
adb shell settings get secure user_setup_complete

adb shell am get-current-user
adb shell settings --user 12 get secure user_setup_complete
adb shell dumpsys activity service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService | findstr mIsEnabled

android adb guest user如何创建删除新用户

The key is guest_user_enabled under the table global found at /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
adb shell settings put global guest_user_enabled 1
The location of build.prop is /system/build.prop. Open the file, go to the end, create a new line and enter fw.show_multiuserui=0.
adb shell cat /system/build.prop | findstr user
adb pull /system/build.prop

adb shell pm list users

adb shell pm create-user USERID
 can switch the user easily provided that you know the USER_ID of the guest/secondary user which you can obtain from /data/system/users/.
adb shell am switch-user USER_ID
fw.max_users=1 in build.prop and restart the device. 
adb shell pm remove-user USER_ID.
For Android Oreo and possibly for Nougat too I suppose, run:adb shell get-current-user  #returns USER_ID of the foreground user 
adb shell dumpsys activity | grep mCurrentUser
adb shell pm list users
adb shell dumpsys user
Given that you've root access, you can see all these details from the XML file of each of the user available under /data/system/users.

echo fw.max_users
adb shell dumpsys activity | grep -E "mUserLru" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\]$" | grep -d "]"
Returns the user id of the active user.

adb shell "echo 'fw.max_users=3' >> /system/build.prop"
adb shell "echo 'fw.show_multiuserui=1' >> /system/build.prop"
Adding and switching users from Settings > Users 

adb shell 查看文件内容
adb shell cat /system/build.prop | findstr user

adb shell pm create-user custom0
Success: created user id 10
adb shell ps | findstr systemui
adb shell kill **
adb shell am switch-user 10
adb shell pm remove-user 10
Success: removed user

adb push build.prop /system/
adb shell cd system chmod 644 build.prop
adb shell cat /system/build.prop | findstr user


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