

但是Screen有一个问题,就是每个连接的名称是 pid.tty.host 的格式,看上去不是很清楚,如下所示:

(base) root@instance-h9yr0vu1:~# (base) root@instance-h9yr0vu1:~# screen -r
There are several suitable screens on:
        2053.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1    (02/09/2020 05:22:34 PM)        (Detached)
        1780.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1    (02/09/2020 04:41:13 PM)        (Detached)
        31580.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1   (02/09/2020 10:23:31 AM)        (Attached)
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.

为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用命令 screen -S hostname 来启动一个新的连接。举例来说,我们新建立一个名为 mycon1 的连接,使用 screen -S mycon1 建立连接后,使用 Ctrl+a,d (先按 ctrl+a 再按 d) 断开后,可以看到 2301.mycon1,这样在区分时就清楚多了。

(base) root@instance-h9yr0vu1:~# screen -r
There are several suitable screens on:
        2301.mycon1     (02/09/2020 05:46:09 PM)        (Detached)
        2053.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1    (02/09/2020 05:22:34 PM)        (Detached)
        1780.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1    (02/09/2020 04:41:13 PM)        (Detached)
        31580.pts-0.instance-h9yr0vu1   (02/09/2020 10:23:31 AM)        (Attached)
Type "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.

[1] Linux Screen Tutorial With Examples,https://www.poftut.com/linux-screen-tutorial-examples/
[2] How To Install and Use Linux Screen, With Commands,https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-use-linux-screen-with-commands
[3] Linux-screen 常用命令,https://www.iteye.com/blog/justdo2008-1888772
[4] How To Use Linux Screen,https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-linux-screen/

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