1 + n_prime;
            htilde0        = hTilde_0( n_prime,  m_prime);
            htilde0mk_conj = hTilde_0(-n_prime, -m_prime).conj();
            vertices[index].tx  = float(n_prime)/Nplus1;
            vertices[index].ty  = float(m_prime)/Nplus1;
            vertices[index].a  = htilde0.a;
            vertices[index].b  = htilde0.b;
            vertices[index]._a = htilde0mk_conj.a;
            vertices[index]._b = htilde0mk_conj.b;
            vertices[index].ox = vertices[index].x =  (n_prime - N / 2.0f) * length / N;
            vertices[index].oy = vertices[index].y =  0.0f;
            vertices[index].oz = vertices[index].z =  (m_prime - N / 2.0f) * length / N;
            vertices[index].nx = 0.0f;
            vertices[index].ny = 1.0f;
            vertices[index].nz = 0.0f;
    indices_count = 0;
    for (int m_prime = 0; m_prime < N; m_prime++) {
        for (int n_prime = 0; n_prime < N; n_prime++) {
            index = m_prime * Nplus1 + n_prime;
            indices[indices_count++] = index;               // two triangles
            indices[indices_count++] = index + Nplus1;
            indices[indices_count++] = index + Nplus1 + 1;
            indices[indices_count++] = index;
            indices[indices_count++] = index + Nplus1 + 1;
            indices[indices_count++] = index + 1;
    glGenBuffers(1, &vbo_vertices);
    glGenBuffers(1, &ebo_indices);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_vertices);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertex_ocean)*(Nplus1)*(Nplus1), nullptr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ebo_indices);
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices_count*sizeof(unsigned int), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    ocean_Shader.setFloat("hei_Lim", A);

cOcean::~cOcean() {
    if (h_tilde)        delete [] h_tilde;
    if (h_tilde_slopex) delete [] h_tilde_slopex;
    if (h_tilde_slopez) delete [] h_tilde_slopez;
    if (h_tilde_dx)     delete [] h_tilde_dx;
    if (h_tilde_dz)     delete [] h_tilde_dz;
    if (fft)        delete fft;
    if (vertices)       delete [] vertices;
    if (indices)        delete [] indices;
void cOcean::release() {
    glDeleteBuffers(1, &ebo_indices);
    glDeleteBuffers(1, &vbo_vertices);

float cOcean::dispersion(int n_prime, int m_prime) {
    float w_0 = 2.0f * M_PI / 200.0f;
    float kx = M_PI * (2 * n_prime - N) / length;
    float kz = M_PI * (2 * m_prime - N) / length;
    return floor(sqrt(g * sqrt(kx * kx + kz * kz)) / w_0) * w_0;

float cOcean::phillips(int n_prime, int m_prime) {
    vec2 k(M_PI * (2 * n_prime - N) / length,M_PI * (2 * m_prime - N) / length);
    float k_length  = glm::length(k);
    if (k_length < 0.000001) return 0.0;
    float k_length2 = k_length  * k_length;
    float k_length4 = k_length2 * k_length2;
    float k_dot_w   = glm::dot(glm::normalize(k),glm::normalize(w));
    float k_dot_w2  = k_dot_w * k_dot_w;
    float w_length  = glm::length(w);
    float L         = w_length * w_length / g;
    float L2        = L * L;
    float damping   = 0.001;
    float l2        = L2 * damping * damping;
    return A * exp(-1.0f / (k_length2 * L2)) / k_length4 * k_dot_w2 * exp(-k_length2 * l2);

complex cOcean::hTilde_0(int n_prime, int m_prime) {
    complex r = gaussianRandomVariable();
    return r * sqrt(phillips(n_prime, m_prime) / 2.0f);

complex cOcean::hTilde(float t, int n_prime, int m_prime) {
    int index = m_prime * Nplus1 + n_prime;
    complex htilde0(vertices[index].a,  vertices[index].b);
    complex htilde0mkconj(vertices[index]._a, vertices[index]._b);
    float omegat = dispersion(n_prime, m_prime) * t;
    float cos_ = cos(omegat);
    float sin_ = sin(omegat);
    complex c0(cos_,  sin_);
    complex c1(cos_, -sin_);
    complex res = htilde0 * c0 + htilde0mkconj * c1;
    return res;

void cOcean::render(float t, glm::vec3 view_pos, glm::mat4 Projection, glm::mat4 View, glm::mat4 Model, bool use_fft) {


    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_vertices);
    glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(vertex_ocean) * Nplus1 * Nplus1, vertices);
    glVertexAttribPointer(vertex, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(vertex_ocean), 0);
    glVertexAttribPointer(normal, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(vertex_ocean), (void *)(3*sizeof(GLfloat)));
    glVertexAttribPointer(texCooed, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(vertex_ocean), (void *)(6*sizeof(GLfloat)));
    ocean_Shader.setMat4("projection", Projection);
    ocean_Shader.setMat4("view", View);
    ocean_Shader.setVec3("viewPos", view_pos);
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
            Model=glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0), glm::vec3(i*length*stride,0,j*length*stride));
            ocean_Shader.setMat4("model", Model);
            glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indices_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

void cOcean::evaluateWavesFFT(float t) {
    float kx, kz, len, lambda = -1.0f;
    int index, index1;
    for (int m_prime = 0; m_prime < N; m_prime++) {
        kz = M_PI * (2.0f * m_prime - N) / length;
        for (int n_prime = 0; n_prime < N; n_prime++) {
            kx = M_PI*(2 * n_prime - N) / length;
            len = sqrt(kx * kx + kz * kz);
            index = m_prime * N + n_prime;
            h_tilde[index] = hTilde(t, n_prime, m_prime);
            h_tilde_slopex[index] = h_tilde[index] * complex(0, kx);
            h_tilde_slopez[index] = h_tilde[index] * complex(0, kz);
            if (len < 0.000001f) {
                h_tilde_dx[index]     = complex(0.0f, 0.0f);
                h_tilde_dz[index]     = complex(0.0f, 0.0f);
            } else {
                h_tilde_dx[index]     = h_tilde[index] * complex(0, -kx/len);
                h_tilde_dz[index]     = h_tilde[index] * complex(0, -kz/len);
    for (int m_prime = 0; m_prime < N; m_prime++) {
        fft->fft(h_tilde,  1, m_prime * N);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_slopex, 1, m_prime * N);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_slopez,  1, m_prime * N);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_dx, 1, m_prime * N);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_dz, 1, m_prime * N);
    for (int n_prime = 0; n_prime < N; n_prime++) {
        fft->fft(h_tilde, N, n_prime);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_slopex, N, n_prime);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_slopez, N, n_prime);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_dx, N, n_prime);
        fft->fft(h_tilde_dz, N, n_prime);
    int sign;
    float signs[] = { 1.0f, -1.0f };
    vec3 n;
    for (int m_prime = 0; m_prime < N; m_prime++) {
        for (int n_prime = 0; n_prime < N; n_prime++) {
            index  = m_prime * N + n_prime;        // index into h_tilde..
            index1 = m_prime * Nplus1 + n_prime;    // index into vertices
            sign = signs[(n_prime + m_prime) & 1];
            h_tilde[index]     = h_tilde[index] * sign;
            // height
            vertices[index1].y = stride*h_tilde[index].a;
            // displacement
            h_tilde_dx[index] = h_tilde_dx[index] * sign;
            h_tilde_dz[index] = h_tilde_dz[index] * sign;
            vertices[index1].x = stride*(vertices[index1].ox + h_tilde_dx[index].a * lambda);
            vertices[index1].z = stride*(vertices[index1].oz + h_tilde_dz[index].a * lambda);
            // normal
            h_tilde_slopex[index] = h_tilde_slopex[index] * sign;
            h_tilde_slopez[index] = h_tilde_slopez[index] * sign;
            n = glm::normalize(vec3(0.0f - h_tilde_slopex[index].a, 1.0f, 0.0f - h_tilde_slopez[index].a));
            vertices[index1].nx =  n.x;
            vertices[index1].ny =  n.y;
            vertices[index1].nz =  n.z;
            // for tiling
            if (n_prime == 0 && m_prime == 0) {
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].y = stride*h_tilde[index].a;
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].x = stride*(vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].ox + h_tilde_dx[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].z = stride*(vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].oz + h_tilde_dz[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].nx =  n.x;
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].ny =  n.y;
                vertices[index1 + N + Nplus1 * N].nz =  n.z;
            if (n_prime == 0) {
                vertices[index1 + N].y = stride*h_tilde[index].a;
                vertices[index1 + N].x = stride*(vertices[index1 + N].ox + h_tilde_dx[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + N].z = stride*(vertices[index1 + N].oz + h_tilde_dz[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + N].nx =  n.x;
                vertices[index1 + N].ny =  n.y;
                vertices[index1 + N].nz =  n.z;
            if (m_prime == 0) {
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].y = stride*h_tilde[index].a;
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].x = stride*(vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].ox + h_tilde_dx[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].z = stride*(vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].oz + h_tilde_dz[index].a * lambda);
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].nx =  n.x;
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].ny =  n.y;
                vertices[index1 + Nplus1 * N].nz =  n.z;


1. Tessendorf, Jerry. Simulating Ocean Water. In SIGGRAPH 2002 Course Notes #9 (Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques), ACM Press.

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