Threadx 块内存释放tx_block_release


如果tx_block_pool_suspension_list 链表有线程挂起,把释放的块给挂起线程,并恢复线程。

UINT    _tx_block_release(VOID *block_ptr)


    REG_1   TX_BLOCK_POOL   *pool_ptr;          /* Pool pointer            */
    REG_2   TX_THREAD       *thread_ptr;        /* Working thread pointer  */
    REG_3   CHAR_PTR        work_ptr;           /* Working block pointer   */

    /* Disable interrupts to put this block back in the pool.  */
    #def 禁止中断

    /* Pickup the pool pointer which is just previous to the starting
       address of the block that the caller sees.  */
    #def 释放内存首地址后退sizeof(CHAR_PTR)是释放内存块的控制字段,存储了线程池管理结构指针
    work_ptr = ((CHAR_PTR) block_ptr) - sizeof(CHAR_PTR);
    pool_ptr =  *((TX_BLOCK_POOL_PTR *) work_ptr);

    /* Determine if there are any threads suspended on the block pool.  */
    #def 检查挂起链表
    thread_ptr =  pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_suspension_list;
    if (thread_ptr)
		#def 移除挂起链表线程,这里按照fifo,没有按照线程优先级高低顺序。
        /* Remove the suspended thread from the list.  */

        /* See if this is the only suspended thread on the list.  */
        if (thread_ptr == thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next)

            /* Yes, the only suspended thread.  */

            /* Update the head pointer.  */
            pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_suspension_list =  TX_NULL;

            /* At least one more thread is on the same expiration list.  */

            /* Update the list head pointer.  */
            pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_suspension_list =  thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;

            /* Update the links of the adjacent threads.  */
            (thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next) -> tx_suspended_previous =
                thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous;
            (thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous) -> tx_suspended_next =
                thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;

        /* Decrement the suspension count.  */
        pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_suspended_count--;

        /* Prepare for resumption of the first thread.  */

        /* Clear cleanup routine to avoid timeout.  */
        thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_cleanup =  TX_NULL;

        /* Temporarily disable preemption.  */

        /* Restore interrupts.  */

        /* Return this block pointer to the suspended thread waiting for
           a block.  */
        #def 之前在tx_block_allocate函数中挂起线程时,tx_additional_suspend_info保存了应用程序传入的存储内存地址的指针
        #def 所以这里把申请到的内存赋值给 *tx_additional_suspend_info
        *((CHAR_PTR *) thread_ptr -> tx_additional_suspend_info) = (CHAR_PTR) block_ptr;

        /* Deactivate the timeout timer if necessary.  */
        if (thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_list_head)

            /* Deactivate the thread's timeout timer.  */
            _tx_timer_deactivate(&(thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer));

            /* Clear the remaining time to ensure timer doesn't get activated.  */
            thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_remaining_ticks =  0;

        /* Put return status into the thread control block.  */
        #def 设置状态,tx_suspend_status 用于tx_block_allocate函数返回值
        thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_status =  TX_SUCCESS;

        /* Resume thread.  */
        #def 恢复线程
        if (_tx_thread_resume(thread_ptr))

            /* Preemption is required, transfer control back to
               system.  */

        /* Return success.  */
        return (TX_SUCCESS);

        /* No thread is suspended for a memory block.  */

        /* Put the block back in the available list.  */
        *((CHAR_PTR *) work_ptr) =  pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_available_list;

        /* Adjust the head pointer.  */
        pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_available_list =  work_ptr;

        /* Increment the count of available blocks.  */
        pool_ptr -> tx_block_pool_available++;

    /* Restore interrupts.  */

    /* Return completion status.  */
    return (TX_SUCCESS);
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