Spring Cloud Stream App Starters

Spring Cloud Stream Application Starters are standalone executable applications that communicate over messaging middleware such as Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ. These applications can run independently on variety of runtime platforms including: Cloud Foundry, Apache Yarn, Apache Mesos, Kubernetes, Docker, or even on your laptop.

Run standalone as Spring Boot applications
Compose microservice as streaming pipelines in Spring Cloud Data Flow
Consume microservice applications as maven or docker artifacts
Override configuration parameters via command-line, environment variables, or YAML file
Provide infrastructure to test the applications in isolation
Download as starters from this version of Spring Initializr

Available Applications
Source Processor Sink
file aggregator aggregate-counter
ftp bridge cassandra
gemfire filter counter
gemfire-cq groovy-filter field-value-counter
http groovy-transform file
jdbc header-enricher ftp
jms httpclient gemfire
load-generator pmml gpfdist
loggregator python-http hdfs
mail python-jython hdfs-dataset
mongodb scriptable-transform jdbc
mqtt splitter log
rabbit tasklaunchrequest-transform mongodb
s3 tcp-client mqtt
sftp tensorflow pgcopy
syslog transform rabbit
tcp twitter-sentiment redis-pubsub
tcp-client grpc router
time s3
trigger sftp
triggertask task-launcher-cloudfoundry
twitterstream task-launcher-local

Quick Start

Step 1 - Download the latest time-source application from here [eg: /2.1.0.RELEASE/time-source-kafka-2.1.0.RELEASE.jar]

Step 2 - Download the latest log-sink application from here [eg: /2.1.0.RELEASE/log-sink-kafka-2.1.0.RELEASE.jar]

Step 3 - Start Kafka

Step 4 - Run Time Source and Bind to ticktock Topic

java -jar time-source-kafka-***.jar --spring.cloud.stream.bindings.output.destination=ticktock

Step 5 - Run Log Sink and Bind to ticktock Topic

java -jar log-sink-kafka-***.jar --spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.destination=ticktock

Step 6 - Verify ticktock ouput in log-sink console
Stream App Starters and Spring Cloud Data Flow (**)

With Spring Boot 2.1.x + Spring Cloud Stream 2.1.x:
Artifact Type Stable Release Snapshot Release
RabbitMQ + Maven https://dataflow.spring.io/rabbit-maven-latest https://dataflow.spring.io/Einstein-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-stream-applications-rabbit-maven
RabbitMQ + Docker https://dataflow.spring.io/rabbit-docker-latest https://dataflow.spring.io/Einstein-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-stream-applications-rabbit-docker
Apache Kafka + Maven https://dataflow.spring.io/kafka-maven-latest https://dataflow.spring.io/Einstein-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-stream-applications-kafka-maven
Apache Kafka + Docker https://dataflow.spring.io/kafka-docker-latest https://dataflow.spring.io/Einstein-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-stream-applications-kafka-docker

(**) find out how to use the app-starters in Spring Cloud Data Flow by reviewing the app-registration section in the reference guide
HTTP Repository Location for Apps
Versions: Boot / Stream Rabbit MQ Apache Kafka
Spring Boot 2.1.x / Spring Cloud Stream 2.1.x Stable Release / Latest Snapshot Stable Release / Latest Snapshot

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