




3,基本类,最常用的大致有如下这9个basic class:





  vmm_xactor: 非常中移动基本类,应用场合非常多,其他很多的基本类是由其引申和扩展而来。


VMM方法学通过 4个不同的机制来提高项目验证的生产率。这四个机制为别为 :断言、抽象化、自动化和重用。

In this section you will find explanation of vmm base classes and architecture of the vmm based testbench.

vmm basic classes:

Index :
        -- VMM log : Vmm log message example, macros, severity and method
        -- VMM Data : VMM data class is used to model transaction, packet or item
        -- VMM channel : Vmm channel is a inferface to connect the generators and transactors to pass the transaction object
        -- VMM Xactor : All the running components like transactor, generator, monitor, scoreboard etc are deriverd from xactor class
        -- VMM notify : VMM notify base class
        -- VMM Atomic Gen : VMM atomic generator is used to generate the transaction randomly
        -- VMM env : Verfication environments should be extened from vmm_env class
        -- VMM Callbacks : Callbacks are used to change the behavior of a verification component without actually changing the compoent


Enables language features in the IEEE 1364-2001 standard.

Enables reporting of successful matches, and successes on
cover statements, in addition to failures. The default is to report
only failures.

Blocks reporting of trivial implication successes. These happen
when an implication construct registers a success only because
the precondition (antecedent) portion is false (and so the
consequent portion is not checked). With this option, reporting
only shows successes in which the whole expression matches.

-assert filter+success经常两者结合起来用。注意用时在filter+success前加上-assert

Limits the total number of reported successes to N. You must
supply N, otherwise no limit is set. VCS continues to monitor
assertions even after the limit is reached.

-assert maxsuccess=3

-l filename logfile文件名
Specifies a file where VCS records compilation messages. If you
also enter the -R or -RI option, VCS records messages from both
compilation and simulation in the same file.

-assert enable_diag
Enables further control of results reporting with runtime options

Enables the use of SystemVerilog code.

-cm assert
Compiles for SystemVerilog assertions coverage. -cm is not a
new compile-time option but the assert argument is new. This
option and argument must also be entered at runtime.

vcs *.v *.sva -sverilog \
+define+enable_blk_assertions \
+define+tb_sva \
+define+slv_fc \
+define+slv_doc \
-PP -assert enable_diag -cm assert \
-l compile.log

simv -l run.log -assert filter+success -assert maxsuccess=3

  1. 编译verilog文件成为一个可执行的二进制文件命令为:
    {1}gt; vcs source_files

  2. 运行该可执行文件
    {1}gt; ./simv
  类似于NC, 也有单命令行的方式:
    {1}gt; vcs source_files -R
    -R 命令表示, 编译后立即执行.
-cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|obc|path     设定coverage的方式

A few more compile options are significant:
1.  if RVM class libs are used in the OV code, this is required:
-ntb_opts rvm
2. VMM classes, vmm_ macros can be used in SV; and rvm_ macros
in OV package are automatically translated to vmm_ equivalents if
this is also added
-ntb_opts interop -ntb_opts rvm

这是VCS的参数,表示使用VCS的“用户限制使用”的功能,即VCS提供的一些功能是他们还没有经过充分测试还没有发布的;如果你想使用这些功能就要加上 -lca参数。

Specifies the directory or directories that VCS searches for include
files used in the `include compiler directive. More than one
directory may be specified, separated by +.

Some runtime options must be preceded by the +plusarg_save
option for VCS to compile them into the executable. You can
specify this option either on the vcs command line or in the file
specified with the -f or -F option.
You can also enter the following runtime options on the vcs command
line or in the file that you specify with the -f or -F compile-time option,
so that VCS compiles them into the simv executable, BUT you must
precede them with the +plusarg_save compile-time option:
+cfgfile +override_model_delays
+vcs+dumpoff +vcs+dumpon
+vcs+dumpvarsoff +vcs+grwavesoff
+vcs+ignorestop +vcs+learn+pli
+vcs+mipd+noalias +vcs+nostdout
+vcs+stop +vera_load
+vera_mload +vpdbufsize
+vpddrivers +vpdfile
+vpdfilesize +vpdnocompress
+vpdnostrengths +vpdports

-ntb_opts dtm
You enable testbench constructs outside programs with the
-ntb_opts dtm compile-time option and keyword argument.
The testbench constructs that you can enter outside programs with
this option are as follows:classes   associative arrays   dynamic arrays   
SystemVerilog named events

工作状态: 建立仿真环境

  1. 编译verilog文件成为一个可执行的二进制文件命令为:
    >vcssourcefiles2.运行该可执行文件>vcssourcefiles2.运行该可执行文件> ./simv
  类似于NC, 也有单命令行的方式:
    $> vcs source_files -R
    -R 命令表示, 编译后立即执行.

  -cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|obc|path     设定coverage的方式
  +define+macro=value+       预编译宏定义

  -f filename             RTL文件列表

  +incdir+directory+           添加include 文件夹

  -I                 进入交互界面

  -l                 logfile文件名

  -P pli.tab             定义PLI的列表(Tab)文件

  +v2k                 使用推荐的标准

  -y                 定义verilog的库

  -notice               显示详尽的诊断信息

  -o                 指定输出的可执行文件的名字,缺省是sim.v





variable driven by a stuctural diver cannot have any other drivers.

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