
不管是考四六级还是考研英语,先来跟着橙子把为数不多的核心词汇过一遍吧, 冲鸭!


adopt vt. 收养 ;采纳,采用,接受

  1. vt. 收养

There are many people eager to adopt a baby.

be eager to do sth.渴望做某事

  1. vt. 采用

adopt an optimistic (adj.乐观的) view of the world

pessimistic adj. 悲观的

adaptive adj. 收养的

adaption n. 收养

adapt v. 改编; 适应(to)

come+man command vt. 命令;控制;掌握 n.控制,掌握,指令

  1. vt. 掌握

Americans no longer(不再)expect public figure(公众人物), whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. (n. 天赋)

  1. n. 掌握

Nor do they aspire to (渴望)such command themselves.

neither …nor… 既不。。。也不。

either…or … 或是。。。或是。

  1. n.指令

If you are writing on a word processor (n. 处理软件), you can take advantage of (利用) its capacity(n.能力,功能,容量) to make additions (v. add )and deletions as well as move entire paragraphs by making just a few simple keyboard commands. (n.指令)

addiction n. 上瘾

arm vt. 武装;备战 n.手臂;上肢 aim n. 目标

  1. n. 手臂

Our factories hum to (v. 充斥着)the rhythm (n.节奏)of robot assembly (n.组装) arms.

assembly n. 组装;大会= meeting = congress= conference = convention = rally = session

n.1 of n.2 名词1 of 名词2

  1. n1 是表示时间/数字 n1 的 n2 a hundred of students three days of study
  1. n1 不是表示时间/数字 n2 的 n1 a friend of my father

2. vt. 武装

Similarly 同样, some Wall Street investment(n.投资) firms (n.公司)armed themselves with patents (n. 专利) for financial products(金融产品), even as (尽管) they took positions in court(法庭) cases(n.案件)opposing (v.反对) the practice. (n. 做法)

firm 公司 = company = enterprise = corporation

army n. 军队 enemy n.敌人

device n. 装备,装置 ; 手 段

  1. n. 装置;设备

The networked computer is an amazing device.

  1. n. 策略;手段

Sending advertisement(n.广告) by email is very successful as a marketing device.(策略;手段)

devise v. 设计;发明= invent invite v.邀请 innovation n. 创新 advise v.提建议 advice n.建议

endeavor vi. 努力 n. 努力;尝试

  1. vi. 努力

I will endeavor to do my best for my country.

  1. n. 努力

That should create(v. 带来) more collaborative(adj. 合作的;共同的) endeavors and help to develop projects 【 aimed directly at solving global problems. 】

aim n. 目的 = goal= purpose = target 【常用搭配】endeavor to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事

context n. 上下文,语境 ; 环境

  1. n. 环境

Enlist (v.赢得;谋求)the support of professionals(n. 专业人士) and share with them your goals (n. 目标)and context.

  1. n. 上下文;语境

If you are unfamiliar with(对…不熟悉) words or idioms(n. 习语), you guess at their meaning, using clues(n. 线索) 【presented (v.出现)in the context. 】

contextual adj.语境的;与上下文有关的

change vt. 改变 ; 兑换 n. 变化

vt. change your attitude (n. 态度)to this issue. to change dollars into yen (日元)

【常用搭配 】climate change 气候变化 changeable adj. 易变的 unchanged adj. 未改变的;无变化的

The design of military(adj.军事的)uniforms (军装) will remain(v. 保持)unchanged.

exchange vt. 交换;交易 n. 交换;交流;交易所;交谈

  1. vt. 交换 exchange sth1 for sth2 用 sth1 交换 sth2

Normally,(通常) the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber.

  1. n. 交流

In order to (为了) achieve these objectives (目标), we must concentrate more on(关注) co-productions (合作的作品), the exchange (n.交流) of news, documentary services (纪录片服务) and training. (培训)

  1. n. 交易所

It was a year before(一年之后) she became head (n.领导)of a tiny Internet-based commodities(商品)exchange.(交易所)

  1. n. 交谈

There was only time for a brief (简短的)exchange.

stock exchange 股票交易 share n.股票;股份 shareholder = stockholder 股东

even adv. 甚至 adj. 偶数的 even if / even though 即使

  1. adv. 甚至

He could not confide(v. 吐露) them even to his wife.

  1. adj. 偶数的

even number 偶数 evenly adv. 均匀地 uneven adj. 不均匀的;不平坦的

odd adj. 奇数的;奇怪的;兼职的,临时的

authority n. 权威,权力 ; 批准 ; 当局; 权威人士

  1. n. 权威

The framers(n. 制定者) of the Constitution(n.宪法) envisioned(v. 想象;设想) law as having authority apart from politics. (政治)

v. + n1+ as + n2 把 n1 视作 n2

  1. n. 批准

We acted under the authority of the UN. UN = 联合国 UK = 英国 US = 美国

  1. n. 当局

First two hours, now three hours ------ this is how far in advance (提前)authorities (n. 当局)are recommending (v. 建议)people show up to catch a domestic flight. (国内航班)

domestic adj.家庭的;国内的 domestic market = 国内市场= home market

  1. n. 权威人士

And one leading (adj.重要的) authority says 【that these intensely(非常)powerful (adj. 强烈的) mental events (精神活动) can be not only harnessed (v.驾驭) but actually (实际上) brought under conscious (adj.有意识的) control, to help us sleep and feel better. 】

not only…but (also)… 不仅…而且… authorize v. 授权;批准 authorization n. 批准;授权

the controversy (争议) over authorization 对授权有争议

company n. 公司 ; 陪伴 ; 宾客

  1. n. 公司= firm = enterprise = corporation

The company has applied for federal(adj.联邦的) permission(n. 允许;许可) to keep it open for another 20 years.

apply to 应用 apply for 申请

  1. n. 陪伴

He’s coming with me for company. 他陪我一起来的。

  1. n. 宾客;伙伴

I didn’t realize you had company.

companion n. 陪伴 accompany vt. 陪伴;陪同

culture n. 文化 ; 培养

  1. n. 文化

Levin described rap as a lawful (adj.合法的)expression of street culture.

  1. n. 培养

a culture of cells (细胞)

cultural adj. 文化的 counterculture n. 反主流文化 counter- 反 non-非

following adj. 接着的 ; 下列的 n.下列各项

  1. adj. 接着的

the following year 第二年

  1. adj. 下列的

the following proverbs (谚语)

  1. n. 下列各项

Which of the following is the best title for the text?

follow v. 跟随;遵循

Economy will always follow (v. 遵循) certain (某些) models.

govern vt. 管理 ;支配,控制

  1. vt. 管理

The state-level bodies (n. 机构;部门)【 that govern the profession(n.职业;行业)】 have been too conservative (adj.保守的) to implement (v.实施;执行) them.

imply v. 暗示

too…to… 太…而不能(没有)…

  1. vt. 支配,控制

But his primary task(首要任务)is not to think about the moral code(道德规范)【which governs(v. 支配) his activity. 】

government n. 政府

governor n. 管理者;州长;省长 civil servant 公务员

governance n.管理

governmental adj.政府的


