
1.Why do you choose our university to go on your postgraduate study?


The most important reason is the deep academic atmosphere here. (or the long history and the great reputation.) Since it’s founded in..., ...University has been focusing on the research and development of .... As the school mottoimplies, the university has never stopped it’s pace in pursuit of truth and perfection. Secondly, I’ve paid a visit to this university once before. I wasdeeply touched by the beautiful scenery on campus. Another reason is that some of my senior schoolmates are now studying here. And they strongly recommend me to choose this university, and I think what they said makes a great sense.

最重要的原因是这里深厚的学术氛围。 (或悠久的历史和良好的声誉。)自...成立以来,...大学一直专注于...的研究和开发。作为学校的座右铭,该大学从未停止其追求的步伐 真理和完美。 其次,我曾经去过这所大学。 我被校园的美丽景色深深地打动了。 另一个原因是我的一些高中同学现在正在这里学习。 他们强烈建议我选择这所大学,我认为他们所说的很有意义。

 2.What’s your plan in your postgraduate study?


If I have the honor to study here, I’ll try my best to master the basic knowledge and skills needed for my academic research,like reading a lot about professional journals extensively to have a general understanding about the latest edge-cutting research on .... I will cultivatemy ability in scientific research and assist my supervisor on certain related projects. On the basis of this, I would try to publish high-quality papers as many as I can. I hope all these will come true if I got the chance.

如果我有幸在这里学习,我会尽力掌握我的学术研究所需的基本知识和技能,例如广泛地阅读有关专业期刊的大量文章,以对上最新的前沿研究有一个一般性的了解。 ...我将培养自己的科学研究能力,并协助我的主管进行某些相关项目。 在此基础上,我将尽可能多地发表高质量的论文。 我希望如果有机会,所有这些都会成真。

3. Please introduce your university to us.


 I have studied in ... University. It has beendeveloped into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations,especially after the reform and opening up. It takes the lead among the...universities with nice teaching and scientific research ability. Various research institutes are set up including ... research centers. There are also many teaching research experimental bases. I appreciate it because it offers mea chance to develop my abilities. During my college years, I have made rapidand great progress in many areas.
我在...大学学习。 经过几代人的努力,特别是改革开放后,已发展成为一所综合性大学。 它在...大学中处于领先地位,具有良好的教学和科研能力。 建立了各种研究机构,包括……研究中心。 教学研究实验基地也很多。 我很感激,因为它为我提供了发展自己能力的机会。 在大学期间,我在许多领域都取得了长足的进步。

4.Introduceyour reason for preparing the postgraduate exam.


During the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realized it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to pursue and finally achieve self-value. Life isprecious, it is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-achievement,especially in the modern competitive society. Therefore, I prefer to go on forfurther education, and moreover, I’ve been considering about going abroad tostudy in the future if chance permitting.

在过去的四年中,我学到了很多专业知识和实践技能,但是逐渐地,我意识到这还不够。 我认为,对我来说,追求和最终实现自我价值实际上是紧迫的。 生命是宝贵的,有必要抓住一切实现自我的机会,尤其是在现代竞争社会中。 因此,我宁愿继续进修,而且,如果可能的话,我一直在考虑将来出国学习。 

5.Have you ever published any related thesis before?


6.Have you worked as an intern before?


 7.How do you feel about your progress to date?

I think I did pretty well as you can say from my education background and workinghistory. Academically, I received the highest exam scores in the class in anumber of courses, such as... .While working as an intern for the ... Company, I always try my best to do myjob whatever it is while committing to the highest performance as possible, soI received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years. Iconsider my progress to date satisfying both in my academic and career life andI’mdefinitely aiming to do better in the future.
从我的教育背景和工作经历来看,我认为我做得不错。 在学术上,我在许多课程中都获得全班最高的考试分数,例如...。在为...公司实习期间,我总是尽我最大的努力去做自己的工作,同时努力做到最高 尽可能提高性能,因此我收到了多年来做出的一些最高评价。 迄今为止,我的进步使我的学术和职业生涯都感到满意,并且我的目标绝对是将来做得更好。

 8.Describe your hometown briefly.

My hometown is guangzhou, the capital city of guangdong province. It is famous for both its natural scenery and its cultural history.Guangzhou is in the south and one of the largest cities of China. The third longest river, Zhujiang River, runs through the city. The Weather in Guangzhou is different from that of many cities in the north. It is warm in winter and quite hot in summer with lot of rains in spring and summer. There are many interesting places in the city worth seeing, such as the statue of five goats, Guangzhou tower, Guangdong Museum and Baiyun Mountain. The best part for tourist in Guangzhou is food. The cake of Guangzhou is the most famous food in China. The people of Guangzhou are very
friendly and diligent, which you can see if you come to visit Guangzhou.

我的家乡是广东省广州市。 它以其自然风光和文化历史而闻名。广州在中国南南部,是中国最大的城市之一;有全国第三长河珠江经过;气候特点:冬暖夏热,春夏多雨;名胜古迹:五羊雕像,广州塔,广东博物馆,白云山;吃在广州,点心最有名;广州人乐于助人,勤奋。

9.  What are your hobbies?


Well, except for reading and drawing, I have no particular hobbies. Sketches make me happy. In my spare time I also design icons, logos, etc. and read some programming books


10.What are your strengths? 


My strongest power can be found at my personality. I believe that I am a strong-willed young man, and can bear hardship and stand hardwork . As an upright student, I’m surefooted and reliable. I tend to be strict with myself, I’m punctual and am equipped with professional ethics. I hold optimistic attitude towards my study and life. I’m always ready to struggle and fight, so as to improve professional and comprehensive quality. My personality is of great significance to my profession.

我最大的优势来自于我的个性。 我相信我是一个意志坚强的年轻人,能吃苦耐劳。 作为一个正直的学生,我确信自己会站稳脚跟。 我倾向于对自己严格,我守时并且具备职业道德。 我对自己的学习和生活抱有乐观的态度。 我时刻准备着奋斗和奋斗,以提高职业素质和综合素质。 我的性格对我的职业具有重要意义。

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