Originally, this comment of Jia Gongyan was very common

Originally, this comment of Jia Gongyan was very common, even inconspicuous. But after many years, the German scholar Robert Heindl accidentally saw this passage and was immediately excited. Not only did he write the content of the text into his book "Fingerprint Identification" published in 1927, he also praised Jia Gongyan for being the first person in the world to discover and explain the nature and application of fingerprints. As a result, Jia Gongyan, an ancient man, has an additional identity for no apparent reason—the first person to be fingerprinted. However, if we fully understand the above story, we know that Jia Gongyan can only be regarded as a recorder of the fingerprint application at that time. Even Zheng Xuan, who recorded the "hands-on", would be earlier than Jia Gongyan. For hundreds of years. From a practical point of view, many unearthed cultural relics show that the history of the Chinese people’s use of fingerprints as a certificate of contract can be traced back at least to the Warring States Period. Some scholars even believe that the fingerprints on some pottery with a longer history are identified by fingerprints. A kind of evidence.

