Random Constraints

在上一页中,我们看到了randomize()方法的基本用法。 Systemverilog中的randomize()方法具有以下扩展名。

randomize() with




task object[.constraint_identifier]::constraint_mode( bit on_off );
function int object.constraint_identifier::constraint_mode();


Example : constraint_mode()

 1 typedef enum {UNICAST=11,MULTICAST,BROADCAST} pkt_type;
  3 program constaint_mode_ex;
  4   class frame_t; 
  5     rand pkt_type ptype;
  6     rand integer len;
  7     rand bit  [7:0] payload [];
  8     constraint common {
  9       payload.size() == len;
 10     }
 11     // Constraint the members
 12     constraint unicast {
 13       len <= 2;
 14       ptype == UNICAST;
 15     }
 16     // Constraint the members
 17     constraint multicast {
 18       len >= 3;
 19       len <= 4;
 20       ptype == MULTICAST;
 21     }
 22     function string getType(pkt_type ltype);
 23       begin
 24         case(ltype)
 25          UNICAST   : getType = "UNICAST";
 26          MULTICAST : getType = "MULTICAST";
 27          BROADCAST : getType = "BROADCAST";
 28          default   : getType = "UNKNOWN";
 29         endcase
 30       end
 31     endfunction
 32     // Print the members of the class
 33     task print() ;
 34       begin
 35         integer i =0;
 36         $write("Packet type %s\n",getType(ptype));
 37         $write("Size of frame is %0d\n",len);
 38         if (payload.size() > 0) begin
 39           $write("Payload is ");
 40           for (i=0; i < len; i++) begin
 41             $write(" %2x",payload[i]);
 42           end
 43           $write("\n");
 44         end
 45       end  
 46     endtask
 47   endclass
 49   initial begin 
 50      frame_t frame = new();
 51      integer j = 0;
 52      $write("-------------------------------\n");
 53      // Do contraint for Unicast frame
 54      frame.multicast.constraint_mode(0);
 55      if (frame.multicast.constraint_mode() == 0) begin
 56        if (frame.randomize() == 1) begin
 57          frame.print(); 
 58        end else begin
 59          $write("Failed to randomize frame\n");
 60        end
 61      end else begin
 62         $write("Failed to disable constraint multicast\n");
 63      end
 64      $write("-------------------------------\n");
 65      // Check the status of constraint multicast
 66      $write ("Constraint state of multicast is %0d\n",
 67          frame.multicast.constraint_mode());
 68      $write("-------------------------------\n");
 69      // Now disable the unitcast and enable multicast
 70      frame.unicast.constraint_mode(0);
 71      frame.multicast.constraint_mode(1);
 72      if (frame.randomize() == 1) begin
 73        frame.print(); 
 74      end else begin
 75        $write("Failed to randomize frame\n");
 76      end
 77      $write("-------------------------------\n");
 78   end
 79 endprogram

 Packet type UNICAST
 Size of frame is 1
 Payload is  7d
 Constraint state of multicast is 0
 Packet type MULTICAST
 Size of frame is 3
 Payload is  df 40 f7


Systemverilog提供了预定义的rand_mode()方法来控制随机变量是活动的还是非活动的。 当随机变量处于非活动状态时,将其视为未声明为rand或randc。 所有随机变量最初都是活动的。

task object[.random_variable]::rand_mode( bit on_off );
function int object.random_variable::rand_mode();

【2】random_variable:random_variable是对其应用操作的随机变量的名称。 如果未指定(仅当作为任务调用时才允许),则该操作将应用于指定对象内的所有随机变量。
【4】0 OFF:将指定的变量设置为无效,以便在随后调用randomize()方法时不会将它们随机化。

Example : rand_mode()

  1 program rand_mode_ex;
  2   class frame_t;
  3     rand bit [7:0] src_addr;
  4     rand bit [7:0] dst_addr;
  5     task print();
  6       begin 
  7         $write("Source      address %2x\n",src_addr);
  8         $write("Destination address %2x\n",dst_addr);
  9       end
 10     endtask  
 11   endclass
 13   initial begin
 14     frame_t frame = new();
 15     integer j = 0;
 16     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 17     $write("Without Randomize Value\n");
 18     frame.print();
 19     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 20     $write("With Randomize Value\n");
 21     j = frame.randomize();
 22     frame.print();
 23     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 24     $write("With Randomize OFF and Randomize\n");
 25     frame.rand_mode(0);
 26     j = frame.randomize();
 27     frame.print();
 28     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 29     $write("With Randomize ON and Randomize\n");
 30     frame.rand_mode(1);
 31     j = frame.randomize();
 32     frame.print();
 33     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 34     $write("With Randomize OFF on dest addr and Randomize\n");
 35     frame.dst_addr.rand_mode(0);
 36     j = frame.randomize();
 37     frame.print();
 38     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 39   end
 40 endprogram
You could download file rand_mode_ex.sv here

 	../images/main/4blue_dots_bullets.gif	Simulation Output : rand_mode()

 Without Randomize Value
 Source      address 00
 Destination address 00
 With Randomize Value
 Source      address 36
 Destination address 3c
 With Randomize OFF and Randomize
 Source      address 36
 Destination address 3c
 With Randomize ON and Randomize
 Source      address 7d
 Destination address e2
 With Randomize OFF on dest addr and Randomize
 Source      address 0b
 Destination address e2


此构造允许在调用randomize()类方法的点声明内联约束。 这些其他约束具有与随机类中声明的约束类型和形式相同的约束类型。 内联约束与对象约束一起应用。 类定义中的原始约束不必更改。

inline_constraint _declaration ::=
class_variable_identifier . randomize [
   ( [ variable_identifier_list | null ] ) ]
with constraint_block


Example : randomize with

  1 program randomize_with;
  2   class frame_t;
  3     rand bit [7:0] src_addr;
  4     rand bit [7:0] dst_addr;
  5     constraint c {
  6       src_addr <=  127;
  7       dst_addr >=  128;
  8     }
  9     task print();
 10       begin 
 11         $write("Source      address %2x\n",src_addr);
 12         $write("Destination address %2x\n",dst_addr);
 13       end
 14     endtask  
 15   endclass
 18   initial begin
 19     frame_t frame = new();
 20     integer i = 0;
 21     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 22     $write("Randomize Value\n");
 23     i = frame.randomize();
 24     frame.print();
 25     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 26     $write("Randomize with Value\n");
 27     i = frame.randomize() with {
 28       src_addr > 100;
 29       dst_addr < 130;
 30       dst_addr > 128;
 31     };
 32     frame.print();
 33     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 34   end
 35 endprogram
 Randomize Value
 Source      address 02
 Destination address ab
 Randomize with Value
 Source      address 79
 Destination address 81




function void pre_randomize();
function void post_randomize();

调用obj.randomize()时,它首先对obj及其启用的所有随机对象成员都调用pre_randomize()。 然后Pre_randomize()递归调用super.pre_randomize()。
然后Post_randomize()递归调用super.post_randomize()。 您可以在任何类中重载pre_randomize()来执行初始化和设置对象随机化之前的前提条件。

Example : pre/post randomize()

 1 program pre_post_randomize;
  3   class frame_t;
  4     rand bit [7:0] data;
  5     bit  parity;
  6     constraint c {
  7      data >  0;
  8     }
  9     function void pre_randomize();
 10       begin
 11         $write("pre_randomize  : Value of data %b and parity %b\n",data,parity);
 12       end
 13     endfunction
 14     function void post_randomize();
 15       begin
 16         parity = ^data;
 17         $write("post_randomize : Value of data %b and parity %b\n",data,parity);
 18       end
 19     endfunction
 20    endclass
 22   initial begin
 23     frame_t frame = new();
 24     integer i = 0;
 25     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 26     $write("Randomize Value\n");
 27     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 28     i = frame.randomize();
 29     $write("-------------------------------\n");
 30   end
 31 endprogram

 Randomize Value
 pre_randomize  : Value of data 00000000 and parity 0
 post_randomize : Value of data 00000110 and parity 0


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