android launcher客制化——将自己的apk设定为开机启动项(home)

android launcher客制化——将自己的apk设定为开机启动项(home)

1. Description

  • download mmi version ->should go into the mmitest interface
  • mmitest,一款设备硬件测试apk,主要检查设备硬件好坏。
  • mmi version,相对普通版本(cu版本),mmi版本需要在一开机就启动硬件测试apk mmitest,并且mmi version 因为主要编译后用来测试设备硬件好坏,相对cu版本,除了必要的service和部分模块,一些不必要的service&& 模块则不必安装。
  • 在之前 mmi version的实现中,mmitest apk会在开机完成后接收开机广播android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED来实现自启动逻辑。
  • 但是实际上启动顺序是在launcher界面启动后才启动mmitest apk,中间会有一段时间的间隔


  1. 如果是mmi version,将mmitest apk作为launcher启动
  2. 如果是普通版本(cu版本),保持原样(默认的laucher apk 作为开机启动项,mmitest apk作为一个三方apk并隐藏log)

2. Analysis


Created with Raphaël 2.2.0 startHomeActivityLocked(int userId, String reason) resolveActivityInfo(Intent intent, int flags, int userId) resolveIntent(...) resolveIntentInternal(...) chooseBestActivity(intent, resolvedType, flags, query, userId) findPreferredActivity(...)

启动activity的入口是startHomeActivityLocked方法,但是在众多的 activity中如何选择,则是在chooseBestActivity方法中进行的。该方法:

  1. 首先进行判断,如果launcher apk只有一个就直接将它放回给startHomeActivityLocked方法,让它启动。
  2. 如果有多个launcher apk,从偏好设置中获取用户设置好的默认launcher,该偏好设置文件路径为/data/system/users/0/package-restrictions.xml,root后可以查看。
  3. 如果用户还没有设置偏好的activity,则启动ResolverActivity,该 activity会让用户进行偏好设置。

回到本问题,将mmitest apk客制为laucher主要有4种方法:

  1. 删除系统的launcher apk
    只要将mmitest apk中的androidManifest.xml中的main screen添加标签<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" /> &&<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />后,该apk在启动时就会作为launcher进行启动。但是因为系统中还有默认的launcher也有这2个标签,所以在设备开机后,系统会询问用户期望将哪个apk作为launcher,具体逻辑如下。
   private ResolveInfo chooseBestActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
           int flags, List<ResolveInfo> query, int userId) {
       if (query != null) {
           final int N = query.size();
           if (N == 1) {
               return query.get(0);/*如果List<ResolveInfo>中只有一个,这不需要进行选择*/
           } else if (N > 1) {
               final boolean debug = ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION) != 0);
               // If there is more than one activity with the same priority,
               // then let the user decide between them.
               ResolveInfo r0 = query.get(0);
               ResolveInfo r1 = query.get(1);
               if (DEBUG_INTENT_MATCHING || debug) {
                   Slog.v(TAG, + "=" + r0.priority + " vs "
                           + + "=" + r1.priority);
               // If the first activity has a higher priority, or a different
               // default, then it is always desirable to pick it.
               if (r0.priority != r1.priority
                       || r0.preferredOrder != r1.preferredOrder
                       || r0.isDefault != r1.isDefault) {
                   return query.get(0);
               // If we have saved a preference for a preferred activity for
               // this Intent, use that.
               ResolveInfo ri = findPreferredActivity(intent, resolvedType,/* 此处去查询用户的偏好设置,如果在多个launcher apk的情况下,用户之前已经选定了某个apk 默认一直作为launcher,则直接返回该apk*/
                       flags, query, r0.priority, true, false, debug, userId);
               if (ri != null) {
                   return ri;
               // If we have an ephemeral app, use it
               for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                   ri = query.get(i);
                   if (ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.isInstantApp()) {
                       final String packageName = ri.activityInfo.packageName;
                       final PackageSetting ps = mSettings.mPackages.get(packageName);
                       final long packedStatus = getDomainVerificationStatusLPr(ps, userId);
                       final int status = (int)(packedStatus >> 32);
                       if (status != INTENT_FILTER_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_ALWAYS_ASK) {
                           return ri;
               ri = new ResolveInfo(mResolveInfo);
               ri.activityInfo = new ActivityInfo(ri.activityInfo);
               ri.activityInfo.labelRes = ResolverActivity.getLabelRes(intent.getAction());
               // If all of the options come from the same package, show the application's
               // label and icon instead of the generic resolver's.
               // Some calls like Intent.resolveActivityInfo query the ResolveInfo from here
               // and then throw away the ResolveInfo itself, meaning that the caller loses
               // the resolvePackageName. Therefore the activityInfo.labelRes above provides
               // a fallback for this case; we only set the target package's resources on
               // the ResolveInfo, not the ActivityInfo.
               final String intentPackage = intent.getPackage();
               if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(intentPackage) && allHavePackage(query, intentPackage)) {
                   final ApplicationInfo appi = query.get(0).activityInfo.applicationInfo;
                   ri.resolvePackageName = intentPackage;
                   if (userNeedsBadging(userId)) {
                       ri.noResourceId = true;
                   } else {
                       ri.icon = appi.icon;
                   ri.iconResourceId = appi.icon;
                   ri.labelRes = appi.labelRes;
               ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo(
               if (userId != 0) {
                   ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.uid = UserHandle.getUid(userId,
               // Make sure that the resolver is displayable in car mode
               if (ri.activityInfo.metaData == null) ri.activityInfo.metaData = new Bundle();
               ri.activityInfo.metaData.putBoolean(Intent.METADATA_DOCK_HOME, true);
               return ri;/*如果前面的逻辑都没有确定出一个合适的 activity,则会返回,该activity会显示一个偏好设置界面,提供用户选择*/
       return null;

因为需要将mmitest apk设置默认launcher,所以并不希望开机后出现这个选择框。简单的做法就是将系统中lancher apk去掉,这样开机后系统只有mmitest apk具有标签<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />,默认的就会将它作为lancher启动而不出现弹框。
不过这种做法还是不能解决当前的问题,如果是普通版本(cu版本),编译后很可能就没有launcher了,不符合 如果是普通版本(cu版本),保持原样的需求。 当然可以在mkaefile文件中做好判断,即如果当前编译的是cu版本,则将默认的laucher apk加入编译,否则laucher apk不参加编译。
而这种修改虽然可以保持cu版本保留默认的laucher apk但是还是回到了最开始的问题上了,启动后会系统会询问用户期望将哪个apk作为launcher。

  1. 修改intent-filter priority
    参考博客Android framework 使用自定的activity取代默认的Launcher界面描述的,AMS在启动launcher时,会通过resolveActivityInfo方法向PMS查询具有CATEGORY标签的组件,当有多个组件都满足条件的情况下,会依据priority的值的大小来选择,取priority值最大的一个,当有多个组件priority相同的情况,会提示用户进行选择。
    所以在修改mmitest apk的androidManifest.xml标签的同时,对文件PackageManagerService.java的adjustPriority方法修改,如果检测到ApplicationInfo的packageName是mmitest 并且当前版本为mmi version,手动设置mmitest 的main screen activity的intent-filter priority为一个较大的值,否则就设为一个较小的值。此方法验证,未生效
        * Adjusts the priority of the given intent filter according to policy.
        * <p>
        * <ul>
        * <li>The priority for non privileged applications is capped to '0'</li>
        * <li>The priority for protected actions on privileged applications is capped to '0'</li>
        * <li>The priority for unbundled updates to privileged applications is capped to the
        * priority defined on the system partition</li>
        * </ul>
        * <p>
        * <em>NOTE:</em> There is one exception. For security reasons, the setup wizard is
        * allowed to obtain any priority on any action.
       private void adjustPriority(
               List<PackageParser.Activity> systemActivities, ActivityIntentInfo intent) {
           // nothing to do; priority is fine as-is
           if (intent.getPriority() <= 0) {

           final ActivityInfo activityInfo =;
           final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = activityInfo.applicationInfo;
           final boolean privilegedApp =
                   ((applicationInfo.privateFlags & ApplicationInfo.PRIVATE_FLAG_PRIVILEGED) != 0);
           if (!privilegedApp) {
               // non-privileged applications can never define a priority >0
               if (DEBUG_FILTERS) {
                   Slog.i(TAG, "Non-privileged app; cap priority to 0;"
                           + " package: " + applicationInfo.packageName
                           + " activity: " + intent.activity.className
                           + " origPrio: " + intent.getPriority());

           if (systemActivities == null) {
               // the system package is not disabled; we're parsing the system partition
               if (isProtectedAction(intent)) {
                   if (mDeferProtectedFilters) {
                       // We can't deal with these just yet. No component should ever obtain a
                       // >0 priority for a protected actions, with ONE exception -- the setup
                       // wizard. The setup wizard, however, cannot be known until we're able to
                       // query it for the category CATEGORY_SETUP_WIZARD. Which we can't do
                       // until all intent filters have been processed. Chicken, meet egg.
                       // Let the filter temporarily have a high priority and rectify the
                       // priorities after all system packages have been scanned.
                       if (DEBUG_FILTERS) {
                           Slog.i(TAG, "Protected action; save for later;"
                                   + " package: " + applicationInfo.packageName
                                   + " activity: " + intent.activity.className
                                   + " origPrio: " + intent.getPriority());
                   } else {
                       if (DEBUG_FILTERS && mSetupWizardPackage == null) {
                           Slog.i(TAG, "No setup wizard;"
                               + " All protected intents capped to priority 0");
                       if ( {
                           if (DEBUG_FILTERS) {
                               Slog.i(TAG, "Found setup wizard;"
                                   + " allow priority " + intent.getPriority() + ";"
                                   + " package: " +
                                   + " activity: " + intent.activity.className
                                   + " priority: " + intent.getPriority());
                           // setup wizard gets whatever it wants
                       if (DEBUG_FILTERS) {
                           Slog.i(TAG, "Protected action; cap priority to 0;"
                                   + " package: " +
                                   + " activity: " + intent.activity.className
                                   + " origPrio: " + intent.getPriority());
               // privileged apps on the system image get whatever priority they request
  1. 修改偏好设置
    当系统有多个apk具有标签<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" /> &&<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />时,系统会主动询问用户希望选择哪个apk作为launcher,即设置用户的偏好。
    如果是mmi version,修改此处逻辑,将弹出弹框逻辑去掉并让系统默认选择指定apk作为launcher,则可以实现本问题的需求。分析偏好设置具体逻辑可参考android设置多个类似APP其中的一个为默认。而针对本问题,可以在chooseBestActivity方法在进行最佳 activity匹配时就将指定的 activity设置进偏好设置中去, 该操作的代码实现接口为addPreferredActivity(IntentFilter filter, int match,ComponentName[] set, ComponentName activity, int userId)

  2. 修改系统默认laucher启动标签
    参考让你自己写的Android的Launcher成为系统中第一个启动的,也是唯一的Launcher做法,创建一个私有的filter选项,让它来作为系统lancher的过滤选项。然后将mmitest apk中的androidManifest.xml中的main screen添加该私有标签,这个方法从framework层修改了launcher的启动标签,而原本的<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/>将不会作为系统launcher标签,这种做法对系统修改不可谓不大,但是这个做法同样不适用本问题。

3. solution


  1. 修改文件services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/
private void setTargetActivityAsPreferredActivity(Intent intent,List<ResolveInfo> query, int userId){/*添加方法*/
 final int N =query.size();
   if(SystemProperties.getBoolean("/*版本标识*/", false)){
    ComponentName[] set = new ComponentName[N];
    ComponentName componentName = null;
    int bestMatch = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
                    ResolveInfo r = query.get(i);
                    set[i] = new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName,;
     if (r.match > bestMatch) bestMatch = r.match;
             IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
       if (intent.getAction() != null) {
             Set<String> categories = intent.getCategories();
       if (categories != null) {
     for (String cat : categories) {
     addPreferredActivity(filter, bestMatch,set,componentName,userId);
   private ResolveInfo chooseBestActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType,int flags, List<ResolveInfo> query, int userId) {
       if (query != null) {
           final int N = query.size();
           if (N == 1) {
               return query.get(0);
           } else if (N > 1) {
               final boolean debug = ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION) != 0);
               // If there is more than one activity with the same priority,
               // then let the user decide between them.
  1. 修改目标apk
    因为希望cu版本保持launcher apk作为系统launcher,而mmi版本则mmitest apk作为 launcher,那么在cu版本的mmitest apk中不能具有<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/>, 所有需要针对2个版本准备不同的AndroidManifest.xml,具体的可以在编译脚本makefile中配置如下:
ifeq ($(/*版本标识*/),true)
 ${shell cp ./AndroidManifest_mmi.xml ./AndroidManifest.xml}  
 ${shell cp ./AndroidManifest_cu.xml ./AndroidManifest.xml}  
.PHONY: $(LOCAL_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := ./AndroidManifest.xml


           android:label="@string/app_name" >
               <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
 +              <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/> 
 +             <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> 
              <!-- <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> do not display icon in Luncher.apk-->

4. summary

这个问题主要需要去了解下laucher的启动流程,然后在弄清系统是怎么去获取到目标acitivity的。对于有多个相同标签时, 系统又是如何选择最优的activity 的,只要知道了这些,就可以有意识的去替换掉它,让系统启动我们需要的activity。


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