improvised lecture

An improvised lecture adapted from articles in textbook
first thing i will say is that an important influence on people's ability to cope with stress / is the degree of control that they feel they can exercise over situation.
in other words they can do something positive/ to face the stress, instead of just sitting there hopeless.
have some efforts spared, if you feel like such stress is under control? it is not bothersome at all
Even when you can not control unpleasant events, they tend to be less stressful ? if they are predictable for you
let me Take exams For example.
Even though both an unexpected exam and scheduled exam are stressful for students, it is not surprised that the latter is less stressful , because it is not surprising? And you can make preparation and ready for it.
As you can see, our reaction for stressful events vary, depending on our subjective appraisals and our attitude towards them. Pull them together and we get personality factors.
Surveys suggest that
People who are committed to what they are doing, who feel in control, and who welcome moderate amounts of change and challenge.Are likely to survive in an extremely stressful environment.
actually if you have noticed, is that stress is everywhere, it is doomed to full of your life. and you can run away never hide
if people do not confront a certain amount of stress in their lives, they will end up being bored and unstimulated.
So In a word
/stress /is caused /not so much by events and surroundings themselves as by the ways /in which people perceive and react to them
And We all have to come to terms with them. in our own ways anyway .thank you

BTW:take two hours so long

