adbapi.ConnectionPool 重连


pymysql.err.InterfaceError: (0, '')


  1. 这篇重写了方法,不太适合我的情况。Twisted MySQL: 处理重连,屏蔽日志中输出的异常信息
  2. 查看api,发现有个reconnect,默认False,加进去,运行,果然不行。。
class ConnectionPool:
    Represent a pool of connections to a DB-API 2.0 compliant database.

    @ivar connectionFactory: factory for connections, default to L{Connection}.
    @type connectionFactory: any callable.

    @ivar transactionFactory: factory for transactions, default to
    @type transactionFactory: any callable

    @ivar shutdownID: L{None} or a handle on the shutdown event trigger which
        will be used to stop the connection pool workers when the reactor

    @ivar _reactor: The reactor which will be used to schedule startup and
        shutdown events.
    @type _reactor: L{IReactorCore} provider

    CP_ARGS = "min max name noisy openfun reconnect good_sql".split()

    noisy = False # If true, generate informational log messages
    min = 3 # Minimum number of connections in pool
    max = 5 # Maximum number of connections in pool
    name = None # Name to assign to thread pool for debugging
    openfun = None # A function to call on new connections
    reconnect = False # Reconnect when connections fail
    good_sql = 'select 1' # A query which should always succeed

    running = False # True when the pool is operating
    connectionFactory = Connection
    transactionFactory = Transaction

    # Initialize this to None so it's available in close() even if start()
    # never runs.
    shutdownID = None
  1. 翻文档 twisted.enterprise.adbapi.ConnectionPool
 def __init__(self, dbapiName, *connargs, **connkw): (source)

Create a new ConnectionPool.

Any positional or keyword arguments other than those documented here are passed to the DB-API object when connecting. Use these arguments to pass database names, usernames, passwords, etc.
Parameters	dbapiName	an import string to use to obtain a DB-API compatible module (e.g. 'pyPgSQL.PgSQL')
	cp_min	the minimum number of connections in pool (default 3)
	cp_max	the maximum number of connections in pool (default 5)
	cp_noisy	generate informational log messages during operation (default False)
	cp_openfun	a callback invoked after every connect() on the underlying DB-API object. The callback is passed a new DB-API connection object. This callback can setup per-connection state such as charset, timezone, etc.
	cp_reconnect	detect connections which have failed and reconnect (default False). Failed connections may result in ConnectionLost exceptions, which indicate the query may need to be re-sent.
	cp_good_sql	an sql query which should always succeed and change no state (default 'select 1')
	cp_reactor	use this reactor instead of the global reactor (added in Twisted 10.2). (type: IReactorCore provider)


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