
/* This holds information about all the windows, menus etc. */
typedef struct tagSFG_Structure SFG_Structure;
struct tagSFG_Structure
    SFG_List        Windows;         /* The global windows list            */
    SFG_List        Menus;           /* The global menus list              */
    SFG_List        WindowsToDestroy;

    SFG_Window*     CurrentWindow;   /* The currently set window          */
    SFG_Menu*       CurrentMenu;     /* Same, but menu...                 */

    SFG_MenuContext* MenuContext;    /* OpenGL rendering context for menus */

    SFG_Window*      GameModeWindow; /* The game mode window               */

    int              WindowID;       /* The window ID for the next window to be created */
    int              MenuID;         /* The menu ID for the next menu to be created */

