Research on GIS Using in Verification System for State-invested Geological Exploration


State-investedGeological Survey means the geological Survey is funded by the country, and therisk is undertaken by the investor (country). The funds invested by the countryusually come from taxes, compensation for mineral resources, charges andpayments for using the mineral rights, and geological survey fund (the centralgovernment or local government) [1,2]. The achievements reached through thestate-invested geological survey have reflected in the mineral rights invarious forms. Consequently, the survey must be considered in the work ofmineral rights registration and transfer.

       Generally, Mineral AdministrativeManagement is responsible for registration, change and cancellation of mineralrights and registration of mineral reserves, etc. GIS has been widely appliedin the Mineral administrative Management system, such as Mineral Rights Managementsystem, Mineral Reserves Spatial Database Administration system and MineralRights Examination and Approval system [3,4,5,67]. Such application broughtabout the functions like data fill-in and report, administration of mineralrights registration process, on-line verification and approval, GIS-basedgraphics inquiry, statistics and issuance, etc. the application of GIS as“manage a mine with one graph” is a hot spot in the industry, Its target is tointegrate the field verified data of mineral rights and other databases such asmineral resources planning to realize the functions of mineral rightsverification and approval, supervision and statistical analysis [8-11].  

       Based on GIS technology, combining withgeological archives, integrating such spatial information as exploration right,mining right and reserves, the paper has realized the functions of screeningthe state-invested geological survey that is within the scope of mineral rightsand crosschecking the overlapping areas. The design has well supported thepayment and cost accounting in the mineral rights registration, transfer andother steps. The system had been put in use in Inner Mongolia, which solved theproblems of low verification accuracy and long verification term and greatlyimproved mining administration efficiency.

Frameworkand Functions of the System

Design Ideas. Mineral rights (Exploration right, mining right andapprovals on defining the mining area etc.) examination and approval, priceevaluation and payment charge are one of the important work in mineral administrative management. It is an importantbase for mineral administrative management and price evaluation and charge workto verify the conditions of state-invested geological exploration within the scopeof mineral rights. By utilizing GIS technology, the verification system forstate-invested geological exploration has been developed. By utilizing thedatabase technology, the functions, for example, basic data management, query,statistical analysis and auto-generation of verification report have beenrealized. By utilizing GIS, the functions of graphic verification and the registrationbetween vector and image have been provided. All these functions can satisfythe actual needs in mineral administrative management. And the verification forstate-invested geological exploration can work automatically. The workingefficiency can be improved and errors by manual operation can be reduced. Inthe course of system implementation, the technical idea is insisted on suchbasic ideas as overall designing, implement step-by-step, advanced technology,safe and reliable.

       Framework of the System. Thesystem frame consists of database, technical support, application system, useretc. (Fig. 1). Geological data directory database, geological data graphicdatabase, exploration right registration database, mineral rights registrationdatabase and reserves spatial database are used to extract relevant data itemsand create database; Spatial database engine is adopted to access data;Functions of spatial retrieval and graphicverification are realized based on developing GIS technology. Functions ofdisplay, visualization, report, report template and output are realized in thebase components.

       Main Functions. Basic DataManagement mainly includes geological map, geological data directory data, explorationright registration data, mineral rights registration data and reserves spatialdata management. In addition to the functions of data import, input,modification and deletion, Basic Data Management can use region coordinates(inflection coordinates) to generate graphic layers, which are geological data directoryGIS graphic layer, exploration right GIS graphic layer, mineral rights GISgraphic layer and reserves GIS graphic layer. Furthermore, GIS layers will beupdated after the region coordinates (inflection coordinates) change.

       Criteria Query covers queries ongeological data directory data, exploration right registration data, mineralrights registration data and reserves spatial data.

       Spatial Retrieval can implementinteractive retrieval between two layers besides the retrieval functionsthrough clicking, dropping box and entering geological coordinates.

       Graphic Verification function has twoaspects. First, by being based on geological map, loading exploration rightgraphic layer, mineral rights graphic layer, reserves information graphic layerand geological data directory graphic layer, following functions are realized: retrievalof geological data that are within the scope of to-be-checked mineral rights;retrieval result display, append, delete and data review. On the other hand, thecomparison function aiming at overlapping area of to-be-checkedmineral rights and the state-invested geological exploration has been achieved,which includes data import, registration, distance measurement and calculation,area measurement and calculation and date export etc.

       Verification Report Management enables thefunctions of extracting verification information and generating reportautomatically after the verification information is saved in the database; and thereport can be uploaded, queried the and displayed.

       Statistical Analysis contains: statisticsaccording to the nature of mineral rights (by bid, auction, or list; explorationright; exploitation right; defining mining area). Statistics according to thecategory of mineral rights (exploration to exploitation, validity extension,change, transfer, newly-establish); statistics query according toadministrative division (province, city, region).

KeyTechnology and Realization of System

Oracle 10g databaseis adopted by the system. The data items picked from geological data directorydatabase, exploration right registration database, mineral rights registrationdatabase and reserves spatial database are connected according to the space-attribute.The GIS-based system employs C# WinForm, makes use of spatial analysis to screenthe state-invested geological exploration project within the scope of mineralrights. GIS spatial registration is used to verify the overlapping area of the mineralrights involving state-invested geological exploration. The system is designedto synthetically extract the verification information concerning mineral rights,geological data and graphs of overlapping area from the database and to verify thereport automatically.

       Organization of Spatial Dataand Attribute Data. Geological data is an exceptional informationresource of the country acquired by investing a huge amount of fund forexploration. It is compiled by summarizing the original geological informationfrom geological exploration and the information of geological material objects.Geological data should be reported and submitted in accordance with relevantadministrative regulations [12,13]. The data submitted include directories andelectronic files [14]. Geological data directory database, geological datagraphical database, exploration right registration database[15], mineral rightsregistration database and reserves spatial database are called to extractrelated data items, and then the data items that relate to the verificationnature are added so as to constitute the data content of the verificationsystem.

       The data items like file number, reportname, initial longitude, terminal longitude, initial latitude and terminallatitude are extracted from the geological data directory database, and thedata item identifying whether government investment is involved is added. Thefile number and electronic file are extracted from the geological data graphicdatabase. The data items such as mineral rights certificate number, projectname, nature of mineral rights, applicant, exploration executor, geographicalposition, initial east longitude, terminal east longitude, initial northlatitude, terminal north latitude, region coordinates (inflection coordinates)are extracted from exploration right registration database, and the information ofcoordinates are used to organize spatial data graphic layer. Mineralrights number, mine name, mineral rights nature, applicant, explorationexecutor, geological position, initial east longitude,terminal east longitude, initial north latitude, terminal north latitude,region coordinates ( inflection coordinates) and other data items are extractedfrom mineral rights registration database, and the information of coordinatesare used to organize spatial data graphic layer. Name of mining area,report name, administrative region, type of mine, area of mining district,geological position, initial east longitude, terminal east longitude, initialnorth latitude, terminal north latitude, region coordinates ( inflectioncoordinates) and other data items are extracted from reserves spatial database,and the information of coordinates are used to organize spatial data graphiclayer.

       Moreover, the system has designed to saveverification result, which mainly includes data items of number, project name,project nature, mineral rights certificate number, mineral rights owner,administrative arrangement, area, administration region, initial eastlongitude, terminal east longitude, initial north latitude, terminal northlatitude, region coordinates (inflection coordinates), time of report issuance,if the government investment is involved etc..

       Screening of State-investedGeological Exploration Project within the Scope of Mineral rights. State-investedgeological exploration project within the mineral rights scope can be screened byloading exploration right graphic layer, exploitation right graphic layer,reserves information graphic layer and geological data directory graphic layeron geological map, and employing the spatial analyzing function [16,17].  Following steps are implemented:

Build GIS graphicworkspace. The workspace geological coordinate is Xi’an 80. Load explorationright graphic layer, exploitation right graphic layer, reserves informationgraphic layer, geological data directory graphic layer. Generally, explorationright graphic layer, exploitation right graphic layer and reserves informationgraphic layer are 3°and 6° Gauss projection. The coordinates should beconverted.

   Markon the attribute item. “if government investment is involved” in Geologicaldata directory graphic layer with “Involved” and “Not involved”.

   Selectthe to-be-checked mineral rights in exploration right graphic layer, exploitationright graphic layer or reserves information graphic layer, and use the functionof GIS spatial analysis to get all the geological exploration projects withinthe scope of the selected mineral rights.

     Usethe data item “if government investment is involved” to do further screen andget the state-invested geological exploration project in the mineral rightsscope.

If there is any otherinformation can prove the nature of the screened state-invested geologicalexploration project, the project can be added or deleted.

Fig.2 Diagram of geological exploration projects concerned to-be-checked mineralrights

       Verification of OverlappingArea of To-be-checked Mineral rights and the State-invested GeologicalExploration. The verification of overlapping area of mineralrights and state-invested geological exploration is realized by the way oflinking the screened state-invested geological exploration project withgraphics and text database, extracting the data of state-invested geologicalexploration project, and exploiting the registration function of GIS vectordata and image data. Following steps are implemented:

Build graphicworkspace, adopt Gauss 3°or 6° projection in thegraphic work, and load the graph of the to-be-checked mineral rights.

Acquire the imagedata of the state-invested geological exploration workspace, and register with thereference of the graph of the to-be-checked mineral rights, see Fig. 3.

After theregistration, within the graphic workspace, use the distance or area measuringtool to get the workspace proportion of the to-be-checked mineral rights andthe state-invested geological exploration.

Fig. 3 Registrationof the graph of to-be-checked mineral rights and the image of the workspaceinvolving government investment

       Auto-generation ofVerification Report. The information of mineral rights owner, mineralrights, position (coordinate), area, condition of geological exploration in thescope of mineral rights and graph of overlapping area are got in theverification and saved in the database. Verification report in Word format canbe generated automatically by entering key words in the system database, whichenables auto-extraction of the involved mineral rights information, geologicaldata information and graph of overlapping area. The report provides animportant basis for land administrative department to perform the accounting ofmineral rights payment and cost.

Applicationof System

By relying on the Basic Mineral Administrative Management Database and ManagementSystem project in Inner Mongolia, the system has been applied in the realwork of the Department of Land and Resources of Inner Mongolia after the systemdevelopment has been fulfilled. The application has helped to greatly improvethe efficiency of verification work. Please see Fig. 4.


Fig.4 Interface of GIS-basedVerification System for Mineral rights Involving State-invested GeologicalExploration

       In the past, about twenty paper files hadto be reviewed to examine and verify a mineral right involving state-investedgeological exploration. The coordinates had to be manually converted andprojected onto the mineral rights paper drawing. The conclusion couldn’t be gotuntil they are matched tightly. Such method was time consuming, waste ofefforts, and low efficient. Verification flow has been realized in the system. Supportedby GIS spatial analyzing function, the condition of the involved state-investedgeological exploration can be gained fast. The geological materials can beaccessed directly and verified on computer screen. The time and frequency ofreviewing paper geological materials has been reduced enormously. Consequently,the efficiency of verification has been improved over 30%.


    The paper hasrealized the verification system for state-invested geological exploration withinthe mineral rights scope by the way of being based on GIS technology andcombining with the actual demand of mineral administrative informationmanagement. The system has achieved good result in its application in theDepartment of Land and Resources in Inner Mongolia. With this system, thedepartment has completed more than 1000 mineral rights verifications. Themineral administrative management capability has been improved, and good socialand economic benefits have been acquired.

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