feat practicals


1. High pass filter cutoff

- to remove the worst of the low frequency trends, and is also long enough to avoid removing the signal of interest.

- In general you need to ensure that this is not set lower than your maximum stimulation period.

- The red bar shows the width of the highpass filter (the amplitude of any signal much longer than it will get reduced) in the design matrix.

- AFTER DESIGN SETUP, press the Misc-tab where there will be a button saying Estimate High Pass Filter. Press this button and then go back to the Data-tab to see what has happened. This should now have changed to 90 seconds. FSL has calculated this for you by analysing the frequency content of the design and then selected a cutoff so that 90% of our expected signal is still in the data after filtering. (N.B. that it is just a fluke that 90% happened to translate into 90 seconds in this particular case)

2.  temporal derivatives

- used to correct for timing errors caused either by slight experimental errors in synchronising the times of the scanner with the stimulus presentation and/or inter-subject differences in the delay inherent in the HRF.

- how to work??

- not slice timing??

3. example_func --> the middle-timepoint FMRI image

4. featquery用来做什么我还是不太懂。。

The resulting web page will contain a table summarizing each of the statistics that you asked Featquery to report on in step 1. The first column gives the statistic name. The second column gives the number of non-zero voxels in the mask. The next group of columns gives a summary of the distribution of values within the mask. Finally, the last group of columns contains the position of the maximum in voxel space, in mm space, and in the atlas space selected in step 5. Plots of the timeseries at the maximum z-stats are available by clicking the link labeled "Masked time series plot" just below the image of the mask at the top of the page.


