

  • libevent
  • libfastcommon


Fastdfs原本只有一个工程源码。在某个版本开始走模块化道路,作者把像一些通用的组件从源码中剥离,做成了一个单独的库libfastcommon。该库包含以下内容:字符串处理、内存储 、文件写缓存、base64、ini配置文件解析器、http通讯、链表、id生成器、哈希、md5、线程池、网络event、定时器、avl树、日志


* Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
* FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
* Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.
#ifndef _FAST_MPOOL_H
#define _FAST_MPOOL_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "common_define.h"

/* 内存块结构 */
struct fast_mpool_malloc {
	int 			alloc_size;			// 本块的总size
	char *			base_ptr;			// 本块的起始地址
	char *			end_ptr;			// 本块的结束地址
	char *			free_ptr;			// 本块的写指针
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * malloc_next;			// 节点在malloc_chain_head链表的专用挂钩
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * free_next;			// 节点在free_chain_head链表的专用挂钩

/* 内存池结构。内粗块挂载内存池的两条链表中 */
struct fast_mpool_man {
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * malloc_chain_head; 		// malloc chain to be freed
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * free_chain_head; 		// free node chain
	int 			alloc_size_once;		// alloc size once, default: 1MB 从某个节点中分配内存的最小单位
	int 			discard_size;			/* discard size, default: 64 bytes,当fast_mpool_malloc节点剩余可分配的.
								内存少于this阀值,则从free_chain_head链表取下,插入 malloc_chain_head链表*/

/* 用于存储内存池的统计信息 */
struct fast_mpool_stats {
	int64_t 		total_bytes;			// 内存池总字节数
	int64_t 		free_bytes;			// 内存池空闲字节数
	int 			total_trunk_count;		// 内存池总的块数
	int 			free_trunk_count;		// 内存池剩余块数

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

mpool init
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	alloc_size_once: malloc elements once, 0 for malloc 1MB memory once
	discard_size: discard when remain size <= discard_size, 0 for 64 bytes
return error no, 0 for success, != 0 fail
int fast_mpool_init(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	const int	alloc_size_once, const int discard_size);

mpool destroy
	mpool: the mpool pointer
void fast_mpool_destroy(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool);

reset for recycle use
	mpool: the mpool pointer
void fast_mpool_reset(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool);

alloc a node from the mpool
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	size: alloc bytes
return the alloced ptr, return NULL if fail
void * fast_mpool_alloc(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, const int size);

alloc and copy string from the mpool
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	dest: the dest string (return the alloced memory in dest->str)
	src: the source string
	len: the length of the source string
return error no, 0 for success, != 0 fail
int fast_mpool_strdup_ex(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, string_t * dest, 
	const char * src, const int len);

alloc and copy string from the mpool
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	dest: the dest string (return the alloced memory in dest->str)
	src: the source string
return error no, 0 for success, != 0 fail
static inline int fast_mpool_strdup(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	string_t *	dest, const char * src) {
	int 			len;

	len 				= (src != NULL) ? strlen(src): 0;
	return fast_mpool_strdup_ex(mpool, dest, src, len);

alloc and copy string from the mpool
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	dest: the dest string (return the alloced memory in dest->str)
	src: the source string
return error no, 0 for success, != 0 fail
static inline int fast_mpool_strdup2(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	string_t *	dest, const string_t * src) {
	return fast_mpool_strdup_ex(mpool, dest, src->str, src->len);

get stats
	mpool: the mpool pointer
	stats: return the stats
return none
void fast_mpool_stats(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	struct fast_mpool_stats * stats);

log stats info
	mpool: the mpool pointer
return none
void fast_mpool_log_stats(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool);

#ifdef __cplusplus



#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fast_mpool.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "shared_func.h"
#include "pthread_func.h"
#include "sched_thread.h"

int fast_mpool_init(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	const int alloc_size_once, const int discard_size)
	if (alloc_size_once > 0) {
		mpool->alloc_size_once = alloc_size_once;
	else {
		mpool->alloc_size_once = 1024 * 1024;

	if (discard_size > 0) {
		mpool->discard_size = discard_size;
	else {
		mpool->discard_size = 64;

	mpool->malloc_chain_head = NULL;
	mpool->free_chain_head = NULL;

	return 0;

 * 返回0,成功。!=0失败
static int fast_mpool_prealloc(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	const int alloc_size)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode;
	int 			bytes;

	bytes				= sizeof(struct fast_mpool_malloc) + alloc_size;
	pMallocNode 		= (struct fast_mpool_malloc *)malloc(bytes);

	if (pMallocNode == NULL) {
		logError("file: " __FILE__ ", line: %d, " \ "malloc %d bytes fail, " \ "errno: %d, error info: %s",
			 \ __LINE__, bytes, errno, STRERROR(errno));
		return errno != 0 ? errno: ENOMEM;

	pMallocNode->alloc_size = alloc_size;
	pMallocNode->base_ptr = (char *) (pMallocNode + 1);
	pMallocNode->end_ptr = pMallocNode->base_ptr + alloc_size;
	pMallocNode->free_ptr = pMallocNode->base_ptr;

	pMallocNode->free_next = mpool->free_chain_head;
	mpool->free_chain_head = pMallocNode;

	pMallocNode->malloc_next = mpool->malloc_chain_head;
	mpool->malloc_chain_head = pMallocNode;

	return 0;

void fast_mpool_destroy(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode;
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocTmp;

	if (mpool->malloc_chain_head == NULL) {

	pMallocNode 		= mpool->malloc_chain_head;

	while (pMallocNode != NULL) {
		pMallocTmp			= pMallocNode;
		pMallocNode 		= pMallocNode->malloc_next;


	mpool->malloc_chain_head = NULL;
	mpool->free_chain_head = NULL;

static void fast_mpool_remove_free_node(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * previous;

	if (mpool->free_chain_head == pMallocNode) {
		mpool->free_chain_head = pMallocNode->free_next;

	previous			= mpool->free_chain_head;

	while (previous->free_next != NULL) {
		if (previous->free_next == pMallocNode) {
			previous->free_next = pMallocNode->free_next;

		previous			= previous->free_next;

static inline void * fast_mpool_do_alloc(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode, const int size)
	void *			ptr;

	if ((int) (pMallocNode->end_ptr - pMallocNode->free_ptr) >= size) {
		ptr 				= pMallocNode->free_ptr;
		pMallocNode->free_ptr += size;

		if ((int) (pMallocNode->end_ptr - pMallocNode->free_ptr) <= mpool->discard_size) {
			fast_mpool_remove_free_node(mpool, pMallocNode);

		return ptr;

	return NULL;

void * fast_mpool_alloc(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, const int size)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode;
	void *			ptr;
	int 			result;
	int 			alloc_size;

	// 从现有free_chain_head链表分配size字节
	pMallocNode 		= mpool->free_chain_head;

	while (pMallocNode != NULL) {
		if ((ptr = fast_mpool_do_alloc(mpool, pMallocNode, size)) != NULL) {
			return ptr;

		pMallocNode 		= pMallocNode->free_next;

	// 确定分配的最小单位
	if (size < mpool->alloc_size_once) {
		alloc_size			= mpool->alloc_size_once;
	else {
		alloc_size			= size;

	// new一个alloc_size内存块节点,并放入内存池,再次从内存池申请size个内存区域
	if ((result = fast_mpool_prealloc(mpool, alloc_size)) == 0) {
		return fast_mpool_do_alloc(mpool, mpool->free_chain_head, size);

	return NULL;

int fast_mpool_strdup_ex(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, string_t * dest, 
	const char * src, const int len)
	dest->str			= (char *)fast_mpool_alloc(mpool, len);

	if (dest->str == NULL) {
		logError("file: " __FILE__ ", line: %d, "
		"alloc %d bytes from mpool fail", __LINE__, len);
		return ENOMEM;

	if (len > 0) {
		memcpy(dest->str, src, len);

	dest->len			= len;
	return 0;

void fast_mpool_reset(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode;
	mpool->free_chain_head = NULL;
	pMallocNode 		= mpool->malloc_chain_head;

	while (pMallocNode != NULL) {
		pMallocNode->free_ptr = pMallocNode->base_ptr;

		pMallocNode->free_next = mpool->free_chain_head;
		mpool->free_chain_head = pMallocNode;

		pMallocNode 		= pMallocNode->malloc_next;

void fast_mpool_stats(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool, 
	struct fast_mpool_stats * stats)
	struct fast_mpool_malloc * pMallocNode;
	stats->total_bytes	= 0;
	stats->free_bytes	= 0;
	stats->total_trunk_count = 0;
	stats->free_trunk_count = 0;

	pMallocNode 		= mpool->malloc_chain_head;

	while (pMallocNode != NULL) {
		stats->total_bytes	+= pMallocNode->alloc_size;
		stats->free_bytes	+= (int) (pMallocNode->end_ptr - pMallocNode->free_ptr);

		pMallocNode 		= pMallocNode->malloc_next;

	pMallocNode 		= mpool->free_chain_head;

	while (pMallocNode != NULL) {
		pMallocNode 		= pMallocNode->free_next;

void fast_mpool_log_stats(struct fast_mpool_man * mpool)
	struct fast_mpool_stats stats;
	fast_mpool_stats(mpool, &stats);
	logInfo("alloc_size_once: %d, discard_size: %d, "
	"bytes: {total: %" PRId64 ", free: %" PRId64 "}, "
	"trunk_count: {total: %d, free: %d}", 
		mpool->alloc_size_once, mpool->discard_size, 
		stats.total_bytes, stats.free_bytes, 
		stats.total_trunk_count, stats.free_trunk_count);

总结:显然,Fastdfs的内存储的设计,部分参照了linux kernel内存的设计思想(即malloc()、free()的内核源码):

余庆大神写的代码,简洁干净,几乎没有丝毫冗余。 如果非要提点建议,我认为在fastdfs作为文件存储时,其内存池是作为各种组件的基础。特别是对tracker的性能有影响。 当前最新版本的libfastcommon库中内存储的构建,起始是两条链表作为内存块的寻道载体。众所周知,链表的索引是极其消耗资源的,会整体拉低tracker的响应时间。 因此,在下的看法是: 用linux kernel的其他设计思想(文件系统里面大量使用的位图、散列表等),来修复这种设计上面的缺陷。 位图的高效率,可以使一个500G的磁盘快速的定位数据,那么也可以用作内存池里面管理内存块。 关于具体代码,需要经过编辑和测试后,如果可以使用,在下就会将代码pull 到github上面。

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