


1. test分析

    if opt.evaluate:
        logging('evaluating ...')
        for epoch in range(opt.begin_epoch, opt.end_epoch + 1):
            # Train the model for 1 epoch

            # Validate the model
            fscore = test(epoch)

            is_best = fscore > best_fscore
            if is_best:
                print("New best fscore is achieved: ", fscore)
                print("Previous fscore was: ", best_fscore)
                best_fscore = fscore

            # Save the model to backup directory
            state = {
                'epoch': epoch,
                'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
                'fscore': fscore
            save_checkpoint(state, is_best, backupdir, opt.dataset, clip_duration)
            logging('Weights are saved to backup directory: %s' % (backupdir))

上一节把train的整个流程分析完毕,本节主要分析test流程:fscore = test(epoch),进入(step into),查看完整的代码如下:

    def test(epoch):
        def truths_length(truths):
            for i in range(50):
                if truths[i][1] == 0:
                    return i

        test_loader =
            dataset.listDataset(basepath, testlist, dataset_use=dataset_use, shape=(init_width, init_height),
                                ]), train=False),
            batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, **kwargs)

        num_classes = region_loss.num_classes
        anchors = region_loss.anchors
        num_anchors = region_loss.num_anchors
        conf_thresh_valid = 0.005
        total = 0.0
        proposals = 0.0
        correct = 0.0
        fscore = 0.0

        correct_classification = 0.0
        total_detected = 0.0

        nbatch = file_lines(testlist) // batch_size

        logging('validation at epoch %d' % (epoch))

        for batch_idx, (frame_idx, data, target) in enumerate(test_loader):
            if use_cuda:
                data = data.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model(data).data
                all_boxes = get_region_boxes(output, conf_thresh_valid, num_classes, anchors, num_anchors, 0, 1)
                for i in range(output.size(0)):
                    boxes = all_boxes[i]
                    boxes = nms(boxes, nms_thresh)
                    if dataset_use == 'ucf101-24':
                        detection_path = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch), frame_idx[i])
                        current_dir = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch))
                        if not os.path.exists('ucf_detections'):
                        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):
                        detection_path = os.path.join('jhmdb_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch), frame_idx[i])
                        current_dir = os.path.join('jhmdb_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch))
                        if not os.path.exists('jhmdb_detections'):
                        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):

                    with open(detection_path, 'w+') as f_detect:
                        for box in boxes:
                            x1 = round(float(box[0] - box[2] / 2.0) * 320.0)
                            y1 = round(float(box[1] - box[3] / 2.0) * 240.0)
                            x2 = round(float(box[0] + box[2] / 2.0) * 320.0)
                            y2 = round(float(box[1] + box[3] / 2.0) * 240.0)

                            det_conf = float(box[4])
                            for j in range((len(box) - 5) // 2):
                                cls_conf = float(box[5 + 2 * j].item())

                                if type(box[6 + 2 * j]) == torch.Tensor:
                                    cls_id = int(box[6 + 2 * j].item())
                                    cls_id = int(box[6 + 2 * j])
                                prob = det_conf * cls_conf

                                    str(int(box[6]) + 1) + ' ' + str(prob) + ' ' + str(x1) + ' ' + str(y1) + ' ' + str(
                                        x2) + ' ' + str(y2) + '\n')
                    truths = target[i].view(-1, 5)
                    num_gts = truths_length(truths)

                    total = total + num_gts

                    for i in range(len(boxes)):
                        if boxes[i][4] > 0.25:
                            proposals = proposals + 1

                    for i in range(num_gts):
                        box_gt = [truths[i][1], truths[i][2], truths[i][3], truths[i][4], 1.0, 1.0, truths[i][0]]
                        best_iou = 0
                        best_j = -1
                        for j in range(len(boxes)):
                            iou = bbox_iou(box_gt, boxes[j], x1y1x2y2=False)
                            if iou > best_iou:
                                best_j = j
                                best_iou = iou

                        if best_iou > iou_thresh:
                            total_detected += 1
                            if int(boxes[best_j][6]) == box_gt[6]:
                                correct_classification += 1

                        if best_iou > iou_thresh and int(boxes[best_j][6]) == box_gt[6]:
                            correct = correct + 1

                precision = 1.0 * correct / (proposals + eps)
                recall = 1.0 * correct / (total + eps)
                fscore = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + eps)
                    "[%d/%d] precision: %f, recall: %f, fscore: %f" % (batch_idx, nbatch, precision, recall, fscore))

        classification_accuracy = 1.0 * correct_classification / (total_detected + eps)
        locolization_recall = 1.0 * total_detected / (total + eps)

        print("Classification accuracy: %.3f" % classification_accuracy)
        print("Locolization recall: %.3f" % locolization_recall)

        return fscore

test的主要任务是返回一个fscore,模型根据这个fscore,保存一个best 参数。

2. 加载数据集

和train一样的,test需要加载数据集,使用的是listDataset类,和train中使用的listDataset类一致,只不过在加载时模式不一样,存在差异。进入(step into)listDataset类查看(__init__是一致的,只不过__getitem__不同):

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        assert index <= len(self), 'index range error'
        imgpath = self.lines[index].rstrip()
        self.shape = (224, 224)
        if self.train: # For Training
            jitter = 0.2
            hue = 0.1
            saturation = 1.5 
            exposure = 1.5
            clip, label = load_data_detection(self.base_path, imgpath,  self.train, self.clip_duration, self.shape, self.dataset_use, jitter, hue, saturation, exposure)
        else: # For Testing
            frame_idx, clip, label = load_data_detection(self.base_path, imgpath, False, self.clip_duration, self.shape, self.dataset_use)
            clip = [img.resize(self.shape) for img in clip]
        if self.transform is not None:
            clip = [self.transform(img) for img in clip]
        # (self.duration, -1) + self.shape = (8, -1, 224, 224)
        clip =, 0).view((self.clip_duration, -1) + self.shape).permute(1, 0, 2, 3)
        if self.target_transform is not None:
            label = self.target_transform(label)
        self.seen = self.seen + self.num_workers
        if self.train:
            return (clip, label)
            return (frame_idx, clip, label)

定位到代码:frame_idx, clip, label = load_data_detection(self.base_path, imgpath, False, self.clip_duration, self.shape, self.dataset_use),并进入(step into)

def load_data_detection(base_path, imgpath, train, train_dur, shape, dataset_use='ucf101-24', jitter=0.2, hue=0.1, saturation=1.5, exposure=1.5):
    for i in reversed(range(train_dur)):
        # make it as a loop
        i_temp = im_ind - i * d
        while i_temp < 1:
            i_temp = max_num + i_temp
        while i_temp > max_num:
            i_temp = i_temp - max_num

        if dataset_use == 'ucf101-24':
            path_tmp = os.path.join(base_path, 'rgb-images', im_split[0], im_split[1] ,'{:05d}.jpg'.format(i_temp))
            path_tmp = os.path.join(base_path, 'rgb-images', im_split[0], im_split[1] ,'{:05d}.png'.format(i_temp))


    if train: # Apply augmentation
    else: # No augmentation
        label = torch.zeros(50*5)
            tmp = torch.from_numpy(read_truths_args(labpath, 8.0/clip[0].width).astype('float32'))
        except Exception:
            tmp = torch.zeros(1,5)

        tmp = tmp.view(-1)
        tsz = tmp.numel()

        if tsz > 50*5:
            label = tmp[0:50*5]
        elif tsz > 0:
            label[0:tsz] = tmp
    if train:
        return clip, label
        return im_split[0] + '_' +im_split[1] + '_' + im_split[2], clip, label

和在train中一样,clip是连续采样的图像序列,但是在test中是不需要数据增强的。从labelpath中读取label:tmp = torch.from_numpy(read_truths_args(labpath, 8.0/clip[0].width).astype('float32')),查看完整代码如下:

def read_truths_args(lab_path, min_box_scale):
    truths = read_truths(lab_path)
    new_truths = []
    for i in range(truths.shape[0]):
        cx = (truths[i][1] + truths[i][3]) / (2 * 320)
        cy = (truths[i][2] + truths[i][4]) / (2 * 240)
        imgw = (truths[i][3] - truths[i][1]) / 320
        imgh = (truths[i][4] - truths[i][2]) / 240
        truths[i][0] = truths[i][0] - 1
        truths[i][1] = cx
        truths[i][2] = cy
        truths[i][3] = imgw
        truths[i][4] = imgh
        if truths[i][3] < min_box_scale:
        new_truths.append([truths[i][0], truths[i][1], truths[i][2], truths[i][3], truths[i][4]])
    return np.array(new_truths)

cx和cy是target的中心坐标,并归一化到0-1之间,同理imgw和imgh则是target的宽和高,也归一化到0-1之间,如果target的宽太小if truths[i][3] < min_box_scale:,则省略,把转换过后符合要求的target放入new_truths中。这里可以看到数据集的宽和高都是固定 320 240 320*240 ,如果使用其他的数据集,这里是需要修改的
继续返回到listDataset类的__getitem__中,tmp是获取的标签,tsz则是计算tmp中的元素数量。由于label = torch.zeros(50*5),label只能保存50个target,所有会对tsz进行判断,如果tsz太大超出label可以保存的范围,则指保留tmp前50个标签,反之全部保存到label中。最后通过load_data_detection返回frame_idx, clip, label
和train一样,clip被拼接成shape为 3 16 224 224 3*16*224*224 大小的张量:clip =, 0).view((self.clip_duration, -1) + self.shape).permute(1, 0, 2, 3),继续返回到test(epoch)中:

        logging('validation at epoch %d' % (epoch))

        for batch_idx, (frame_idx, data, target) in enumerate(test_loader):
            if use_cuda:
                data = data.cuda()
            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model(data).data
                all_boxes = get_region_boxes(output, conf_thresh_valid, num_classes, anchors, num_anchors, 0, 1)
                for i in range(output.size(0)):
                    boxes = all_boxes[i]
                    boxes = nms(boxes, nms_thresh)
                    if dataset_use == 'ucf101-24':
                        detection_path = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch), frame_idx[i])
                        current_dir = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch))
                        if not os.path.exists('ucf_detections'):
                        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):
                        detection_path = os.path.join('jhmdb_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch), frame_idx[i])
                        current_dir = os.path.join('jhmdb_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch))
                        if not os.path.exists('jhmdb_detections'):
                        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):


加载完数据集之后,则获取数据集并计算。得到模型的输出:output = model(data).data,其shape为 4 145 7 7 4*145*7*7 ,下面则是获取所有的boxes:all_boxes = get_region_boxes(output, conf_thresh_valid, num_classes, anchors, num_anchors, 0, 1),进入,查看完整代码:

def get_region_boxes(output, conf_thresh, num_classes, anchors, num_anchors, only_objectness=1, validation=False):
    anchor_step = len(anchors)//num_anchors
    if output.dim() == 3:
        output = output.unsqueeze(0)
    batch = output.size(0)
    assert(output.size(1) == (5+num_classes)*num_anchors)
    h = output.size(2)
    w = output.size(3)
    t0 = time.time()
    all_boxes = []
    output = output.view(batch*num_anchors, 5+num_classes, h*w).transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(5+num_classes, batch*num_anchors*h*w)
    grid_x = torch.linspace(0, w-1, w).repeat(h,1).repeat(batch*num_anchors, 1, 1).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()
    grid_y = torch.linspace(0, h-1, h).repeat(w,1).t().repeat(batch*num_anchors, 1, 1).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()
    xs = torch.sigmoid(output[0]) + grid_x
    ys = torch.sigmoid(output[1]) + grid_y
    anchor_w = torch.Tensor(anchors).view(num_anchors, anchor_step).index_select(1, torch.LongTensor([0]))
    anchor_h = torch.Tensor(anchors).view(num_anchors, anchor_step).index_select(1, torch.LongTensor([1]))
    anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat(batch, 1).repeat(1, 1, h*w).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()
    anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat(batch, 1).repeat(1, 1, h*w).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()
    ws = torch.exp(output[2]) * anchor_w
    hs = torch.exp(output[3]) * anchor_h
    det_confs = torch.sigmoid(output[4])
    cls_confs = torch.nn.Softmax()(Variable(output[5:5+num_classes].transpose(0,1))).data
    cls_max_confs, cls_max_ids = torch.max(cls_confs, 1)
    cls_max_confs = cls_max_confs.view(-1)
    cls_max_ids = cls_max_ids.view(-1)
    t1 = time.time()
    sz_hw = h*w
    sz_hwa = sz_hw*num_anchors
    det_confs = convert2cpu(det_confs)
    cls_max_confs = convert2cpu(cls_max_confs)
    cls_max_ids = convert2cpu_long(cls_max_ids)
    xs = convert2cpu(xs)
    ys = convert2cpu(ys)
    ws = convert2cpu(ws)
    hs = convert2cpu(hs)
    if validation:
        cls_confs = convert2cpu(cls_confs.view(-1, num_classes))
    t2 = time.time()
    for b in range(batch):
        boxes = []
        for cy in range(h):
            for cx in range(w):
                for i in range(num_anchors):
                    ind = b*sz_hwa + i*sz_hw + cy*w + cx
                    det_conf =  det_confs[ind]
                    if only_objectness:
                        conf =  det_confs[ind]
                        conf = det_confs[ind] * cls_max_confs[ind]
                    if conf > conf_thresh:
                        bcx = xs[ind]
                        bcy = ys[ind]
                        bw = ws[ind]
                        bh = hs[ind]
                        cls_max_conf = cls_max_confs[ind]
                        cls_max_id = cls_max_ids[ind]
                        box = [bcx/w, bcy/h, bw/w, bh/h, det_conf, cls_max_conf, cls_max_id]
                        if (not only_objectness) and validation:
                            for c in range(num_classes):
                                tmp_conf = cls_confs[ind][c]
                                if c != cls_max_id and det_confs[ind]*tmp_conf > conf_thresh:
    t3 = time.time()
    if False:
        print('matrix computation : %f' % (t1-t0))
        print('        gpu to cpu : %f' % (t2-t1))
        print('      boxes filter : %f' % (t3-t2))
    return all_boxes

将output的shape进行重塑:output = output.view(batch*num_anchors, 5+num_classes, h*w).transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(5+num_classes, batch*num_anchors*h*w),重塑后的shape为: 29 980 29*980 ,即和 ( 5 + n u m C l a s s ) ( b a t c h s i z e n u m A n c h o r h w ) (5+numClass)*(batchsize*numAnchor*h*w) 对应起来。grid_x和grid_y是对应anchor在feature map上的坐标(左上角)索引,和在train中提到的一致,在Pytorch|YOWO原理及代码详解(二)中已讲解过。加上坐标索引,即偏移量,xs和ys是anchor在feature map上的绝对坐标。

	anchor_w = torch.Tensor(anchors).view(num_anchors, anchor_step).index_select(1, torch.LongTensor([0]))
    anchor_h = torch.Tensor(anchors).view(num_anchors, anchor_step).index_select(1, torch.LongTensor([1]))


   anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat(batch, 1).repeat(1, 1, h*w).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()
   anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat(batch, 1).repeat(1, 1, h*w).view(batch*num_anchors*h*w).cuda()

output的shape为 29 980 29*980 ,其中output[2]对应的是980个anchor预测框的w,output[2]的shape为 1 980 1*980 ,同理,output[2]对应的是980个anchor预测框的h,其shape为 1 980 1*980 。那么:

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    ws = torch.exp(output[2]) * anchor_w
    hs = torch.exp(output[3]) * anchor_h

b x = σ ( t x ) + c x b_{x}=\sigma\left(t_{x}\right)+c_{x}
b y = σ ( t y ) + c y b_{y}=\sigma\left(t_{y}\right)+c_{y}
b w = p w e t w b_{w}=p_{w} e^{t_w}
b h = p h e t h b_{h}=p_{h} e^{t_h}
det_confs获取预测框的置信度,cls_confs则是使用了softmax层获取每个类别的得分,其shape为 980 24 980*24 ,即是980个anchor预测的24个类别得分。通过cls_max_confs, cls_max_ids = torch.max(cls_confs, 1)计算每个anchor的类别预测的最大概率值和其索引,并同时重塑成shape为 980 980 的张量,以和输出的anchor完全对应起来。

    sz_hw = h*w
    sz_hwa = sz_hw*num_anchors
    det_confs = convert2cpu(det_confs)
    cls_max_confs = convert2cpu(cls_max_confs)
    cls_max_ids = convert2cpu_long(cls_max_ids)
    xs = convert2cpu(xs)
    ys = convert2cpu(ys)
    ws = convert2cpu(ws)
    hs = convert2cpu(hs)
    if validation:
        cls_confs = convert2cpu(cls_confs.view(-1, num_classes))

接下来则是按batch进行计算,对应batch中的一份数据集,先按feature map的x,y进行遍历,即获得每个grid cell的偏移量(左上角坐标)。ind = b*sz_hwa + i*sz_hw + cy*w + cx,ind则是获取对应anchor的索引,即batch中的第b份数据,第i个anchor在cy,cx上的索引batch中的一份数据有sz_hwa(245)个anchor,一张图被分为了sz_hw(49) 个grid cell,每个grid cell都有num_anchors(5)个anchor

                    if only_objectness:
                        conf =  det_confs[ind]
                        conf = det_confs[ind] * cls_max_confs[ind]

训练过程的test模式(only_objectness = 0时),其置信度是等于det_confs * cls_max_confs。如果置信度conf是大于阈值的,获取对应的值,放入box中:box = [bcx/w, bcy/h, bw/w, bh/h, det_conf, cls_max_conf, cls_max_id]。下面这段代码则是把预测的24个类别的概率和对应的ID全部放进box中,遍历完之后,box的长度为53( 7 + 23 2 = 53 7+23*2=53 )。

                        if (not only_objectness) and validation:
                            for c in range(num_classes):
                                tmp_conf = cls_confs[ind][c]
                                if c != cls_max_id and det_confs[ind]*tmp_conf > conf_thresh:

最后把一个batch的所有符合条件的boxes放入all_boxes中:all_boxes.append(boxes)。接下来遍历一个batch的所有boxes:boxes = all_boxes[i],然后使用非极大值抑制抑制得到最后的输出:boxes = nms(boxes, nms_thresh),完整代码如下:

def nms(boxes, nms_thresh):
    if len(boxes) == 0:
        return boxes

    det_confs = torch.zeros(len(boxes))
    for i in range(len(boxes)):
        det_confs[i] = 1-boxes[i][4]                

    _,sortIds = torch.sort(det_confs)
    out_boxes = []
    for i in range(len(boxes)):
        box_i = boxes[sortIds[i]]
        if box_i[4] > 0:
            for j in range(i+1, len(boxes)):
                box_j = boxes[sortIds[j]]
                if bbox_iou(box_i, box_j, x1y1x2y2=False) > nms_thresh:
                    #print(box_i, box_j, bbox_iou(box_i, box_j, x1y1x2y2=False))
                    box_j[4] = 0
    return out_boxes

det_confs存储检测出的box的置信度值。由于torch.sort默认是升序排列,但需要的是置信度得分高的在前面,所以对det_confs进行det_confs[i] = 1-boxes[i][4]处理。sortIds则是排序后的anchor索引。非极大值抑制的核心是将重合的边界框进行融合,如何判断边界框与边界框的重合程度呢?通过计算IOU值:bbox_iou(box_i, box_j, x1y1x2y2=False) > nms_thresh,当大于阈值时,则会省略多余的box_j。说实话,我绝对这里的NMS是存在问题的,1.没有设置x1y1x2y2=True,应该是需要考虑坐标偏移的,而不是仅仅计算边界框与边框面积的重合程度;2. 没有和过滤掉的边界框进行融合。当然NMS是存在多种算法的,有兴趣的可以自己再去了解一下。

                    if dataset_use == 'ucf101-24':
                        detection_path = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch), frame_idx[i])
                        current_dir = os.path.join('ucf_detections', 'detections_' + str(epoch))
                        if not os.path.exists('ucf_detections'):
                        if not os.path.exists(current_dir):

打开检测文件:with open(detection_path, 'w+') as f_detect:。获取一个box检测到的所有类别的得分:cls_conf = float(box[5 + 2 * j].item())。计算概率值:prob = det_conf * cls_conf,即置信度乘以类别得分,并把所有结构写入到txt中:
truths则是获取对应图片的标注:truths = target[i].view(-1, 5),其shape为 50 5 50*5 。通过truths_length获取真实的target数量。

                    for i in range(len(boxes)):
                        if boxes[i][4] > 0.25:
                            proposals = proposals + 1

把置信度大于阈值 0.25的boxe作为候选框proposals。把truths放入box_gt :box_gt = [truths[i][1], truths[i][2], truths[i][3], truths[i][4], 1.0, 1.0, truths[i][0]]。遍历检测出的boxes,并计算iou值,得到best iou值和对应的box ID:

                        for j in range(len(boxes)):
                            iou = bbox_iou(box_gt, boxes[j], x1y1x2y2=False)
                            if iou > best_iou:
                                best_j = j
                                best_iou = iou


                        if best_iou > iou_thresh:
                            total_detected += 1
                            if int(boxes[best_j][6]) == box_gt[6]:
                                correct_classification += 1

                        if best_iou > iou_thresh and int(boxes[best_j][6]) == box_gt[6]:
                            correct = correct + 1                           


                precision = 1.0 * correct / (proposals + eps)
                recall = 1.0 * correct / (total + eps)
                fscore = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall + eps)
                    "[%d/%d] precision: %f, recall: %f, fscore: %f" % (batch_idx, nbatch, precision, recall, fscore))
        classification_accuracy = 1.0 * correct_classification / (total_detected + eps)
        locolization_recall = 1.0 * total_detected / (total + eps)
        print("Classification accuracy: %.3f" % classification_accuracy)
        print("Locolization recall: %.3f" % locolization_recall)
        return fscore


           if is_best:
                print("New best fscore is achieved: ", fscore)
                print("Previous fscore was: ", best_fscore)
                best_fscore = fscore
            # Save the model to backup directory
            state = {
                'epoch': epoch,
                'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
                'fscore': fscore
            save_checkpoint(state, is_best, backupdir, opt.dataset, clip_duration)
            logging('Weights are saved to backup directory: %s' % (backupdir))


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