
> I don't have an example that I can show you but it's not really that
> complicated. I'm going to assume that you have lwip all set up and ready to
> go; in other words, you have all the sysarch, lwipopts, and sio stuff in
> working order. If that is the case, there a four routines that you should
> take a look at in ppp.c:
> pppInit() - Call this once when you system starts. I call this from my
> sys_init() routine.
> pppSetAuth() - Use this to set a user name and password for PAP or CHAP, if
> you have either of them enabled (look in your lwip opts files).
> pppOpen() - Creates a new thread and tells it to start PPP. This new thread
> will let you know what's going on with the PPP connection via the callback
> that you must specify for the first argument.
> pppClose() - Brings down the PPP link and ends the PPP thread.
> You should be able to ignore just about everything else, unless you need to
> do some debugging. Anyway, this is basically what you need to do:
> 1. Initialize your system and lwip (including pppInit()).
> 2. Open your comm port.
> 3. Dial your modem and wait for it to connect.
> 4. call pppSetAuth() and pppOpen().
> 5. wait for PPP to tell you it is open (or if it failed for whatever reason).
> 6. now you should be on-line. do your thing.
> 7. call pppClose and close your comm port.
> That should get you started. Just make sure you read and understand exactly
> what those four routines (the ones i outlined above) are doing.
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