

  • 1.NVL----- NVL lets you replace null (returned as a blank) with a string in the results of a query. If expr1 is null, then NVL returns expr2. If expr1 is not null, then NVLreturns expr1.

Description of nvl.gif follows

  •  2.NULLIF------NULLIF compares expr1 and expr2. If they are equal, then the function returns null. If they are not equal, then the function returns expr1. You cannot specify the literal NULL for expr1.
  • 类似于:CASE WHEN expr1 = expr 2 THEN NULL ELSE expr1 END

Description of nullif.gif follows

  • 3.COALESCE-----COALESCE  returns the first non-null expr in the expression list. At least one expr must not be the literal NULL. If all occurrences of expr evaluate to null, then the function returns null.  
  • 类似于:CASE WHEN expr1 IS NOT NULL THEN expr1 ELSE expr2 END
  • COALESCE (expr1, expr2, ..., exprn), for n>=3  类似于:CASE WHEN expr1 IS NOT NULL THEN expr1  ELSE COALESCE (expr2, ..., exprn) END

Description of coalesce.gif follows

  • 4.value函数也可以用来处理null
  • VALUE takes as its argument a correlation variable (table alias) associated with a row of an object table and returns object instances stored in the object table. The type of the object instances is the same type as the object table.

 Description of value.gif follows


nvl,表达式1 为空,就返回表达式2。

nullif,表达式 1和表达式2如果相等,返回null,不相等返回表达式1.

coalesce,返回表达式不为空项结束。例子:coalesce(手机号,电话,邮箱) as '联系方式'


搬运工来自:SQL Functions  

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