

unemployment失业 job-hunting找工作 position职位
job resume就业简历 job interview工作面试
job prospects职业背景application letter求职信
the want ads招聘工作 fill in/out application form填写申请表
accept/take the post接受职位 take over the post接任职位
professional expertise专业技能 survival of fittest适者生存
adapt oneself to……使自己适应
useful/past experience 有用的/过去工作经验
working experience工作经验
education background学历 team-work spirit团队合作精神
a sense of responsibility责任感
a sense of accomplishment成就感
interpersonal relationship人际关系
a challenging job一份具有挑战性工作
a decent job一份体面的工作
a well-paid job高收入工作
creative work创造性工作
chance of promotion升迁机会
balance work and life平衡工作和生活
shoulder one‘s responsibility承担起责任
upgrade oneself提升自我
stand up to the challenge迎接挑战
realize the value of life丰富社会阅历
enrich one’s social experience丰富社会阅历
display one‘s talent展示某人的才能
promotion opportunity提升机会
social recognition社会认可
accumulate experience积累经验
ideal workplace理想工作场所
working environment工作环境
improve one’s capability提升能力
interpersonal skills人际交往技能
seize opportunities抓住机遇
devote oneself to……献身于……
be dedicated to……致力于……
give full play to……充分发挥……
appeal to sb吸引某人
treasure opportunity珍惜机会
promising future光明前途
bright prospect光明的前景
turning point转折点
personal department 人事部
first impression第一印象
be impressive令人印象深刻
further talk进一步谈判
work overtime加班
working/office time工作时间
night shift 夜班
odd job零工
pay offer工作待遇
paid vacation带薪休假
turn down/refuse拒绝
flow of personal人才流动
company philosophy企业文化
a fat salary收入颇丰

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