
魔塔之拯救白娘子 完整工程下载地址:

Option Explicit

Private Type TYPE_PATH                  '路径结构.
    Count As Long                       '当前结构中包含的路径点数量
    Index As Long                       '当前使用的路径点
    Xs() As Long                        'X与Y路径点序列,单位为像素
    Ys() As Long
    XSpeed() As Single                  '移动到下一点的速度,单位为像素/帧,填充路径时事先计算好
    YSpeed() As Single
    Angle As Single                     '位于当前点时的角度
End Type

Private Type SAVE_FILE
    Pictures() As String                '需要加载的精灵图象,格式为[文件名],[横向数量],[纵向数量]
    Paths() As TYPE_PATH                '需要加载的精灵路径
End Type

Dim Paths() As TYPE_PATH
Dim oGraphs() As xGraphPool

Sub Main()
End Sub

Public Sub LoadResData(ByVal sFileName As String)
'    Dim tmpBuff As SAVE_FILE, lFn As Long
'    Dim I As Long, tmpStr() As String
'    lFn = FreeFile
'    Open sFileName For Binary As #lFn
'        Get #lFn, , tmpBuff
'    Close #lFn
'    With tmpBuff
'        ReDim oPics(UBound(.Pictures))
'        For I = 0 To UBound(.Pictures)
'            Set oPics(I) = New xGraphPool
'            tmpStr() = Split(.Pictures, ",")
'            oPics(I).LoadGraph tmpStr(0), xgBLACK, tmpStr(1), tmpStr(2)
'        Next
'    End With
End Sub

Public Sub DrawGraph(lPicIndex As Long, sngCell As Single, sngAngle As Single, mX As Long, mY As Long)
    Dim i As Integer
    With oGraphs(lPicIndex)
        i = Int(sngCell)
        If i <> .Cell Then .Cell = i
        .SetRotate sngAngle
        .DrawGraph mX, mY
    End With
End Sub


'impactX Game Engine v1.0.0
'使用DirectShow,必须在工程->引用菜单中添加ActiveMovie control type library
'Davy.xu [email protected] qq:20998333
Option Explicit
Private m_objBasicAudio  As IBasicAudio         'Basic Audio Object
Private m_objBasicVideo As IBasicVideo          'Basic Video Object
Private m_objMediaEvent As IMediaEvent        'MediaEvent Object
Private m_objVideoWindow As IVideoWindow   'VideoWindow Object
Private m_objMediaControl As IMediaControl    'MediaControl Object
Private m_objMediaPosition As IMediaPosition 'MediaPosition Object
Private m_dblStartPosition As Double
Private m_dblRunLength As Double
Private m_boolVideoRunning As Boolean
Private m_Vol As Integer
Private m_Bal As Integer
Private m_hWnd As Long
Private m_Width As Integer
Private m_Height As Integer
Private m_Top As Integer
Private m_Left As Integer
Public Sub InitDXShow(hWnd As Long, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, Optional Left As Integer = 0, Optional Top As Integer = 0)
    m_hWnd = hWnd
    m_Width = Width
    m_Height = Height
    m_Top = Top
    m_Left = Left
End Sub
Public Sub LoadMedia(Pathname As String)
On Local Error GoTo ErrLine
    If Mid(Pathname, 2, 1) <> ":" Then Pathname = App.Path & "\" & Pathname
    If Len(Dir(Pathname)) = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "[PlayMeida]Err:文件不存在!"
        Debug.Print Pathname
'        MsgBox "音乐文件不存在,但不影响游戏运行!"
       Exit Sub
    End If
    Set m_objMediaControl = New FilgraphManager
    Call m_objMediaControl.RenderFile(Pathname)
    Set m_objBasicAudio = m_objMediaControl
    m_objBasicAudio.Volume = (m_Vol - 100) * 40
    m_objBasicAudio.Balance = m_Bal * 50
    Set m_objVideoWindow = m_objMediaControl
    m_objVideoWindow.WindowStyle = CLng(&H6000000)
    m_objVideoWindow.Top = m_Top
    m_objVideoWindow.Left = m_Left
    m_objVideoWindow.Width = m_Width
    m_objVideoWindow.Height = m_Height
    m_objVideoWindow.Owner = m_hWnd
    Set m_objMediaEvent = m_objMediaControl '播放,停止,暂停的控制对象
    Set m_objMediaPosition = m_objMediaControl '媒体位置控制对象
    m_dblStartPosition = 0
    m_objMediaPosition.Rate = 1
    m_dblRunLength = Round(m_objMediaPosition.Duration, 2)
    Exit Sub
    Resume Next
End Sub
Public Property Get Volume() As Integer
    Volume = m_Vol
End Property
Public Property Let Volume(ByVal Vol As Integer)
    m_Vol = Vol
    m_objBasicAudio.Volume = (Vol - 100) * 40
End Property
Public Property Get MediaPosition() As Double
    MediaPosition = m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition
End Property
Public Property Let MediaPosition(ByVal Position As Double)
    m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = Position
End Property
Public Property Get Balance() As Integer
    Balance = m_Bal
End Property
Public Property Let Balance(ByVal bal As Integer)
    m_Bal = bal
    m_objBasicAudio.Balance = bal * 50
End Property
Public Property Get Duration() As Double
    Duration = m_dblRunLength
End Property
Public Property Get isPlaying() As Boolean
    isPlaying = IIf(m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition < m_dblRunLength, True, False)
End Property
Public Sub PlayMedia()
    If CLng(m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition) < CLng(m_dblStartPosition) Then
        m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = m_dblStartPosition
    ElseIf CLng(m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition) = CLng(m_dblRunLength) Then
        m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = m_dblStartPosition
    End If
    Call m_objMediaControl.Run
    m_boolVideoRunning = True
End Sub
Public Sub PauseMedia()
    Call m_objMediaControl.Pause
    m_boolVideoRunning = False
End Sub
Public Sub StopMedia()
    Call m_objMediaControl.Stop
    m_boolVideoRunning = False
    m_objMediaPosition.CurrentPosition = 0
End Sub
Public Sub UnloadDXShow()
            m_boolVideoRunning = False
            If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then
            End If
'            If Not m_objVideoWindow Is Nothing Then
'               m_objVideoWindow.Left = Screen.Width * 8
'               m_objVideoWindow.Height = Screen.Height * 8
'               m_objVideoWindow.Owner = 0
'            End If
            If Not m_objBasicAudio Is Nothing Then Set m_objBasicAudio = Nothing
            If Not m_objBasicVideo Is Nothing Then Set m_objBasicVideo = Nothing
            If Not m_objMediaControl Is Nothing Then Set m_objMediaControl = Nothing
            If Not m_objVideoWindow Is Nothing Then Set m_objVideoWindow = Nothing
            If Not m_objMediaPosition Is Nothing Then Set m_objMediaPosition = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    m_Vol = 100
End Sub

xAudio.cls 这个模块主要用来播放音效,比如走路声,开门声等。

'impactX Game Engine
'Davy.xu [email protected] qq:20998333
Option Explicit
Dim DX As New DirectX8
Dim DS As DirectSound8

'Dim myDSBuff(0 To 8) As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8
'Dim myWavFormat As WAVEFORMATEX

Dim DAperformance As DirectMusicPerformance8    '播放器
Dim DAloader As DirectMusicLoader8              '载入器
Dim dmPath As DirectMusicAudioPath8 '媒体路径,做调节音量用
Dim m_PausePos As Long '停止位置(待修正)
Public Function InitDXAudio(hWnd As Long) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ErrH
    Set DAloader = DX.DirectMusicLoaderCreate
    Set DAperformance = DX.DirectMusicPerformanceCreate
    DAperformance.InitAudio hWnd, DMUS_AUDIOF_ALL, DMA, Nothing, DMUS_APATH_DYNAMIC_STEREO, 64
        Set dmPath = DAperformance.CreateStandardAudioPath(DMUS_APATH_DYNAMIC_STEREO, 64, True)
        InitDXAudio = True
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "Err:[InitDXAudio] 初始化错误"
    InitDXAudio = False
End Function
Public Function InitDXSound(hWnd As Long) As Boolean
    InitDXSound = False
    Set DS = DX.DirectSoundCreate(vbNullString)
    DS.SetCooperativeLevel hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY '建立缓冲区
    InitDXSound = True
End Function

Public Function LoadWav(Pathname As String) As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8
    On Error GoTo ErrH
        Pathname = Trim(Pathname)
        If Len(Pathname) = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Err [LoadWav] 路径为空"
        End If
        If Mid(Pathname, 2, 1) <> ":" Then Pathname = App.Path & "\" & Pathname
        If LCase(Right(Pathname, 3)) <> "wav" And LCase(Right(Pathname, 3)) <> "mid" Then
             Debug.Print "Err [LoadWav] 载入格式不正确,只能载入wav文件"
        End If
        If Len(Dir(Pathname)) = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Err:[LoadWav] 文件不存在"
            Debug.Print Pathname
    End If
        Set LoadWav = DS.CreateSoundBufferFromFile(Pathname, DSbufSC)
        Exit Function
    Debug.Print "Err [LoadWav] 载入错误"
    Debug.Print Pathname
End Function

Public Function LoadAudio(Pathname As String) As DirectMusicSegment8
    On Error GoTo ErrH
    Pathname = Trim(Pathname)
    If Len(Pathname) = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Err [LoadAudio] 路径为空"
    End If
    If Mid(Pathname, 2, 1) <> ":" Then Pathname = App.Path & "\" & Pathname
    If LCase(Right(Pathname, 3)) <> "wav" And LCase(Right(Pathname, 3)) <> "mid" Then
         Debug.Print "Err [LoadAudio] 载入格式不正确,只能载入wav和mid文件"
    End If
    If Len(Dir(Pathname)) = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "Err:[LoadAudio] 文件不存在"
        Debug.Print Pathname
    End If
    Set LoadAudio = DAloader.LoadSegment(Pathname)
    LoadAudio.Download dmPath
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "Err [LoadAudio] 载入错误 "
    Debug.Print Pathname
    Debug.Print "在非NT系统中(如Win98),请不要在路径中带有中文"
End Function

'功能: 播放索引号对应音乐缓冲里的音乐
Public Sub PlayAudio(Buf As DirectMusicSegment8, Optional isRepeat As Boolean = False)
    On Error GoTo ErrH
    If isRepeat Then
        Buf.SetRepeats INFINITE
    End If
    DAperformance.PlaySegmentEx Buf, DMUS_SEGF_SECONDARY, 0, Nothing, dmPath
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Err [PlayAudio] 播放时错误"
End Sub

'功能: 播放索引号对应音乐缓冲里的音乐
Public Sub PlayWav(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8, Optional isRepeat As Boolean = False)
    On Error GoTo ErrH
    Buf.SetCurrentPosition 0
    If isRepeat Then
        Buf.Play DSBPLAY_LOOPING
        Buf.Play DSBPLAY_DEFAULT
    End If
    Exit Sub
    If Buf Is Nothing Then
        Debug.Print "Err [PlayWav] 没有载入音乐,播放时错误"
        Debug.Print "Err [PlayWav] 播放时错误 "
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub StopWav(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8)
   On Error GoTo ErrH
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Err [StopWav] 停止时错误"
End Sub

Public Sub StopAudio(Buf As DirectMusicSegment8)
    On Error GoTo ErrH
    m_PausePos = Buf.GetStartPoint
    DAperformance.StopEx Buf, 0, 0
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Err [StopAudio] 停止时错误 "
End Sub
Public Sub SetWavVolume(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8, Volume As Integer)
    If Volume < 0 Or Volume > 100 Then Exit Sub
    Buf.SetVolume Volume * 30 - 3000
End Sub
Public Sub SetWavPan(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8, Lev As Integer)
    If Lev < -10 Or Lev > 10 Then Exit Sub
    Buf.SetPan ((Lev + 10) * 5 - 50) * 100
End Sub
Public Sub SetAudioVolume(Vol As Integer)
    If Vol < 0 Or Vol > 100 Then Exit Sub
    dmPath.SetVolume -(1 - Vol / 100) * 5000, 0
End Sub
Public Function IsWavPlaying(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8) As Boolean
    IsWavPlaying = IIf(Buf.GetStatus = DSBSTATUS_PLAYING, True, False)
End Function

Public Function IsAudioPlaying(Buf As DirectMusicSegment8) As Boolean
    IsAudioPlaying = DAperformance.isPlaying(Buf, Nothing)
End Function
Public Sub SetAudioBalance(Lev As Integer)
    If Lev < -10 Or Lev > 10 Then Exit Sub
    Dim DSbuf As DirectSound3DBuffer8
    Set DSbuf = dmPath.GetObjectinPath(DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, 0, vbNullString, 0, "IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer")
    DSbuf.SetPosition Lev / 5, 0, 0, DS3D_IMMEDIATE
    Set DSbuf = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub UnloadDXAudio()
    On Error GoTo ErrH
        Dim i As Long
        DAperformance.CloseDown '关闭DirectMusicPerformance8
        Set DAperformance = Nothing
        Set DAloader = Nothing
    Set DS = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Err [UnloadDXAudio] 卸载错误"
End Sub
Public Sub UnloadDXSound()
    Set DS = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub ReleaseWav(Buf As DirectSoundSecondaryBuffer8)
    Set Buf = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub ReleaseAudio(Buf As DirectMusicSegment8)
    Set Buf = Nothing
End Sub

