【leetcode】高频题目整理_数学篇( High Frequency Problems, Math )





数学篇-97题(Math, 97 problems)

数据日期: 2020/03/26 (此时LeetCode题目数量:1582)
数据来源: LeetCode官方,将不同类别的题目按照官方给的出现频率(Frequency)降序排列,取有频率统计的题。

排序 题号 题目 通过率 难度
1 #2 Add Two Numbers 0.37 中等
2 #535 Encode and Decode TinyURL 0.812 中等
3 #7 Reverse Integer 0.339 简单
4 #13 Roman to Integer 0.611 简单
5 #9 Palindrome Number 0.572 简单
6 #458 Poor Pigs 0.545 困难
7 #233 Number of Digit One 0.342 困难
8 #67 Add Binary 0.523 简单
9 #258 Add Digits 0.659 简单
10 #12 Integer to Roman 0.63 中等
11 #202 Happy Number 0.576 简单
12 #43 Multiply Strings 0.42 中等
13 #754 Reach a Number 0.395 中等
14 #728 Self Dividing Numbers 0.728 简单
15 #372 Super Pow 0.394 中等
16 #357 Count Numbers with Unique Digits 0.507 中等
17 #264 Ugly Number II 0.508 中等
18 #319 Bulb Switcher 0.452 中等
19 #400 Nth Digit 0.359 中等
20 #279 Perfect Squares 0.551 中等
21 #413 Arithmetic Slices 0.602 中等
22 #628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers 0.494 简单
23 #313 Super Ugly Number 0.622 中等
24 #368 Largest Divisible Subset 0.371 中等
25 #29 Divide Two Integers 0.194 中等
26 #224 Basic Calculator 0.371 困难
27 #50 Pow(x, n) 0.342 中等
28 #8 String to Integer (atoi) 0.194 中等
29 #69 Sqrt(x) 0.376 简单
30 #453 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements 0.534 简单
31 #268 Missing Number 0.548 简单
32 #343 Integer Break 0.553 中等
33 #204 Count Primes 0.329 简单
34 #672 Bulb Switcher II 0.528 中等
35 #60 Permutation Sequence 0.486 中等
36 #365 Water and Jug Problem 0.351 中等
37 #172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes 0.399 简单
38 #1230 Toss Strange Coins 0.408 中等
39 #65 Valid Number 0.187 困难
40 #171 Excel Sheet Column Number 0.669 简单
41 #462 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II 0.575 中等
42 #223 Rectangle Area 0.427 中等
43 #168 Excel Sheet Column Title 0.372 简单
44 #149 Max Points on a Line 0.213 困难
45 #592 Fraction Addition and Subtraction 0.485 中等
46 #507 Perfect Number 0.379 简单
47 #810 Chalkboard XOR Game 0.526 困难
48 #633 Sum of Square Numbers 0.331 简单
49 #396 Rotate Function 0.394 中等
50 #537 Complex Number Multiplication 0.682 中等
51 #866 Prime Palindrome 0.192 中等
52 #553 Optimal Division 0.544 中等
53 #423 Reconstruct Original Digits from English 0.522 中等
54 #640 Solve the Equation 0.405 中等
55 #927 Three Equal Parts 0.306 困难
56 #263 Ugly Number 0.49 简单
57 #273 Integer to English Words 0.266 困难
58 #645 Set Mismatch 0.415 简单
59 #598 Range Addition II 0.503 简单
60 #805 Split Array With Same Average 0.257 困难
61 #166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal 0.258 中等
62 #670 Maximum Swap 0.4 中等
63 #231 Power of Two 0.478 简单
64 #335 Self Crossing 0.32 困难
65 #483 Smallest Good Base 0.37 困难
66 #367 Valid Perfect Square 0.433 简单
67 #441 Arranging Coins 0.404 简单
68 #899 Orderly Queue 0.496 困难
69 #593 Valid Square 0.42 中等
70 #523 Continuous Subarray Sum 0.229 中等
71 #910 Smallest Range II 0.268 中等
72 #660 Remove 9 0.594 困难
73 #360 Sort Transformed Array 0.603 中等
74 #517 Super Washing Machines 0.408 困难
75 #326 Power of Three 0.467 简单
76 #942 DI String Match 0.713 简单
77 #1362 Closest Divisors 0.474 中等
78 #397 Integer Replacement 0.344 中等
79 #248 Strobogrammatic Number III 0.413 困难
80 #1307 Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle 0.333 困难
81 #296 Best Meeting Point 0.617 困难
82 #247 Strobogrammatic Number II 0.478 中等
83 #651 4 Keys Keyboard 0.573 中等
84 #1359 Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options 0.535 困难
85 #469 Convex Polygon 0.437 中等
86 #1330 Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array Value 0.352 困难
87 #963 Minimum Area Rectangle II 0.494 中等
88 #1183 Maximum Number of Ones 0.494 困难
89 #625 Minimum Factorization 0.323 中等
90 #573 Squirrel Simulation 0.644 中等
91 #1012 Numbers With Repeated Digits 0.278 困难
92 #634 Find the Derangement of An Array 0.409 中等
93 #356 Line Reflection 0.285 中等
94 #1276 Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients 0.491 中等
95 #246 Strobogrammatic Number 0.464 简单
96 #1199 Minimum Time to Build Blocks 0.371 困难
97 #1131 Maximum of Absolute Value Expression 0.401 中等



