什么是函数式接口 @FunctionalInterface??

什么是函数式接口 @FunctionalInterface


 * An informative annotation type used to indicate that an interface
 * type declaration is intended to be a <i>functional interface</i> as
 * defined by the Java Language Specification.
 * Conceptually, a functional interface has exactly one abstract
 * method.  Since {@linkplain java.lang.reflect.Method#isDefault()
 * default methods} have an implementation, they are not abstract.  If
 * an interface declares an abstract method overriding one of the
 * public methods of {@code java.lang.Object}, that also does
 * <em>not</em> count toward the interface's abstract method count
 * since any implementation of the interface will have an
 * implementation from {@code java.lang.Object} or elsewhere.
 * <p>Note that instances of functional interfaces can be created with
 * lambda expressions, method references, or constructor references.
 * <p>If a type is annotated with this annotation type, compilers are
 * required to generate an error message unless:
 * <ul>
 * <li> The type is an interface type and not an annotation type, enum, or class.
 * <li> The annotated type satisfies the requirements of a functional interface.
 * </ul>
 * <p>However, the compiler will treat any interface meeting the
 * definition of a functional interface as a functional interface
 * regardless of whether or not a {@code FunctionalInterface} 
 * annotation is present on the interface declaration.
 * @jls 4.3.2. The Class Object
 * @jls 9.8 Functional Interfaces
 * @jls 9.4.3 Interface Method Body
 * @since 1.8
public @interface FunctionalInterface {}


  1. 如果一个接口只有一个抽象方法,那么该接口就是函数式接口。
  2. 如果一个接口里面有一个抽象方法,该方法重写了Object的方法,那么不会向接口的抽象方法加1,该接口的抽象方法还是一个,仍然满足函数式接口的定义,那么该接口也会定义为函数式接口。
  3. 如果我们在某个接口上声明了FunctionalInterface注解,那么编译器就会按照函数式接口的定义来要求该接口,不满足就会报错。
  4. 如果某一个接口只有一个抽象方法,但是我们并没有在该接口上声明FunctionalInterface注解,那么编译器依旧会将该接口看作函数式接口。



  • 一般定义
package com.demo.fuctionalface;

public interface InterfaceDemo {
    void say();
  • 不添加@FunctionalInterface注解编译器也会将此接口当成函数式接口,建议添加
package com.demo.fuctionalface;

public interface InterfaceDemo {
    void say();
  • 重写了Object中的方法,仍然是函数式接口
package com.demo.fuctionalface;

public interface InterfaceDemo {
    void say();
    String toString();


  • 首先 Object类是所有java的父类,所以InterfaceDemo的实现类,直接或者间接的继承Object类,也就是说也继承了Object的toString方法,实现在Object内。只需要实现say()方法即可。子类只需要实现一个抽象方法,符合函数式接口的定义。


  • 编译器就会报错
package com.demo.fuctionalface;

public interface InterfaceDemo {
    void say();
    String MyString();
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