组件 {B31118B2-1F49-48E5-B6F5-BC21CAEC56FB} 的事件解决方法


组件 {B31118B2-1F49-48E5-B6F5-BC21CAEC56FB} 的事件 Load 的配置文件通知失败,错误代码为 See Tracelogging for error details。
组件 {B31118B2-1F49-48E5-B6F5-BC21CAEC56FB} 的事件 Unload 的配置文件通知失败,错误代码为 See Tracelogging for error details。


Finally found a FIX for 1534 error !

1. Open Regedit and navigate to the following two keys(寻找ProfileNotification)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileNotification
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileNotification
2. Under ProfileNotification check if you have the TDL key(确认ProfileNotification的下一级存在TDL)
3. Export the TDL key at each location(导出TDL备份)
4. Delete the TDL key at each location(右击TDL->权限->高级->所有者 更改为你的账户 确认->安全 添加你的账户 完全控制 确认。删除TDL
5. Reboot PC to verify(重启生效)

You'll need take ownership of the TDL Key to be able to delete it.

Works for me like a charm with no downsides.

After this fix the 1534 baragge has stopped in my OS :)

参考 https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/50a24520-2ea6-47e7-995b-c2de46d2401d/user-profile-service-event-1534?forum=win10itpronetworking

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