My First Block in CSDN

Hi, everybody!
My name is Justin.
I was just a child (never think an adult can do things like me)
This is my first block in CSDN.

I’m new in Computer Languages Writing, but I’d like to learn them. I can’t write the language of C, C++, C# or lots of languages else, but I can write a little bit Visual Basic Script (VBS).

And now, I registered an account here, is for learning some languages such as C++, Python or Bascal.
(About two years ago, I don’t know why my account was registered then. So, in fact, this is the first time I use it for learning the programming technologies.)

If there’s anyone who’d like to help me, leave a comment for letting me know that you wanna help me and how can I connect you.

Thanks for anyone who’s helping me with programming!
And thanks for CSDN for letting me meet so many people who’s going to help me!

From Justin

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