Experimenting with ONOS clustering


ONOS, Open Network Operating System, is a newly released open-source SDN controller that is focused on service provider use-cases. Similar to OpenDaylight, the platform is written in Java and uses Karaf/OSGi for functionality management. Recently we experimented with this controller platform and put together a basic ONOS tutorial that explores the platform and its current features.

For experimenting with ONOS, we provide two options for obtaining a pre-compiled version of ONOS 1.1.0:

  1. Our tutorial VM that starts the ONOS feature onos-core-trivial when karaf is run.
  2. A Docker repository sdnhub/onos where containers start the ONOS feature onos-core when karaf is run. (Alternatively, here is the Dockerfile)


In this post, we experiment more with the clustering feature where multiple instances of the controller can be clustered to share state and manage a network of switches. ONOS uses Hazelcast for clustering multiple instances. To experiment with clustering, we perform the following commands to spin up three containers running the ONOS controller in daemon mode:

$ sudo docker pull sdnhub/onos
$ for i in 1 2 3; do 
  sudo docker run -i -d --name node$i -t sdnhub/onos;
$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                PORTS                NAMES
7a6e01a3c174        sdnhub/onos:latest   "./bin/onos-service"   6633/tcp, 5701/tcp   node3               
92cdc5713b6a        sdnhub/onos:latest   "./bin/onos-service"   5701/tcp, 6633/tcp   node2               
7731779512b4        sdnhub/onos:latest   "./bin/onos-service"   6633/tcp, 5701/tcp   node1

Hazelcast uses IP multicast to find the other member nodes. In the above system, you can check who the members are by connecting to one of the Docker containers:

$ sudo docker attach node1
onos> feature:list -i | grep onos
Name                 | Installed | Repository          | Description                                       
onos-thirdparty-base | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS 3rd party dependencies                       
onos-thirdparty-web  | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS 3rd party dependencies                       
onos-api             | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS services and model API                       
onos-core            | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS core components                              
onos-rest            | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS REST API components                          
onos-gui             | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS GUI console components                       
onos-cli             | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS admin command console components             
onos-openflow        | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS OpenFlow API, Controller & Providers         
onos-app-fwd         | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS sample forwarding application                
onos-app-proxyarp    | x         | onos-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT | ONOS sample proxyarp application                  
onos> summary
node=, version=1.1.0.ubuntu~2015/02/08@14:04
nodes=3, devices=0, links=0, hosts=0, SCC(s)=0, paths=0, flows=0, intents=0
onos> masters 0 devices 0 devices 0 devices
onos> nodes
id=, address=, state=ACTIVE *
id=, address=, state=ACTIVE 
id=, address=, state=ACTIVE 

We can see three controllers clustered when we list the summary and nodes. The star next to designates that node as the leader for the state.

Now we start mininet emulated network with 2 switches, and point them to the controller running in container node2. Since the sample forwarding application is installed, you will see that the ping between two hosts succeeds.

$ sudo mn --topo linear --mac --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 --controller remote,
mininet> h1 ping h2 -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.549 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.549/0.549/0.549/0.000 ms

We can visit the web UI of any of the controllers (e.g., and get the same information in a graphical format, as shown on the right side..

OpenFlow Roles and Fault tolerance

So far, all three controller are in active mode, with only the controller in node2 being the OpenFlow controller used for the devices. Let’s change that and verify that the system can function with multiple controllers with one being the OpenFlow master and others being the slave.

  • Add all controllers to all switches/devices, while mininet is running
$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 tcp: tcp: tcp:
$ sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 tcp: tcp: tcp:
$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
    Bridge "s1"
        Controller "tcp:"
            is_connected: true
        Controller "tcp:"
            is_connected: true
        Controller "tcp:"
            is_connected: true
        fail_mode: secure
        Port "s1-eth2"
            Interface "s1-eth2"
        Port "s1"
            Interface "s1"
                type: internal
        Port "s1-eth1"
            Interface "s1-eth1"
    Bridge "s2"
        Controller "tcp:"
        Controller "tcp:"
        Controller "tcp:"
        fail_mode: secure
        Port "s2-eth2"
            Interface "s2-eth2"
        Port "s2-eth1"
            Interface "s2-eth1"
        Port "s2"
            Interface "s2"
                type: internal
    ovs_version: "2.3.90"
  • Verify ONOS state from the Karaf CLI, especially check the updated list of OpenFlow roles
$ sudo docker attach node1
onos>  masters 0 devices 1 devices
  of:0000000000000001 1 devices
onos>  roles
of:0000000000000001: master=, standbys=[ ]
of:0000000000000002: master=, standbys=[ ]
  • Now let’s bring down node2, and see what happens.
$ sudo docker stop node2
$ sudo docker attach node1
onos>  nodes
id=, address=, state=ACTIVE *
id=, address=, state=INACTIVE 
id=, address=, state=ACTIVE 
onos>  masters 0 devices 0 devices 2 devices
onos>  roles
of:0000000000000001: master=, standbys=[ ]
of:0000000000000002: master=, standbys=[ ]

We notice that the controller in node3 has become the master OpenFlow controller for all two switches. We also noticed that the ping (h1 ping h2) succeeds in the mininet system! We further removed node1 and verified that the system still functions fine with 1 controller and 1 state keeper. This is the power of clustering.

