

001、uses System.SyncObjs; //同步对象

  TEvent = class(THandleObject)

002、uses System.Threading;



  [HPPGEN(HPPGenAttribute.mkFriend, 'DELPHICLASS TTask; /* __interface */ ITask; DELPHICLASS TAbstractTask')]
  TThreadPool = class sealed
  public type
    IControlFlag = interface(IInterface)
      function Increment: Integer;


      TSafeSharedCardinal = record
        constructor Create(var SharedVar: Cardinal);
        function Increment: Cardinal; inline;
        function Decrement: Cardinal; inline;
        class operator Explicit(Value: TSafeSharedCardinal): Cardinal; inline;

        property Value: Cardinal read GetCardinal write SetCardinal;

  public //线程池公共属性、方法、函数::::::
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    class function NewControlFlag: IControlFlag; static;

    procedure QueueWorkItem(Sender: TObject; WorkerEvent: TNotifyEvent; const AControlFlag: IControlFlag = nil); overload;
    procedure QueueWorkItem(const WorkerEvent: TProc; const AControlFlag: IControlFlag = nil); overload;

    // Returns false if attempting to set a value smaller than the number of processors. Setting this
    // value too high can lead problems with other libraries and processes. If too many threads execute
    // at the same time, task/thread switching overhead can become restrictive.
    function SetMaxWorkerThreads(Value: Integer): Boolean;
    // Returns false if attempting to set a value < 0 or > MaxWorkerThreads. The actual number of pool
    // threads could be less than this value depending on actual demand. Setting this to too few threads could
    // be less than optimal resource utilization.
    function SetMinWorkerThreads(Value: Integer): Boolean;

    property MaxWorkerThreads: Integer read GetMaxWorkerThreads;
    property MinWorkerThreads: Integer read GetMinWorkerThreads;

    ///  <summary>
    ///  The default global threadpool.
    ///  </summary>
    class property Default: TThreadPool read FDefaultPool;
    ///  <summary>
    ///  This will be the threadpool when accessed from a thread within that threadpool. For the main-thread or
    ///  non-threadpool threads, this will be the same as the Default property above.
    ///  </summary>
    class property Current: TThreadPool read GetCurrentThreadPool;

  TThreadPoolStats = record


    ///  <summary>Total number of worker threads within the thread pool</summary>
    property WorkerThreadCount: Integer read FWorkerThreadCount;
    ///  <summary>Corresponds to the MinWorkerThreads property</summary>
    property MinLimitWorkerThreadCount: Integer read FMinLimitWorkerThreadCount;
    ///  <summary>Corresponds to the MaxWorkerThreads property</summary>
    property MaxLimitWorkerThreadCount: Integer read FMaxLimitWorkerThreadCount;
    ///  <summary>Number of threads waiting for work to do</summary>
    property IdleWorkerThreadCount: Integer read FIdleWorkerThreadCount;
    ///  <summary>Number of global queued work requests</summary>
    property QueuedRequestCount: Integer read FQueuedRequestCount;
    ///  <summary>Number of worker threads in the process of being retired</summary>
    property RetiredWorkerThreadCount: Integer read FRetiredWorkerThreadCount;
    ///  <summary>Running average of CPU usage</summary>
    property AverageCPUUsage: Integer read FAverageCPUUsage;
    ///  <summary>Current snapshot of CPU usage</summary>
    property CurrentCPUUsage: Integer read FCurrentCPUUsage;
    ///  <summary>Shared value among worker threads to manage orderly thread suspension</summary>
    property ThreadSuspended: Integer read FThreadSuspended;
    ///  <summary>Shared value among worker threads to manage orderly thread suspension</summary>
    property LastSuspendTick: Cardinal read FLastSuspendTick;
    ///  <summary>Used by the monitor thread to keep from creating threads too quickly</summary>
    property LastThreadCreationTick: Cardinal read FLastThreadCreationTick;
    ///  <summary>Used by the monitor thread to only create new threads when there is work to do</summary>
    property LastQueuedRequestCount: Integer read FLastQueuedRequestCount;

    ///  <summary>
    ///  When called from within a threadpool thread, returns the stats for the owning threadpool. Outside of a
    ///  threadpool thread, this will return the stats for the default threadpool
    ///  </summary>
    class property Current: TThreadPoolStats read GetCurrentThreadPoolStats;
    ///  <summary>Returns the stats for the default threadpool</summary>
    class property Default: TThreadPoolStats read GetDefaultThreadPoolStats;
  end;    //::线程池的状态

010、Timeout: TTimeSpan //时间截的最完整的record记录类型:内含时间记号(滴答)Tick:

  public const
    TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
    TicksPerSecond = 1000 * Int64(TicksPerMillisecond);
    TicksPerMinute = 60 * Int64(TicksPerSecond);
    TicksPerHour = 60 * Int64(TicksPerMinute);
    TicksPerDay = 24 * TIcksPerHour;


011、Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE //const  INFINITE = Cardinal($FFFFFFFF); //无符号最大整数:应用:一直等下去://ITask.wait(INFINITE);


class function TThread.GetTickCount: Cardinal;
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
  Result := Winapi.Windows.GetTickCount;
{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
  Result := AbsoluteToNanoseconds(mach_absolute_time) div 1000000;
{$ELSEIF Defined(POSIX)}
  res: timespec;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, @res);
  Result := (Int64(1000000000) * res.tv_sec + res.tv_nsec) div 1000000;
  {$MESSAGE Fatal 'Method not implemented for Platform'}


  // High-level aid for marshalling arguments to and from OS / native API invocation.操作系统高级别助手:集结编组参数和OS /原生API的调用请求。
  // Auto-destruction to ease use.  轻松使用”自动解构“。

  TMarshaller = record

  //  .....

    // Complete all pending operations. This:
    // * un-fixes any fixed arrays or strings
    // * copies back any out or in/out paramaters
    // * frees any memory allocated for copied data
    // When the marshaller record goes out of scope, Flush is called automatically.

  / /完成所有的等待/期待的操作。它会:
  / / * un-fixes任何固定数组或字符串
  / / * 产生任何内存进出参数的副本
  / / * 释放分配的内存复制数据
  / / 当marshaller集结编组记录超出范围时,Flush自动清洗被自动调用:

    procedure Flush //:但会增加CPU或GPU的计时

// 用法:


// ......

LMarshaller.Flush;  // :操作系统高级别:清理内存分配、回写任何进出参数、清零数组和strings //:但会增加CPU或GPU的计时

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