

#include "Dangban.h"
extern VideoCapture cap_up;
extern VideoCapture cap_down;
extern Mat imgOriginal_up, imgOriginal_down;//用于缓存图像

extern int G_threshold_down;
extern int G_threshold_up;

void RGB2HSV(double red, double green, double blue, double& hue, double& saturation, double& intensity)

	double r, g, b;
	double h, s, i;

	double sum;
	double minRGB, maxRGB;
	double theta;

	r = red / 255.0;
	g = green / 255.0;
	b = blue / 255.0;

	minRGB = ((r<g) ? (r) : (g));
	minRGB = (minRGB<b) ? (minRGB) : (b);

	maxRGB = ((r>g) ? (r) : (g));
	maxRGB = (maxRGB>b) ? (maxRGB) : (b);

	sum = r + g + b;
	i = sum / 3.0;

	if (i<0.001 || maxRGB - minRGB<0.001)
		h = 0.0;
		s = 0.0;
		s = 1.0 - 3.0*minRGB / sum;
		theta = sqrt((r - g)*(r - g) + (r - b)*(g - b));
		theta = acos((r - g + r - b)*0.5 / theta);
		if (b <= g)
			h = theta;
			h = 2 * 3.1415926 - theta;
		if (s <= 0.01)
			h = 0;

	hue = (int)(h * 180 / 3.1415926);
	saturation = (int)(s * 100);
	intensity = (int)(i * 100);
///***** 求两点间距离*****/
//float getDistance(CvPoint pointO, CvPoint pointA)
//	float distance;
//	distance = powf((pointO.x - pointA.x), 2) + powf((pointO.y - pointA.y), 2);
//	distance = sqrtf(distance);
//	return distance;

vector <float> get_0_distance(vector<Vec4i> lines)
	vector <float> diatance;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
		double k = (double)(lines[i][1] - lines[i][3]) / (double)(lines[i][0] - lines[i][2]);//斜率
		double b = (double)lines[i][1] - (double)(lines[i][0])* k; //截距
		double diatance_temp = fabs(b / sqrt(1 + k*k));
	return diatance;


/***** 点到直线的距离:P到AB的距离*****/
float getDist_P2L_zhengfu(CvPoint pointP, CvPoint pointA, CvPoint pointB)
	float A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;
	A = pointA.y - pointB.y;
	B = pointB.x - pointA.x;
	C = pointA.x*pointB.y - pointA.y*pointB.x;
	float distance = 0;

	if (pointP.x>(-(B*pointP.y + C) / A))
		distance = ((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));
		distance = -((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));
	return distance;

/***** 点到直线的距离:P到AB的距离*****/
float getDist_P2L_zhengfu_2(CvPoint pointP, float Param_A1, float Param_A2, float Param_A3,int mode)
	float A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;
	A = Param_A1;
	B = Param_A2;
	C = Param_A3;
	float distance = 0;
	if (mode == 0)//横挡板判断上下
		if (pointP.y>(-(A*pointP.x + C) / B))
			distance = ((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));
			distance = -((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));
	else  //竖挡板判断左右
		if (pointP.x>(-(B*pointP.y + C) / A))
			distance = ((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));
			distance = -((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));


	return distance;

vector <float> get_lines_arctan(vector<Vec4i> lines)
	float k = 0; //直线斜率
	vector <float> lines_arctan;//直线斜率的反正切值
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<lines.size(); i++)

		k = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
	return lines_arctan;

/***** 点到一堆直线的距离:P到lines的距离*****/
vector <float> getDist_P2L_yibanshi(Point2f pointP, vector<Vec4i> lines)
	Point2f pointA, pointB;
	vector <float>  distance;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)

		pointA.x = (float)lines[i][0];
		pointA.y = (float)lines[i][1];
		pointB.x = (float)lines[i][2];
		pointB.x = (float)lines[i][3];

		float A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;
		A = pointA.y - pointB.y;
		B = pointB.x - pointA.x;
		C = pointA.x*pointB.y - pointA.y*pointB.x;
		float distance_temp;
		distance_temp = ((float)abs(A*pointP.x + B*pointP.y + C)) / ((float)sqrtf(A*A + B*B));

	return distance;

vector <Point2d> get_lines_fangcheng(vector<Vec4i> lines)
	double k = 0; //直线斜率
	double b = 0; //直线截距
	vector <Point2d> lines_fangcheng;//

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<lines.size(); i++)

		k = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率// -3.1415926/2-----+3.1415926/2
		b = (double)lines[i][1] - k * (double)lines[i][0]; //求出直线的截距
		lines_fangcheng.push_back(Point2d(k, b));

	return lines_fangcheng;

void fillHole(const Mat srcBw, Mat &dstBw)
	Size m_Size = srcBw.size();
	Mat Temp = Mat::zeros(m_Size.height + 2, m_Size.width + 2, srcBw.type());//延展图像
	srcBw.copyTo(Temp(Range(1, m_Size.height + 1), Range(1, m_Size.width + 1)));

	cv::floodFill(Temp, Point(0, 0), Scalar(255, 255, 255));//填充区域

	Mat cutImg;//裁剪延展的图像
	Temp(Range(1, m_Size.height + 1), Range(1, m_Size.width + 1)).copyTo(cutImg);

	dstBw = srcBw | (~cutImg);

vector <float> get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng(vector<Vec4i> lines)
	//vector <vector<float>> fangcheng_PARAM;
	vector<float> fangcheng_temp;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
		float A0 = 0, B0 = 0, C0 = 0;
		A0 = (float)(lines[i][1] - lines[i][3]);
		if ((lines[i][1] - lines[i][3]) == 0)
			A0 = 0.0001;
		B0 = (float)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]);
		if ((lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]) == 0)
			B0 = 0.0001;
		C0 = (float)(lines[i][0] * lines[i][3] - lines[i][1] * lines[i][2]);
		if (C0 == 0)
			C0 = 0.0001;
		/*	if ((lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]) == 0)
		B0 =0.001;
		if (A0>0)
		C0 =-fabs( (float)(lines[i][0] * lines[i][3] - lines[i][1] * lines[i][2]));
		C0 = fabs((float)(lines[i][0] * lines[i][3] - lines[i][1] * lines[i][2]));

		B0 = (float)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]);
		C0 = (float)(lines[i][0] * lines[i][3] - lines[i][1] * lines[i][2]);

		//A0 = (float)(Connor[0].y - Connor[1].y);
		//B0 = (float)(Connor[1].x - Connor[0].x);
		//C0 = (float)(Connor[0].x*Connor[1].y - Connor[0].y*Connor[1].x);

		//	fangcheng_PARAM.push_back(fangcheng_temp);

	return fangcheng_temp;

*函数功能 : 输入两条直线(每条直线以斜率和截距确定),返回两直线夹角,0为弧度,1为角度(不能计算垂直直线)
*输入参数 : line_1_k为一条直线斜率,line_2_k为另一条直线斜率,aaa为0则为弧度,反之则为角度
*返 回 值 : float型弧度或者角度,有正负,为直线2相对于直线1的角度
*编写时间 : 2018.8.5
*作    者 : 毛哥
float get_lines_arctan(float line_1_k, float line_2_k, int aaa)
	if (aaa == 0)
		float tan_k = 0; //直线夹角正切值
		float lines_arctan;//直线斜率的反正切值
		tan_k = (line_2_k - line_1_k) / (1 + line_2_k*line_1_k); //求直线夹角的公式
		lines_arctan = atan(tan_k);
		return lines_arctan;
		float tan_k = 0; //直线夹角正切值
		float lines_arctan;//直线斜率的反正切值
		tan_k = (line_2_k - line_1_k) / (1 + line_2_k*line_1_k); //求直线夹角的公式
		lines_arctan = atan(tan_k)* 180.0 / 3.1415926;

		return lines_arctan;

*函数功能 : 输入两条直线(输入一般式三个参数),返回两直线夹角,0为弧度
*输入参数 : Param_A1、Param_B1、Param_C1 \Param_2、Param_B2、Param_C2输入一般式三个参数
*返 回 值 : double 型角度,有正负,为直线2相对于直线1的角度
*编写时间 : 2018.8.6
*作    者 : 毛哥
double get_lines_yibanshi_arctan(double Param_A1, double Param_B1, double Param_C1, double Param_A2, double Param_B2, double Param_C2)

	double tan_k = 0; //直线夹角正切值
	double lines_arctan;//直线斜率的反正切值
	double line_1_k = 0;
	double line_2_k = 0;

	//	tan_k = (line_2_k - line_1_k) / (1 + line_2_k*line_1_k); //求直线夹角的公式

	if (fabs(Param_B1) > 0.00001 && fabs(Param_B2) > 0.00001)
		line_1_k = -Param_A1 / Param_B1;
		line_2_k = -Param_A2 / Param_B2;

		//若两直线垂直,即k1k2 = -1,此时夹角为90°;
		if (line_1_k*line_2_k != -1)
			tan_k = (line_2_k - line_1_k) / (1 + line_2_k*line_1_k); //求直线夹角的公式
			//tan_k = (Param_A1*Param_A2 + Param_B1*Param_B2) / (sqrt(Param_A1*Param_A1 + Param_B1*Param_B1)*sqrt(Param_A2*Param_A2 + Param_B2*Param_B2));
			lines_arctan = atan(tan_k)* 180.0 / 3.1415926;;
	else if (Param_B1 < 0.00001&& Param_B2>0.00001)

		tan_k = -Param_A2 / Param_B2;
		lines_arctan = atan(tan_k);
		lines_arctan = (3.1415926 / 2 - lines_arctan)* 180.0 / 3.1415926;
	else if (Param_B1 > 0.00001&&Param_B2 < 0.00001)

		tan_k = -Param_A1 / Param_B1;
		lines_arctan = atan(tan_k);
		lines_arctan = (lines_arctan - 3.1415926 / 2)* 180.0 / 3.1415926;

		lines_arctan = 0;
	return lines_arctan;

vector <float> get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng_2(Point2f Point_A, Point2f Point_B)
	//vector <vector<float>> fangcheng_PARAM;
	vector<float> fangcheng_temp;
	float A0 = 0, B0 = 0, C0 = 0;

	//A0 = (float)(lines[i][1] - lines[i][3]);
	//B0 = (float)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]);
	//C0 = (float)(lines[i][0] * lines[i][3] - lines[i][1] * lines[i][2]);

	A0 = (float)(Point_A.y - Point_B.y);
	B0 = (float)(Point_B.x - Point_A.x);
	C0 = (float)(Point_A.x*Point_B.y - Point_A.y*Point_B.x);


	return fangcheng_temp;

/***** 7、输入A,B,C,画出线在dstImage*****/
void draw_line_1(float A, float B, float C, Mat dstImage)
	float y0, y1, x0, x1;
	if (B == 0)
		B = 0.001;
	if (A == 0)
		A = 0.001;
	float k = 0, b = 0;
	k = -A / B;
	b = -C / B;
	y0 = k * 0.0 + b;
	y1 = k * 800.0 + b;
	x0 = (0.0 - b) / k;
	x1 = (600.0 - b) / k;

	vector<Point> draw_point;
	if (y0 >= 0 && y0 <= 600)
		Point p;
		p.x = 0;
		p.y = y0;
	if (y1 >= 0 && y1 <= 600)
		Point p;
		p.x = 800;
		p.y = y1;
	if (x0 >= 0 && x0 <= 800)
		Point p;
		p.x = x0;
		p.y = 0;
	if (x1 >= 0 && x1 <= 800)
		Point p;
		p.x = x1;
		p.y = 600;
	if (draw_point.size() >= 2)
		line(dstImage, draw_point[0], draw_point[1], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LINE_AA);
*函数功能 : 找每个轮廓的中心坐标
*输入参数 :轮廓或者凸包
*返 回 值 : 点向量
*编写时间 : 2018.8.9
*作    者 : 毛哥
vector< Point2f> find_lunkuo_zhongxin(vector<vector<Point>> dangban_RectContours)

	vector<Point2f> zhongxin_zuobiao;
	/// 计算矩
	vector<Moments> mu(dangban_RectContours.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < dangban_RectContours.size(); i++)
		mu[i] = moments(dangban_RectContours[i], false);
	///  计算中心矩:
	vector<Point2f> mc(dangban_RectContours.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < dangban_RectContours.size(); i++)
		mc[i] = Point2f(mu[i].m10 / mu[i].m00, mu[i].m01 / mu[i].m00);

	return	zhongxin_zuobiao;


Point2f getCrossPoint(Vec4i LineA, Vec4i LineB)
	double ka, kb;
	Point2f crossPoint;
	if ((LineA[2] - LineA[0]) != 0)
		ka = (double)(LineA[3] - LineA[1]) / (double)(LineA[2] - LineA[0]); //求出LineA斜率
		kb = (double)(LineB[3] - LineB[1]) / (double)(LineB[2] - LineB[0]); //求出LineB斜率

		crossPoint.x = (ka*LineA[0] - LineA[1] - kb*LineB[0] + LineB[1]) / (ka - kb);
		crossPoint.y = (ka*kb*(LineA[0] - LineB[0]) + ka*LineB[1] - kb*LineA[1]) / (ka - kb);

	return crossPoint;
float getDistance_1(CvPoint pointO, CvPoint pointA)
	float distance;
	distance = powf((pointO.x - pointA.x), 2) + powf((pointO.y - pointA.y), 2);
	distance = sqrtf(distance);
	return distance;

*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头拟合出横着或者竖着的直线(大体)
*输入参数 : 图片,0为横着,1为竖着
*返 回 值 : 单条直线的ABC值,
*编写时间 : 2018.8.12
*作    者 : 毛哥
vector <float> nihe_zhixian_dantiao(int flag)

	vector <float> fangcheng_PARAM_1;
	vector <float> fangcheng_PARAM_final;

	double Param_A1[4] = {
     0 };
	double Param_B1[4] = {
     0 };
	double Param_C1[4] = {
     0 };
	int lvbo = 0;

	Mat frame_2;
	while (1)

		frame_2 = imgOriginal_up;
		Mat srcImg1, midImage, dstImage;//临时变量和目标图的定义

		int width = frame_2.cols; //宽
		int height = frame_2.rows;
		Mat	image_copy_C3;

	 if (flag == 0)//横着
			Rect rect(0, frame_2.rows*0.3, frame_2.cols, frame_2.rows*(0.95 - 0.3));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 

			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		else //竖着
			Rect rect(frame_2.cols*0.075, frame_2.rows*0.2, frame_2.cols*(0.875 - 0.075), frame_2.rows*(0.83 - 0.2));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 


		midImage = Mat::zeros(image_copy_C3.size(), CV_8UC3);


		cvtColor(image_copy_C3, srcImg1, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
		srcImg1 = srcImg1 > G_threshold_up;

		//namedWindow("二值化的图", 0);
		//imshow("二值化的图", srcImg1);

		//	midImage=findMaxContouns(srcImg1);
		/*******  检测直线优化 开始 ****************************************************************/

		vector<vector<Point>>contours_1, RectContours; //轮廓
		findContours(srcImg1, contours_1, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓

		if (contours_1.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有在裁剪后的图片里找到轮廓(第二次找轮廓)" << endl;
		if (contours_1.size() > 0)//如果没有找到轮廓退出
			vector<float> length(contours_1.size());
			for (int i = 0; i < contours_1.size(); i++)
				length[i] = arcLength(contours_1[i], true);
			if (contours_1.size() == 0)
				cout << "警告:没有(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;
			for (int i = 0; i < contours_1.size(); i++)
				Scalar color = (255, 255, 255);//白色线画轮廓
				drawContours(midImage, contours_1, i, color, 1, 8);//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓

		cvtColor(midImage, midImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
		midImage = midImage>20;
		vector<Vec4i> lines, lines_final;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
		HoughLinesP(midImage, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 95, 40, 60);
		if (lines.size() == 0)
			cout << "没有检测到直线" << endl;
		/*******  检测直线优化 结束 ****************************************************************/
		cvtColor(midImage, dstImage, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);//转化边缘检测后的图为灰度图
		//cout << "\n共检测到原始  直线" << lines.size() << "条" << endl;
		float  zhixian_changdu;
		float to_0_distance;
  	for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)

			Vec4i l = lines[i];
			to_0_distance = getDist_P2L_zhengfu(CvPoint(0, 0), Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]));
			zhixian_changdu = getDistance_1(Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]));

		//	cout << "\n直线长度为" << zhixian_changdu << endl;
		//	cout << "到原点的距离" << to_0_distance << endl;
			line(image_copy_C3, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2, LINE_AA);
			float line_k;
			int a;
			a = lines[i][2] - lines[i][0];
			if (flag == 0)//横着
				if (fabs((double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0])) > 0.0001)
					line_k = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
				//	cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 120 && fabs(line_k)<0.6&&fabs(to_0_distance)>20)



			else //竖着
				if (fabs((double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0])) != 0)
					line_k = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
				//	cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu >80 && fabs(to_0_distance)>30/* && (lines[i][1]<100 || lines[i][3]<100) */ && fabs(line_k)>1.7)

					else if (fabs(line_k) > 30 && zhixian_changdu >60 && to_0_distance>110)

					if (zhixian_changdu>60 && fabs(to_0_distance)>110 /*&& (lines[i][1] < 100 || lines[i][3] < 100)*/)

		//namedWindow("直线未滤除前", 0);
		//imshow("直线未滤除前", image_copy_C3);
		float A_Proportion, B_Proportion, C_Proportion;
		int zhixian_geshu = lines_final.size();
		cout << "共有" << zhixian_geshu << "条直线进来了" << endl;
		if (lines_final.size() >= 2)
			//先求最终直线的方程的三个参数 A_top, B_bottom
			fangcheng_PARAM_1 = get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng(lines_final);
			if (lines_final.size() >= 3)
				for (int j = 0; j <zhixian_geshu - 1; j++)
					for (int k = j + 1; k <zhixian_geshu; k++)
						A_Proportion = fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 0] / fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 0];
						B_Proportion = fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 1] / fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 1];
						C_Proportion = fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 2] / fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 2];

						if ((A_Proportion > 0.75&&A_Proportion<1.3) && (B_Proportion>0.7 && B_Proportion<1.3) && (C_Proportion>0.7 && C_Proportion < 1.4))
							cout << "第 " << j << "条直线" << "和" << k << "条直线相同" << endl;

							fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 0] = (fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 0] + fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 0]) / 2;
							fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 1] = (fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 1] + fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 0]) / 2;
							fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 2] = (fangcheng_PARAM_1[j + 2] + fangcheng_PARAM_1[k + 0]) / 2;


			for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_final.size(); i++)
				Vec4i l = lines_final[i];
				line(dstImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA);

			//	滤波
			Param_A1[3] = Param_A1[2];
			Param_A1[2] = Param_A1[1];
			Param_A1[1] = Param_A1[0];

			Param_B1[3] = Param_B1[2];
			Param_B1[2] = Param_B1[1];
			Param_B1[1] = Param_B1[0];

			Param_C1[3] = Param_C1[2];
			Param_C1[2] = Param_C1[1];
			Param_C1[1] = Param_C1[0];

			Param_A1[0] = ((fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[0]) + fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[3])) / 2.0) * (fangcheng_PARAM_1[0] / fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[0]));
			Param_B1[0] = ((fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[1]) + fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[4])) / 2.0) *(fangcheng_PARAM_1[1] / fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[1]));
			Param_C1[0] = ((fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[2]) + fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[5])) / 2.0) *(fangcheng_PARAM_1[2] / fabs(fangcheng_PARAM_1[2]));

			Param_A1[0] = 0.6* Param_A1[0] + 0.2* Param_A1[1] + 0.1* Param_A1[2] + 0.1* Param_A1[3];
			Param_B1[0] = 0.6* Param_B1[0] + 0.2* Param_B1[1] + 0.1* Param_B1[2] + 0.1* Param_B1[3];
			Param_C1[0] = 0.6* Param_C1[0] + 0.2* Param_C1[1] + 0.1* Param_C1[2] + 0.1* Param_C1[3];

			float a1_bizhi;
			if (Param_A1[0] != 0)
				a1_bizhi = Param_A1[1] / Param_A1[0];
				a1_bizhi = 1;

			float a2_bizhi = Param_B1[1] / Param_B1[0];
			float a3_bizhi = Param_C1[1] / Param_C1[0];

			if ((a1_bizhi>0.9 || a1_bizhi<1.1) && (a2_bizhi>0.9 || a2_bizhi<1.1) && (a3_bizhi>0.9 || a3_bizhi<1.1))

			else /*if (lvbo>0)*/

			if (lvbo>10)
				cout << "已拟合出直线方程" << endl;
				draw_line_1(Param_A1[0], Param_B1[0], Param_C1[0], dstImage);
				namedWindow("【检测直线效果图】", 0);//参数为零,则可以自由拖动
				imshow("【检测直线效果图】", dstImage);


			/***** 7、输入A,B,C,画出线在dstImage*****/

		//	cout << "没有正确的找到最终的两条直线" << endl;


	return fangcheng_PARAM_final;

*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头找横竖两条直线交点
*输入参数 : 图片
*返 回 值 : 点向量,如果直线没有正确检测到,返回0,0点,方便后面判断
*编写时间 : 2018.8.12
*作    者 : 毛哥
Point2f nihe_jiaodian()
	Point2f final_jiaodian;
	vector <float>	fangcheng_PARAM_1, fangcheng_PARAM_2;
	double Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1;//过道直线
	double Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2;//挡板中轴线

	fangcheng_PARAM_1 = nihe_zhixian_dantiao(0);

	Param_A1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[0];
	Param_B1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[1];
	Param_C1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[2];

	fangcheng_PARAM_2 = nihe_zhixian_dantiao(1);
	Param_A2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[0];
	Param_B2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[1];
	Param_C2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[2];

	final_jiaodian.y = (Param_A1*Param_C2 + Param_A2*Param_C1) / (Param_A2*Param_B1 - Param_A1*Param_B2);
	final_jiaodian.x = (Param_C1 - Param_B1*final_jiaodian.y) / Param_A1;

	//circle(image, final_jiaodian, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1, 8);
	return final_jiaodian;

*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头放置横着的挡板,此时顶部摄像头已经找到
*输入参数 :第一个参数是 0为横着,1为竖着,第一个参数是 1为第一块挡板,2为第二块挡板,
*返 回 值 : 单条直线的ABC值,
*编写时间 : 2018.8.12
*作    者 : 毛哥
void Put_dangban(int hengshu, int yier)
	double Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1;//过道直线
	double Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2;//挡板中轴线
	//vector <float>	fangcheng_PARAM_1 = nihe_zhixian_dantiao(hengshu);
	vector <float>	fangcheng_PARAM_1 = getVHlineParam(hengshu);

	Param_A1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[0];
	Param_B1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[1];
	Param_C1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[2];

		if (yier == 1)
			Send_to_K60(10, 0, 0);//将第一块挡板放在悬空位置(离地2cm)

			Send_to_K60(11, 0, 0);//将第二块挡板放在悬空位置(离地2cm)

	//printf("\n\n\t\t\t  实时找红色挡板开始\n");

	int jiaodu_jishu = 0;
	Mat frame_2;

	while (1)

		Mat srcImage0;

		frame_2 = imgOriginal_up;

		int width = frame_2.cols;
		int height = frame_2.rows;

		Mat image_cut;      //从img中按照rect进行切割,此时修改image_cut时image中对应部分也会修改,因此需要copy  
		Mat image_copy_C3;   //clone函数创建新的图片 彩色

		if (hengshu == 0)//横着
			Rect rect(0, frame_2.rows*0.3, frame_2.cols, frame_2.rows*(0.95 - 0.3));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 

			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		else //竖着
			Rect rect(frame_2.cols*0.075, frame_2.rows*0.2, frame_2.cols*(0.875 - 0.075), frame_2.rows*(0.83 - 0.2));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 

		int x, y;
		double B = 0.0, G = 0.0, R = 0.0, H = 0.0, S = 0.0, V = 0.0;
		int width1 = image_copy_C3.cols * 3;
		int height1 = image_copy_C3.rows;
		for (x = 0; x < height1; x++)
			uchar* data = image_copy_C3.ptr<uchar>(x);//获取第i行的首地址
			for (y = 0; y < width1; y += 3)
				B = data[y];
				G = data[y + 1];
				R = data[y + 2];
				RGB2HSV(R, G, B, H, S, V);
			//	if ((H >= 286 && H <= 360 || H >= 0 && H <= 20) && (S >= 0 && S <= 360) && (V>0 && V < 360))
				if ((H >= 270 && H <= 360 || H >= 0 && H <= 20) && (S >= 0 && S <= 360) && (V>0 && V < 360))
					data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 255;
				else data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 0;
		Mat vec_rgb;
		cvtColor(image_copy_C3, vec_rgb, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
		vec_rgb = vec_rgb > 120;

		//namedWindow("hsv空间图像", 0);
		//imshow("hsv空间图像", vec_rgb);

		//Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(2 * 1 + 1, 2 * 1 + 1), Point(1, 1));
		Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(2 * 3 + 1, 2 * 3 + 1), Point(3, 3));
		//	Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(45, 45));
		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//膨胀
		/*namedWindow("膨胀", 0);
		imshow("膨胀", vec_rgb);

		erode(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//腐蚀
		/*namedWindow("腐蚀", 0);
		imshow("腐蚀", vec_rgb);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours, max_contours; //轮廓
		vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;//分层
		Mat drawing_text = Mat::zeros(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3);
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓
		if (contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

		//	cout << "第一次找轮廓结束,共找到轮廓:" << contours.size() << " 条" << endl;

		vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours.size());//用于存放凸包
		vector<float> length(contours.size());
		vector<float> Area_contours(contours.size()), Area_hull(contours.size()), Rectangularity(contours.size()), circularity(contours.size());

		vector< Point2f>  lunkuo_zhongxin_first;
		lunkuo_zhongxin_first = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours);

		int Xmin = (int)(vec_rgb.cols * 0);
		int Xmax = (int)(vec_rgb.cols);
		int Ymin = (int)(vec_rgb.rows * 0);
		int Ymax = (int)(vec_rgb.rows);

		for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)

			length[i] = arcLength(contours[i], true);

			//cout << "轮廓长度为" << length[i] << endl;

			if (length[i] >5 && lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x>Xmin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x<Xmax&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y>Ymin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y<Ymax)
				convexHull(Mat(contours[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来
		if (max_contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:y有红色物体,但是可能没有红色挡板,或者红色挡板被遮挡严重" << endl;


		vector<Point2f> zhongxin_zuobiao;
		zhongxin_zuobiao = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(max_contours);
		if (zhongxin_zuobiao.size() >= 2)
			for (int i = 0; i < zhongxin_zuobiao.size() - 1; i++)
				for (int j = i + 1; j < zhongxin_zuobiao.size(); j++)
					float dis_juxin = getDistance_1(zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j]);
					if (dis_juxin <65)
						line(vec_rgb, zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j], Scalar(255), 4, LINE_AA);


		//namedWindow("连接直线后", 0);
		//imshow("连接直线后", vec_rgb);

		Mat vec_rgb1;

		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb1, element1);//膨胀
		namedWindow("膨胀1", 0);
		imshow("膨胀1", vec_rgb1);

		erode(vec_rgb1, vec_rgb1, element1);//腐蚀
		//namedWindow("腐蚀1", 0);
		//imshow("腐蚀1", vec_rgb1);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours_1, RectContours; //轮廓
		Mat drawing_1 = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
		Mat  	dstImage = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours_1, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓

		if (contours_1.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有在裁剪后的图片里找到轮廓(第二次找轮廓)" << endl;

		//cout << "第二次找轮廓结束,共找到轮廓:" << contours_1.size() << " 条" << endl;
		//cout << "第二次找轮廓结束" << endl;

		vector< Point2f> lunkuo_zhongxin1, lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first;

		lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours_1);

		if (contours_1.size() > 0)//如果没有找到轮廓退出
			vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours_1.size());//用于存放凸包
			vector<float> length(contours_1.size());

			for (int i = 0; i < contours_1.size(); i++)

				length[i] = arcLength(contours_1[i], true);

				if (length[i] >170 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].x>120 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].x<190 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].y>20 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].y<130)
					convexHull(Mat(contours_1[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来



			//	cout << "已找到裁剪后的新凸包" << endl;

			if (RectContours.size() == 0)

				cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

			lunkuo_zhongxin1 = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(RectContours);

			for (int i = 0; i < RectContours.size(); i++)
				Scalar color = (255, 255, 255);//白色线画轮廓
				drawContours(drawing_1, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓
				drawContours(dstImage, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓


			cvtColor(drawing_1, drawing_1, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
			drawing_1 = drawing_1 > 20;

		/*******  检测直线优化 开始 ****************************************************************/

		Mat vec_rgb2;
		vector<Vec4i> lines1, lines_final;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合

		//	Canny(drawing_1, vec_rgb2, cannyThreshold, cannyThreshold * factor);
		HoughLinesP(drawing_1, lines1, 1, CV_PI / 180, 35, 30, 30);

		if (lines1.size() == 0)
			cout << "红色挡板直线数量为零" << endl;

		float  zhixian_changdu;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < lines1.size(); i++)
			Vec4i l = lines1[i];
			zhixian_changdu = getDistance_1(Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]));

			//cout << "\n红色挡板直线长度为" << zhixian_changdu << endl;

			line(dstImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA);
			float line_k = 0;
			int a;
			a = lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0];

			if (hengshu == 0)//横着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//cout << "\n红色挡板直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 /*&& fabs(line_k)<1*/)



			else //竖着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.0001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//cout << "\n红色挡板直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 && fabs(line_k)>0.7)


					if (zhixian_changdu>40)

		//namedWindow("挡板直线", 0);
		//imshow("挡板直线", drawing_1);

		vector <float> fangcheng_PARAM_1;

		int zhixian_geshu = lines_final.size();
		//	cout << "共有" << zhixian_geshu << "条直线进来了" << endl;
		float line_k[4] = {
     0 };
		float line_b[4] = {
     0 };
		if (lines_final.size() == 0)
			cout << "红色挡板最终直线数量为零" << endl;

		if (lines_final.size() >= 1)
			int a, b = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_final.size(); i++)
				float line_k_temp;

				a = lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0];
				//	cout << "参数为: " << a << endl;
				if (fabs((double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k_temp = (double)(lines_final[i][3] - lines_final[i][1]) / (double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//	cout << "\n最终直线的斜率为\n" << line_k_temp << endl;

					line_k[0] = line_k_temp + line_k[0];

					line_k[0] = 1000;
					//	line_k = 8000;


			line_k[3] = line_k[2];
			line_k[2] = line_k[1];
			line_k[1] = line_k[0];

			//line_b[3] = line_b[2];
			//line_b[2] = line_b[1];
			//line_b[1] = line_b[0];

			line_k[0] = line_k[0] / b;
			if (fabs(line_k[1] / line_k[0]) >10)//去抖动
				line_k[0] = line_k[1];

			line_k[0] = 0.6* line_k[0] + 0.2* line_k[1] + 0.1* line_k[2] + 0.1* line_k[3];

			//line_b[0] = lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y - lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x*line_k[0];
			//line_b[0] = 0.35* line_b[0] + 0.3* line_b[1] + 0.25* line_b[2] + 0.1* line_b[3];
			if (fabs(line_k[0])<50)
				Param_A2 = -line_k[0];
				Param_B2 = 1;
				Param_C2 = line_k[0] * lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x - lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y;
				Param_A2 = -line_k[0];
				Param_B2 = 0.0001;
				Param_C2 = line_k[0] * lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x - lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y;

			//Pt2.x = lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x + 50;
			//Pt2.y = 50 * line_k[0] + lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y;
			//	line(drawing_1, lunkuo_zhongxin1[0], Pt2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 4, LINE_AA);
			draw_line_1(Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2, dstImage);
			draw_line_1(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, dstImage);


		float theta, shuiping_diatance;

		//fangcheng_PARAM_2 = get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng_2((Point2f)lunkuo_zhongxin1[0], (Point2f)Pt2);

		//Param_A2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[0];
		//Param_B2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[1];
		//Param_C2 = fangcheng_PARAM_2[2];

		/***** 7、输入A,B,C,画出线在dstImage*****/

		theta = get_lines_yibanshi_arctan(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2);

		shuiping_diatance = getDist_P2L_zhengfu_2(lunkuo_zhongxin1[0], Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1,1);

		cout << "\n最终结果\n挡板中轴线和白色过道中轴线夹角为: " << theta << " 度" << endl;
		cout << "挡板中点与白色过道中轴线误差为: " << shuiping_diatance << endl;

		//namedWindow("直线未滤除前", 0);
		//imshow("直线未滤除前", image_copy_C3);

		namedWindow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", 0);//参数为零,则可以自由拖动
		imshow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", dstImage);
		float error1 = 0, error2 = 0;
		error1 = theta*1.3;
		error2 = shuiping_diatance*1.4;//目标行数,291
		error1 = error1 > 127 ? 127 : error1;
		error1 = error1 < -127 ? -127 : error1;
		error2 = error2 > 127 ? 127 : error2;
		error2 = error2 < -127 ? -127 : error2;

		if (fabs(error1) < 1 && fabs(error2) <1.5)
			Send_to_K60(12 , 0 , 0);
			if (jiaodu_jishu>6)
				Send_to_K60(13, 0, 0);//将挡板放下并归右边位置
				cout << "\n放置挡板成功" << endl;
			Send_to_K60(12, (int)error1, (int)error2);
			if (jiaodu_jishu>0)


*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头放置横着的挡板,此时顶部摄像头已经找到
*输入参数 :第一个参数是 0为横着,1为竖着,第一个参数是 1为第一块挡板,2为第二块挡板,
*返 回 值 : 单条直线的ABC值,
*编写时间 : 2018.8.12
*作    者 : 毛哥
void Put_dangban_heng(int hengshu, int yier)
	double Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1;//过道直线
	double Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2;//挡板中轴线
	//vector <float>	fangcheng_PARAM_1 = nihe_zhixian_dantiao(hengshu);
	vector <float>	fangcheng_PARAM_1 = getVHlineParam(hengshu);

	Param_A1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[0];
	Param_B1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[1];
	Param_C1 = fangcheng_PARAM_1[2];

	Send_to_K60(14, 0, 0);//将横挡板第一块挡板放在悬空位置(离地2cm)

	//printf("\n\n\t\t\t  实时找红色挡板开始\n");

	int jiaodu_jishu = 0;
	Mat frame_2;
	while (1)

		Mat srcImage0;

		frame_2 = imgOriginal_up;
		int width = frame_2.cols;
		int height = frame_2.rows;

	  Mat image_copy_C3;   //clone函数创建新的图片 彩色

		if (hengshu == 0)//横着
			Rect rect(0, frame_2.rows*0.3, frame_2.cols, frame_2.rows*(0.95 - 0.3));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 

			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		else //竖着
			Rect rect(frame_2.cols*0.075, frame_2.rows*0.2, frame_2.cols*(0.875 - 0.075), frame_2.rows*(0.83 - 0.2));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 


      	int x=0, y=0;
		double B = 0.0, G = 0.0, R = 0.0, H = 0.0, S = 0.0, V = 0.0;
		int width1 = image_copy_C3.cols * 3;
		int height1 = image_copy_C3.rows;
		for (x = 0; x < height1; x++)
			uchar* data = image_copy_C3.ptr<uchar>(x);//获取第i行的首地址
			for (y = 0; y < width1; y += 3)
				B = data[y];
				G = data[y + 1];
				R = data[y + 2];
				RGB2HSV(R, G, B, H, S, V);
				if ((H >= 286 && H <= 360 || H >= 0 && H <= 20) && (S >= 0 && S <= 360) && (V>0 && V < 360))
					data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 255;
				else data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 0;
		Mat vec_rgb;
		cvtColor(image_copy_C3, vec_rgb, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
		vec_rgb = vec_rgb > 120;

		Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(2 * 3 + 1, 2 * 3 + 1), Point(3, 3));
		//	Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(45, 45));
		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//膨胀
		/*namedWindow("膨胀", 0);
		imshow("膨胀", vec_rgb);

		erode(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//腐蚀
		/*namedWindow("腐蚀", 0);
		imshow("腐蚀", vec_rgb);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours, max_contours; //轮廓
		vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;//分层
		Mat drawing_text = Mat::zeros(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3);
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓
		if (contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

		//	cout << "第一次找轮廓结束,共找到轮廓:" << contours.size() << " 条" << endl;

		vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours.size());//用于存放凸包
		vector<float> length(contours.size());
		vector<float> Area_contours(contours.size()), Area_hull(contours.size()), Rectangularity(contours.size()), circularity(contours.size());

		vector< Point2f>  lunkuo_zhongxin_first;
		lunkuo_zhongxin_first = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours);

		int Xmin = (int)(vec_rgb.cols * 0);
		int Xmax = (int)(vec_rgb.cols);
		int Ymin = (int)(vec_rgb.rows * 0);
		int Ymax = (int)(vec_rgb.rows);

		for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)

			length[i] = arcLength(contours[i], true);

			//cout << "轮廓长度为" << length[i] << endl;

			if (length[i] >5 && lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x>Xmin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x<Xmax&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y>Ymin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y<Ymax)
				convexHull(Mat(contours[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来
		if (max_contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:y有红色物体,但是可能没有红色挡板,或者红色挡板被遮挡严重" << endl;


		vector<Point2f> zhongxin_zuobiao;
		zhongxin_zuobiao = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(max_contours);
		if (zhongxin_zuobiao.size() >= 2)
			for (int i = 0; i < zhongxin_zuobiao.size() - 1; i++)
				for (int j = i + 1; j < zhongxin_zuobiao.size(); j++)
					float dis_juxin = getDistance_1(zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j]);
					if (dis_juxin <65)
						line(vec_rgb, zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j], Scalar(255), 4, LINE_AA);


		//namedWindow("连接直线后", 0);
		//imshow("连接直线后", vec_rgb);

		Mat vec_rgb1;

		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb1, element1);//膨胀
		namedWindow("膨胀1", 0);
		imshow("膨胀1", vec_rgb1);

		erode(vec_rgb1, vec_rgb1, element1);//腐蚀
		//namedWindow("腐蚀1", 0);
		//imshow("腐蚀1", vec_rgb1);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours_1, RectContours; //轮廓
		Mat drawing_1 = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
		Mat  	dstImage = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours_1, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓

		if (contours_1.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有在裁剪后的图片里找到轮廓(第二次找轮廓)" << endl;

		//cout << "第二次找轮廓结束,共找到轮廓:" << contours_1.size() << " 条" << endl;
		//cout << "第二次找轮廓结束" << endl;

		vector< Point2f> lunkuo_zhongxin1, lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first;

		lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours_1);

		if (contours_1.size() > 0)//如果没有找到轮廓退出
			vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours_1.size());//用于存放凸包
			vector<float> length(contours_1.size());

			for (int i = 0; i < contours_1.size(); i++)

				length[i] = arcLength(contours_1[i], true);

				if (length[i] >170 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].x>0 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp_first[i].x<140)
					convexHull(Mat(contours_1[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来



			//	cout << "已找到裁剪后的新凸包" << endl;

			if (RectContours.size() == 0)

				cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

			lunkuo_zhongxin1 = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(RectContours);

			if (lunkuo_zhongxin1.size() != 1)

				cout << "警告:有两个红色挡板" << endl;

			for (int i = 0; i < RectContours.size(); i++)
				Scalar color = (255, 255, 255);//白色线画轮廓
				drawContours(drawing_1, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓
				drawContours(dstImage, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓


			cvtColor(drawing_1, drawing_1, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
			drawing_1 = drawing_1 > 20;

		/*******  检测直线优化 开始 ****************************************************************/

		Mat vec_rgb2;
		vector<Vec4i> lines1, lines_final;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合

		//	Canny(drawing_1, vec_rgb2, cannyThreshold, cannyThreshold * factor);
		HoughLinesP(drawing_1, lines1, 1, CV_PI / 180, 35, 30, 30);

		if (lines1.size() == 0)
			cout << "直线数量为零" << endl;

		float  zhixian_changdu;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < lines1.size(); i++)
			Vec4i l = lines1[i];
			zhixian_changdu = getDistance_1(Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]));

			//cout << "\n直线长度为" << zhixian_changdu << endl;

			line(dstImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA);
			float line_k = 0;
			int a;
			a = lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0];
			if (hengshu == 0)//横着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 /*&& fabs(line_k)<1*/)
			else //竖着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 && fabs(line_k)>0.7)
					if (zhixian_changdu>40)
		vector <float> fangcheng_PARAM_1;
		int zhixian_geshu = lines_final.size();
		float line_k[4] = {
     0 };
		float line_b[4] = {
     0 };
		if (lines_final.size() == 0)
			cout << "最终直线数量为零" << endl;

		if (lines_final.size() >= 1)
			int a, b = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_final.size(); i++)
				float line_k_temp;

				a = lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0];
				if (fabs((double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k_temp = (double)(lines_final[i][3] - lines_final[i][1]) / (double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//	cout << "\n最终直线的斜率为\n" << line_k_temp << endl;
					line_k[0] = line_k_temp + line_k[0];

					line_k[0] = 1000;
					//	line_k = 8000;
			line_k[3] = line_k[2];
			line_k[2] = line_k[1];
			line_k[1] = line_k[0];

			line_k[0] = line_k[0] / (float)b;
			if (fabs(line_k[1] / line_k[0]) >8)//去抖动
				line_k[0] = line_k[1];

			line_k[0] = 0.6* line_k[0] + 0.2* line_k[1] + 0.1* line_k[2] + 0.1* line_k[3];
			Param_A2 = -line_k[0];
			Param_B2 = 1;
			Param_C2 = line_k[0] * lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x - lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y;	
			draw_line_1(Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2, dstImage);
			draw_line_1(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, dstImage);


		float theta=0.0, shuiping_diatance=0.0;

		/***** 7、输入A,B,C,画出线在dstImage******/
		theta = get_lines_yibanshi_arctan(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2);

		shuiping_diatance = getDist_P2L_zhengfu_2(lunkuo_zhongxin1[0], Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1,0);

		cout << "\n最终结果\n挡板中轴线和白色过道中轴线夹角为: " << theta << " 度" << endl;
		cout << "挡板中点与白色过道中轴线误差为: " << -shuiping_diatance << endl;

		namedWindow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", 0);//参数为零,则可以自由拖动
		imshow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", dstImage);
		float error1, error2;
		error1 = theta;
		error2 =-shuiping_diatance*1.5;//目标行数,291
		error1 = error1 > 127 ? 127 : error1;
		error1 = error1 < -127 ? -127 : error1;
		error2 = error2 > 127 ? 127 : error2;
		error2 = error2 < -127 ? -127 : error2;

		if (fabs(error1) < 1.1 && fabs(error2) <1.5)
			if (jiaodu_jishu>5)
				Send_to_K60(13, 0, 0);//将挡板放下并归右边位置
				cout << "\n放置第一块挡板成功" << endl;

		else if (jiaodu_jishu>0)
		Send_to_K60(12, (int)error1, (int)error2);


	Send_to_K60(15, 0, 0);//将将横挡板第二块挡板放在悬空位置(离地2cm)
	jiaodu_jishu = 0;
	while (1)

		Mat srcImage0;

		Mat	frame_2 = imgOriginal_up;
		int width = frame_2.cols;
		int height = frame_2.rows;

		Mat image_cut;      //从img中按照rect进行切割,此时修改image_cut时image中对应部分也会修改,因此需要copy  
		Mat image_copy_C3;   //clone函数创建新的图片 彩色

		if (hengshu == 0)//横着
			Rect rect(0, frame_2.rows*0.3, frame_2.cols, frame_2.rows*(0.95 - 0.3));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 

			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		else //竖着
			Rect rect(frame_2.cols*0.075, frame_2.rows*0.2, frame_2.cols*(0.875 - 0.075), frame_2.rows*(0.83 - 0.2));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			Mat	image_cut = Mat(frame_2, rect);
			image_copy_C3 = image_cut.clone();   //clone函数创建新的图片 

		int x, y;
		double B = 0.0, G = 0.0, R = 0.0, H = 0.0, S = 0.0, V = 0.0;
		int width1 = image_copy_C3.cols * 3;
		int height1 = image_copy_C3.rows;
		for (x = 0; x < height1; x++)
			uchar* data = image_copy_C3.ptr<uchar>(x);//获取第i行的首地址
			for (y = 0; y < width1; y += 3)
				B = data[y];
				G = data[y + 1];
				R = data[y + 2];
				RGB2HSV(R, G, B, H, S, V);
				if ((H >= 286 && H <= 360 || H >= 0 && H <= 20) && (S >= 0 && S <= 360) && (V>0 && V < 360))
					data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 255;
				else data[y] = data[y + 1] = data[y + 2] = 0;
		Mat vec_rgb;
		cvtColor(image_copy_C3, vec_rgb, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
		vec_rgb = vec_rgb > 120;

		//Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(2 * 1 + 1, 2 * 1 + 1), Point(1, 1));
		Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(2 * 3 + 1, 2 * 3 + 1), Point(3, 3));
		//	Mat element1 = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(45, 45));
		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//膨胀
		/*namedWindow("膨胀", 0);
		imshow("膨胀", vec_rgb);

		erode(vec_rgb, vec_rgb, element1);//腐蚀
		/*namedWindow("腐蚀", 0);
		imshow("腐蚀", vec_rgb);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours, max_contours; //轮廓
		vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;//分层
		Mat drawing_text = Mat::zeros(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3);
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓
		if (contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

		vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours.size());//用于存放凸包
		vector<float> length(contours.size());
		vector<float> Area_contours(contours.size()), Area_hull(contours.size()), Rectangularity(contours.size()), circularity(contours.size());

//		vector< Point2f>  lunkuo_zhongxin_first;
	//	lunkuo_zhongxin_first = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours);

		//int Xmin = (int)(vec_rgb.cols * 0);
		//int Xmax = (int)(vec_rgb.cols);
		//int Ymin = (int)(vec_rgb.rows * 0);
		//int Ymax = (int)(vec_rgb.rows);

		for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)

			length[i] = arcLength(contours[i], true);

			//cout << "轮廓长度为" << length[i] << endl;

			if (length[i] >5 /*&& lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x>Xmin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].x<Xmax&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y>Ymin&&lunkuo_zhongxin_first[i].y<Ymax*/)
				convexHull(Mat(contours[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来			
		if (max_contours.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:y有红色物体,但是可能没有红色挡板,或者红色挡板被遮挡严重" << endl;


		vector<Point2f> zhongxin_zuobiao;
		zhongxin_zuobiao = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(max_contours);
		if (zhongxin_zuobiao.size() >= 2)
			for (int i = 0; i < zhongxin_zuobiao.size() - 1; i++)
				for (int j = i + 1; j < zhongxin_zuobiao.size(); j++)
					float dis_juxin = getDistance_1(zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j]);
					if (dis_juxin < 65)
						line(vec_rgb, zhongxin_zuobiao[i], zhongxin_zuobiao[j], Scalar(255), 4, LINE_AA);


		//namedWindow("连接直线后", 0);
		//imshow("连接直线后", vec_rgb);

		Mat vec_rgb1;

		dilate(vec_rgb, vec_rgb1, element1);//膨胀
		namedWindow("膨胀1", 0);
		imshow("膨胀1", vec_rgb1);

		erode(vec_rgb1, vec_rgb1, element1);//腐蚀
		//namedWindow("腐蚀1", 0);
		//imshow("腐蚀1", vec_rgb1);

		vector<vector<Point>>contours_1, RectContours; //轮廓
		Mat drawing_1 = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
		Mat  	dstImage = Mat(vec_rgb.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));   //clone函数创建新的图片 
		findContours(vec_rgb, contours_1, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);//找轮廓

		if (contours_1.size() == 0)
			cout << "警告:没有在裁剪后的图片里找到轮廓(第二次找轮廓)" << endl;

		vector< Point2f> lunkuo_zhongxin_temp, lunkuo_zhongxin1;
		lunkuo_zhongxin_temp = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(contours_1);
		if (contours_1.size() > 0)//如果没有找到轮廓退出
			vector<vector<Point>> hull(contours_1.size());//用于存放凸包
			vector<float> length(contours_1.size());

			for (int i = 0; i < contours_1.size(); i++)

				length[i] = arcLength(contours_1[i], true);

				if (length[i] >170 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp[i].x>190 && lunkuo_zhongxin_temp[i].x<305)
					convexHull(Mat(contours_1[i]), hull[i], false);//把凸包找出来
			//	cout << "已找到裁剪后的新凸包" << endl;

			if (RectContours.size() == 0)
				cout << "警告:没有红色挡板(第一次找轮廓)" << endl;

			lunkuo_zhongxin1 = find_lunkuo_zhongxin(RectContours);
			if (lunkuo_zhongxin1.size() != 1)
				cout << "警告:有两个红色挡板" << endl;

			for (int i = 0; i < RectContours.size(); i++)
				Scalar color = (255, 255, 255);//白色线画轮廓
				drawContours(drawing_1, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓
				drawContours(dstImage, RectContours, i, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point());//根据轮廓点集contours_poly和轮廓结构hierarchy画出轮廓

			cvtColor(drawing_1, drawing_1, CV_BGR2GRAY);//灰度化
			drawing_1 = drawing_1 > 20;

		/*******  检测直线优化 开始 ****************************************************************/

		Mat vec_rgb2;
		vector<Vec4i> lines1, lines_final;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合

		//	Canny(drawing_1, vec_rgb2, cannyThreshold, cannyThreshold * factor);
		HoughLinesP(drawing_1, lines1, 1, CV_PI / 180, 35, 30, 30);

		if (lines1.size() == 0)
			cout << "直线数量为零" << endl;

		//	cout << "canny边缘检测阈值为:" << cannyThreshold << endl;

		/*******  检测直线优化 结束 ****************************************************************/

		//	cout << "\n共检测到原始  直线" << lines1.size() << "条" << endl;

		float  zhixian_changdu;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < lines1.size(); i++)
			Vec4i l = lines1[i];
			zhixian_changdu = getDistance_1(Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]));

			//cout << "\n直线长度为" << zhixian_changdu << endl;

			line(dstImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA);
			float line_k = 0;
			int a;
			a = lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0];
			//	cout << "参数为: " << a << endl;

			if (hengshu == 0)//横着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 /*&& fabs(line_k)<1*/)



			else //竖着
				if (fabs((double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k = (double)(lines1[i][3] - lines1[i][1]) / (double)(lines1[i][2] - lines1[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//cout << "\n直线的斜率为\n" << line_k << endl;
					if (zhixian_changdu > 40 && fabs(line_k)>0.7)


					if (zhixian_changdu>40)

		//namedWindow("挡板直线", 0);
		//imshow("挡板直线", drawing_1);

		vector <float> fangcheng_PARAM_1;

		int zhixian_geshu = lines_final.size();
		//	cout << "共有" << zhixian_geshu << "条直线进来了" << endl;
		float line_k[4] = {
     0 };
		float line_b[4] = {
     0 };
		if (lines_final.size() == 0)
			cout << "最终直线数量为零" << endl;

		if (lines_final.size() >= 2)
			int a, b = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_final.size(); i++)
				float line_k_temp;

				//a = lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0];
				//	cout << "参数为: " << a << endl;
				if (fabs((double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0])) > 0.001)
					line_k_temp = (double)(lines_final[i][3] - lines_final[i][1]) / (double)(lines_final[i][2] - lines_final[i][0]); //求出直线的斜率
					//	cout << "\n最终直线的斜率为\n" << line_k_temp << endl;
					line_k[0] = line_k_temp + line_k[0];

					line_k[0] = 70;
					//	line_k = 8000;

			line_k[3] = line_k[2];
			line_k[2] = line_k[1];
			line_k[1] = line_k[0];

			line_k[0] = line_k[0] / b;
			line_k[0] = 0.6* line_k[0] + 0.2* line_k[1] + 0.1* line_k[2] + 0.1* line_k[3];

			Param_A2 = -line_k[0];
			Param_B2 = 1;
			Param_C2 = line_k[0] * lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].x - lunkuo_zhongxin1[0].y;

			draw_line_1(Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2, dstImage);
			draw_line_1(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, dstImage);


		float theta, shuiping_diatance;

		/***** 7、输入A,B,C,画出线在dstImage*****/

		theta = get_lines_yibanshi_arctan(Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1, Param_A2, Param_B2, Param_C2);

		shuiping_diatance = getDist_P2L_zhengfu_2(lunkuo_zhongxin1[0], Param_A1, Param_B1, Param_C1,0);

		cout << "\n最终结果\n挡板中轴线和白色过道中轴线夹角为: " << theta << " 度" << endl;
		cout << "挡板中点与白色过道中轴线误差为: " << shuiping_diatance << endl;

		//namedWindow("直线未滤除前", 0);
		//imshow("直线未滤除前", image_copy_C3);

		namedWindow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", 0);//参数为零,则可以自由拖动
		imshow("【挡板夹角和位移示意图】", dstImage);

		int error1 = 0, error2 = 0;
		error1 = theta;

		error2 = shuiping_diatance;//目标行数,291

		//	error2 = 0;//目标行数,291
		error1 = error1 > 127 ? 127 : error1;
		error1 = error1 < -127 ? -127 : error1;
		error2 = error2 > 127 ? 127 : error2;
		error2 = error2 < -127 ? -127 : error2;

		Send_to_K60(12, error1, error2);

		if (fabs((double)error1) < 1 && fabs((double)error2) <1.5)
			if (jiaodu_jishu>5)
				Send_to_K60(13, 0, 0);//将挡板放下并归右边位置		
				cout << "\n放置挡板成功" << endl;
		else if (jiaodu_jishu>0)


*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头放置横着或者竖着的挡板前的定位
*输入参数 : 第一个参数为目标数字第二个参数是 0为横着,1为竖着,第三个参数是 1为第一块挡板,2为第二块挡板,
*返 回 值 : 单条直线的ABC值,如果没有正确找到直线,就返回-1,函数外边再判断
*编写时间 : 2018.8.13
*作    者 : 毛哥(参考叶少及姚总)
void Dangban_dingwei(int num_obj, int mode, int cishu)
	//if (num_obj<10)
	//	Dangban_DingWei_Single_Num(num_obj, mode, cishu);
	//	Dangban_DingWei_Double_Num(num_obj, mode, cishu);

*函数功能 : 输入二值化图像,提取横竖线并拟合求出交点
*输入参数 : 二值化图像
*返 回 值 : 交点坐标
*编写时间 : 2018.8.15
*作    者 : Biger姚
Point findCrossPoint(Mat img)
	Point CrossPoint;
	vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	Mat midImage, dstImage;
	dstImage = findMaxContouns(img);
	cvtColor(dstImage, midImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
	midImage = midImage > 2;
	vector<Vec2f> lines;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
	HoughLines(midImage, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 50);
	if (lines.size() > 0)
    //横竖线分类 求出两条横竖线后求交点
		vector<Vec2f> lines_h;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
		vector<Vec2f> lines_v;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
		float rho_min_h = 10000, rho_max_h = -10000, rho_min_v = 10000, rho_max_v = -10000;
		float theta_sum_v = 0, theta_sum_h = 0;
		float theta;
		float rho_h, theta_h, rho_v, theta_v;
		Point pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
		double a, b;
		double x0, y0;
		//#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
			theta = lines[i][1];
			if (theta >= 2.355 || theta <= 0.785)lines_v.push_back(lines[i]);//shu
			else if (theta >= 0.785&&theta <= 2.355)lines_h.push_back(lines[i]);//heng
		for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_h.size(); i++)
			rho_h = lines_h[i][0], theta_h = lines_h[i][1];
			theta_sum_h += theta_h;
			/*a = cos(theta_h), b = sin(theta_h);
			x0 = a*rho_h, y0 = b*rho_h;
			pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
			pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
			pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
			pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
			line(src, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2, LINE_AA);*/
			if (rho_h >= rho_max_h)rho_max_h = rho_h;
			if (rho_h <= rho_min_h)rho_min_h = rho_h;
		rho_h = (rho_max_h + rho_min_h) / 2;
		theta_h = theta_sum_h / lines_h.size();
		a = cos(theta_h), b = sin(theta_h);
		x0 = a*rho_h, y0 = b*rho_h;
		pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
		pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
		pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
		pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
		//line(src, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LINE_AA);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_v.size(); i++)
			rho_v = lines_v[i][0], theta_v = lines_v[i][1];
			if (theta_v<0.6)
				theta_sum_v += theta_v;
				theta_sum_v += CV_PI;
			else  theta_sum_v += theta_v;
			/*a = cos(theta_v), b = sin(theta_v);
			x0 = a*rho_v, y0 = b*rho_v;
			pt3.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
			pt3.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
			pt4.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
			pt4.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
			line(src, pt3, pt4, Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2, LINE_AA);*/
			if (rho_v < 0)rho_v = -rho_v;
			if (rho_v >= rho_max_v)rho_max_v = rho_v;
			if (rho_v <= rho_min_v)rho_min_v = rho_v;
		rho_v = (rho_max_v + rho_min_v) / 2;
		theta_v = theta_sum_v / lines_v.size();
		if (theta_v > CV_PI)theta_v -= CV_PI;
		else rho_v = -rho_v;
		a = cos(theta_v), b = sin(theta_v);
		x0 = a*rho_v, y0 = b*rho_v;
		pt3.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
		pt3.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
		pt4.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
		pt4.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
		//line(src, pt3, pt4, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LINE_AA);

		if (lines_v.size()>0 && lines_h.size() && lines_v.size())
			float a1, b1, a2, b2;

			if (pt1.x != pt2.x)a1 = (float)(pt1.y - pt2.y) / (float)(pt1.x - pt2.x);
			else a1 = 1000;
			b1 = (float)pt1.y - a1*(float)pt1.x;

			if (pt3.x != pt4.x)a2 = (float)(pt3.y - pt4.y) / (float)(pt3.x - pt4.x);
			else a2 = 1000;
			b2 = (float)pt3.y - a2*(float)pt3.x;
			CrossPoint.x = (b1 - b2) / (a2 - a1);
			CrossPoint.y = a1 * (float)CrossPoint.x + b1;
	return CrossPoint;
*函数功能 : 用于顶部摄像头放置横着或者竖着的挡板前的定位
*输入参数 : 第一个参数 0为横着,1为竖着
*返 回 值 : 无
*编写时间 : 2018.8.15
*作    者 : Biger姚
void  CrossLocate(int mode)
	Mat srcImage = Mat::zeros(240, 320, CV_8UC1);
	Rect rect(80, 50, 160, 190);//前两个参数:原图中开始裁剪的坐标 后两个参数:矩形的列和行
	Mat src, img;
	Point center, target;
	if (mode == 0)
		target.x = 88;   //88
		target.y = 104;  //104
		target.x = 84;
		target.y = 149;
	int error_x, error_y;
	error_x = 0;
	error_y = 0;
	while (true)
		Forward_flag = 3;
		img = imgOriginal_up;
		img = img(rect);
		Mat imgHSV;
		cvtColor(img, imgHSV, COLOR_BGR2HSV);
		int iLowH_1 = 0;//红色的H:0-20,160-180
		int iHighH_1 = 20;
		int iLowH_2 = 140;//红色的H:0-20,160-180
		int iHighH_2 = 180;
		int iLowS = 0;
		int iHighS = 255;
		int iLowV = 0;
		int iHighV = 255;
		Mat imgThresholded1(img.size(), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
		Mat imgThresholded2(img.size(), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0));
		inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(iLowH_1, iLowS, iLowV), Scalar(iHighH_1, iHighS, iHighV), imgThresholded1); //Threshold the image
		inRange(imgHSV, Scalar(iLowH_2, iLowS, iLowV), Scalar(iHighH_2, iHighS, iHighV), imgThresholded2); //Threshold the image
		Mat imgThresholded_add;
		addWeighted(imgThresholded1, 1, imgThresholded2, 1, 0, imgThresholded_add);
		cvtColor(img, srcImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
		addWeighted(imgThresholded_add, 1, srcImage, 1, 0, srcImage);
		srcImage = srcImage > 120;//改为全局变量
		//输入二值化原图 找十字交点
		center = findCrossPoint(srcImage);
		circle(src, center, 10, Scalar(0, 0, 255), FILLED);
		/*namedWindow("【结果】", 0);
		imshow("【结果】", src);
		error_x = -(target.x - center.x) / 2.8;//让右边数字移到右边
		error_y = (target.y - center.y) / 2.8;
		if (error_x > 10 || error_x<-10)
			error_y = 0;
		error_x = error_x > 120 ? 120 : error_x;
		error_x = error_x < -120 ? -120 : error_x;
		error_y = error_y > 120 ? 120 : error_y;
		error_y = error_y < -120 ? -120 : error_y;
		static int break_cnt = 0;
		if (error_x>-3 && error_x<3 && error_y>-2 && error_y<2)
			Send_to_K60(16, 0, 0);
			if (break_cnt>8)
				break_cnt = 0;
			Send_to_K60(Forward_flag, error_x, error_y);
			if (break_cnt > 0)

	Send_to_K60(16, 0, 0);

*函数功能 : 放置挡板前目标数字为个位数的定位,有横竖和第一块第二块之分
*输入参数 : 第一个参数为目标数字,第二个参数是 0为横着,1为竖着,第三个参数是 1为第一块挡板,2为第二块挡板,
*返 回 值 : 空
*编写时间 : 2018.8.13
*作    者 : 毛哥(参考叶少及姚总)
void Dangban_DingWei_Single_Num(int num_obj, int mode, int cishu)

	int flag_finish = 0;

	Forward_flag = 3;
	int Finish_cnt = 0;
	int error1 = 0, error2 = 0, text = 0;
	int num_obj_units = num_obj;//个位
	int num_obj_1 = num_obj + 1;//必须是两位数
	int num_obj_units_1 = num_obj_1;//个位

	//int pic_name = 0;
	//char str1[2000];
	Mat srcImage0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		cap_up >> srcImage0;
	Mat srcImage = Mat::zeros(600, 800, CV_8UC3);
	Point Put_obj;
	if (mode == PUT_CHESS)
		Put_obj.x = 386;
		Put_obj.y = 347;
	else if (mode == PUT_BLOCK_H)
		Put_obj.x = 386;
		Put_obj.y = 140;
	else if (mode == PUT_BLOCK_V)
		Put_obj.x = 175;
		Put_obj.y = 369;
	while (1)
		Point center_obj;
		//clock_t start = clock();

		Forward_flag = 3;
		//cap_up >> srcImage0;
		srcImage0 = imgOriginal_up;
		if (!srcImage0.empty())
			//imshow("原图0", srcImage0);
			Mat drawing(srcImage.size(), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0));
			resize(srcImage0, srcImage, srcImage.size());
			cvtColor(srcImage, srcImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
			srcImage = srcImage > G_threshold_up;//二值化

			vector<Vec2f>lines = findHoughLines(srcImage);
			vector<float> V_line = find_V_Lines(lines);
			float angle = 0;
			draw_line(V_line[0], V_line[1], V_line[2], drawing);
			if (lines.size()>0)
				angle = cvFastArctan(V_line[1], V_line[0]);
			if (angle>90)
				angle = angle - 180;
			angle = angle * 2;
			srcImage = Spin_Img(srcImage, angle);//车身倾斜旋转图像以识别数字

			vector<Min_Rect> Doubt_num_decade, Doubt_num_units;
			vector<Min_Rect> Doubt_num_decade_1, Doubt_num_units_1;

			vector<Min_Rect>Doubt_numRect = Find_Doubt_NumRect(srcImage);//各种滤波找怀疑是数字框的矩形框

			if (Doubt_numRect.size()>0)
				for (int i = 0; i < Doubt_numRect.size(); i++)
					int num = number_identify(Doubt_numRect[i].Pic, SVM_params_UP);

					if (num == num_obj_units)

					if (num == num_obj_units_1)
			int flag_1 = 0;
			if (Doubt_num_units.size()>0)
				float dis_min = 100000, dis = 0;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < Doubt_num_units.size(); i++)
					Point temp_center;
					temp_center = Doubt_num_units[i].center;
					dis = getDistance(Point(386, 401), temp_center);
					if (dis<dis_min&&dis<400)
						dis_min = dis;
						center_obj = temp_center;
						flag_1 = 1;
						//float holder_Dis = getDistance(center_obj, holder_center);
						//int theta = cvFastArctan((float)(holder_center.x - center_obj.x), (float)(holder_center.y - center_obj.y));
						//if (holder_Dis>holder_radius - dia&&holder_radius + dia)
						//	Send_to_K60(0, 0, 0);
						//	Sleep(50);
						//	Send_to_K60(7, -theta, 0);
						//	flag_finish++;
						//	Put_obj.x = holder_center.x - (float)(holder_radius)*sin(theta*0.0174);
						//	Put_obj.y = holder_center.y - (float)(holder_radius)*cos(theta*0.0174);
						circle(drawing, center_obj, 5, Scalar(0, 255, 0), FILLED, LINE_AA);
				if (flag_finish>10)
				error1 = (Put_obj.x - center_obj.x);//让右边数字移到右边
				error2 = (Put_obj.y - center_obj.y);
				error1 = error1 > 120 ? 120 : error1;
				error1 = error1 < -120 ? -120 : error1;
				error2 = error2 > 120 ? 120 : error2;
				error2 = error2 < -120 ? -120 : error2;
			if (flag_1 == 0 && Doubt_num_units_1.size()>0)
				float dis_min = 100000, dis = 0;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < Doubt_num_units_1.size(); i++)
					Point temp_center;
					temp_center = Doubt_num_units_1[i].center;
					dis = getDistance(Point(386, 401), temp_center);
					if (dis<dis_min&&dis<400)
						dis_min = dis;
						center_obj = temp_center;
						circle(drawing, center_obj, 5, Scalar(0, 0, 255), FILLED, LINE_AA);
				error1 = -(800 - center_obj.x);//让右边数字移到右边
				error2 = (401 - center_obj.y);
				error1 = error1 > 120 ? 120 : error1;
				error1 = error1 < -120 ? -120 : error1;
				error2 = error2 > 120 ? 120 : error2;
				error2 = error2 < -120 ? -120 : error2;

			cout << "放置挡板定位error1为:" << error1 << endl;
			cout << "放置挡板定位error2为:" << error2 << endl;
			cout << "Forward_flag为:" << (int)Forward_flag << endl;

			if (error1>30 || error1<-30)
				error2 = 0;
			if (center_obj.x == 0 && center_obj.y == 0)
				error1 = -10;
				error2 = -10;
			Send_to_K60(Forward_flag, error1, error2);
			//imshow("drawing1", drawing);
			//imshow("原图", srcImage);

	cout << "放置挡板定位成功" << endl;

//*flag    4    爪子直立起来的,且有磁性,此时手动往机械臂上放置挡板
//	*  flag - 4    爪子到了位置,开始放置,发送一次即可

*函数功能 : 放置挡板前目标数字为双数的定位,有横竖和第一块第二块之分
*输入参数 : 第一个参数为目标数字,第二个参数是 0为横着,1为竖着,第三个参数是 1为第一块挡板,2为第二块挡板,
*返 回 值 : 单条直线的ABC值,如果没有正确找到直线,就返回-1,函数外边再判断
*编写时间 : 2018.8.13
*作    者 : 毛哥(参考叶少及姚总)
void Dangban_DingWei_Double_Num(int num_obj, int mode, int cishu)
	int flag_finish = 0;//跳出计数,稳定性
	Forward_flag = 3;
	int Finish_cnt = 0;
	int error1 = 0, error2 = 0, text = 0;
	int num_obj_decade = num_obj / 10;//十位
	int num_obj_units = num_obj % 10;//个位

	int num_obj_1 = num_obj + 1;//必须是两位数
	int num_obj_decade_1 = num_obj_1 / 10;//十位
	int num_obj_units_1 = num_obj_1 % 10;//个位

	Mat srcImage0;
	Mat srcImage = Mat::zeros(600, 800, CV_8UC3);
	Point Put_obj;

	if (mode == PUT_CHESS)
		Put_obj.x = 386;
		Put_obj.y = 347;
	else if (mode == PUT_BLOCK_H)//0为水平,已经调好(8月14日)
		Put_obj.x = 198;
		Put_obj.y = 158;
	else if (mode == PUT_BLOCK_V)//1为竖直,已经调好(8月13日)
		Put_obj.x = 200;
		Put_obj.y = 270;

	while (1)
		Point center_obj;
		//clock_t start = clock();

		Forward_flag = 3;
		srcImage0 = imgOriginal_up;
		if (!srcImage0.empty())
			//imshow("原图0", srcImage0);

			Mat drawing(srcImage.size(), CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0));
			resize(srcImage0, srcImage, srcImage.size());
			cvtColor(srcImage, srcImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
			srcImage = srcImage > G_threshold_up;//二值化

			vector<Vec2f>lines = findHoughLines(srcImage);
			vector<float> V_line = find_V_Lines(lines);
			float angle = 0;
			draw_line(V_line[0], V_line[1], V_line[2], drawing);
			if (lines.size() > 0)
				angle = cvFastArctan(V_line[1], V_line[0]);
			if (angle > 90)
				angle = angle - 180;
			angle = angle * 2;
			srcImage = Spin_Img(srcImage, angle);

			vector<Min_Rect> Doubt_num_decade, Doubt_num_units;
			vector<Min_Rect> Doubt_num_decade_1, Doubt_num_units_1;

			vector<Min_Rect>Doubt_numRect = Find_Doubt_NumRect(srcImage);//各种滤波找怀疑是数字框的矩形框

			if (Doubt_numRect.size()>0)
				for (int i = 0; i < Doubt_numRect.size(); i++)
					int num = number_identify(Doubt_numRect[i].Pic, SVM_params_UP);
					if (num == num_obj_decade)
					if (num == num_obj_units)
					if (num == num_obj_decade_1)
					if (num == num_obj_units_1)
			int flag_1 = 0;
			if (Doubt_num_decade.size()>0 && Doubt_num_units.size()>0)
				float dis_min = 100000, dis = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < Doubt_num_decade.size(); i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < Doubt_num_units.size(); j++)
						if (Doubt_num_decade[i].center.x<Doubt_num_units[j].center.x)
							Point temp_center;
							temp_center.x = (Doubt_num_decade[i].center.x + Doubt_num_units[j].center.x) / 2;
							temp_center.y = (Doubt_num_decade[i].center.y + Doubt_num_units[j].center.y) / 2;
							dis = getDistance(Doubt_num_decade[i].center, Doubt_num_units[j].center)
								+ getDistance(Point(386, 347), temp_center);
							if (dis<dis_min&&dis<400)
								dis_min = dis;
								Doubt_num_obj[0] = Doubt_num_decade[i];
								Doubt_num_obj[1] = Doubt_num_units[j];
								center_obj = temp_center; //数字中心
								flag_1 = 1;
								circle(drawing, center_obj, 5, Scalar(255, 0, 0), FILLED, LINE_AA);
								//float holder_Dis = getDistance(center_obj, holder_center);
								//int theta = cvFastArctan((float)(holder_center.x - center_obj.x), (float)(holder_center.y - center_obj.y));
								//if (holder_Dis>holder_radius - dia&&holder_radius + dia)
								//	Send_to_K60(0, 0, 0);
								//	Sleep(50);
								//	Send_to_K60(7, -theta, 0);
								//	flag_finish++;
								//	Put_obj.x = holder_center.x - (float)(holder_radius)*sin(theta*0.0174);
								//	Put_obj.y = holder_center.y - (float)(holder_radius)*cos(theta*0.0174);

				//error1 = (int)((365.0 - (float)center_obj.x) / 1.6);//1.6这个系数刚好,电压8.2V左右
				//error2 = (int)((136.0 - (float)center_obj.y) / 1.0);//1.0这个系数刚好

				error1 = -(float)(Put_obj.x - center_obj.x) / 8.0;//让右边数字移到右边
				error2 = (float)(Put_obj.y - center_obj.y) / 8.0;
				error1 = error1 > 120 ? 120 : error1;
				error1 = error1 < -120 ? -120 : error1;
				error2 = error2 > 120 ? 120 : error2;
				error2 = error2 < -120 ? -120 : error2;
			if (flag_1 == 0 && Doubt_num_decade_1.size()>0 && Doubt_num_units_1.size()>0)
				float dis_min = 100000, dis = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < Doubt_num_decade_1.size(); i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < Doubt_num_units_1.size(); j++)
						if (Doubt_num_decade_1[i].center.x<Doubt_num_units_1[j].center.x)
							Point temp_center;
							temp_center.x = (Doubt_num_decade_1[i].center.x + Doubt_num_units_1[j].center.x) / 2;
							temp_center.y = (Doubt_num_decade_1[i].center.y + Doubt_num_units_1[j].center.y) / 2;
							dis = getDistance(Doubt_num_decade_1[i].center, Doubt_num_units_1[j].center)
								+ getDistance(Point(386, 347), temp_center);
							if (dis<dis_min&&dis<400)
								dis_min = dis;
								Doubt_num_obj[0] = Doubt_num_decade_1[i];
								Doubt_num_obj[1] = Doubt_num_units_1[j];
								center_obj = temp_center;
								circle(drawing, center_obj, 5, Scalar(255, 0, 0), FILLED, LINE_AA);
				error1 = -(800 - center_obj.x);//让右边数字移到右边
				error2 = (Put_obj.y - center_obj.y);
				error1 = error1 > 120 ? 120 : error1;
				error1 = error1 < -120 ? -120 : error1;
				error2 = error2 > 120 ? 120 : error2;
				error2 = error2 < -120 ? -120 : error2;

				//目标 放棋子:center:x=386,y=347
				//目标 放挡板:center:x=386,y=149
			//cout << "放置挡板定位error1为:" << error1 << endl;
			//cout << "放置挡板定位error2为:" << error2 << endl;
			//cout << "Forward_flag为:" << (int)Forward_flag << endl;

			if (error1>30 || error1<-30)
				error2 = 0;
			if (center_obj.x == 0 && center_obj.y == 0)
				error1 = -25;
				error2 = -25;
			if (error1<7 && error2<7 && error1>-7 && error2>-7)
				Forward_flag = 16;
				//	cout << "Finish_cnt为:" << Finish_cnt << endl;
				if (flag_finish>5)
				flag_finish = 0;


			Send_to_K60(Forward_flag, error1, error2);
			//imshow("drawing1", drawing);
			//imshow("原图", srcImage);
	cout << "放置挡板定位成功" << endl;

Mat findMaxContouns(Mat img)
	vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	int row_i, col_i;
	float row_max = 0.0, col_min = 3.3;
	findContours(img, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
	Mat dstImage = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8UC3);
	long int max_l = 0;
	int max_i = 0;
	if (contours.size() > 0)
		vector<float> length(contours.size());
#pragma omp parallel for
		for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
			length[i] = arcLength(contours[i], true);
		for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
			if (length[i] > max_l)
				max_l = length[i];
				max_i = i;
		drawContours(dstImage, contours, max_i, (0, 0, 255), 1, 8, hierarchy);
		//imshow("轮廓图", dstImage);
	//center = findContunsCenter(contours, max_i);
	return dstImage;
*函数功能 : 获取横线或竖线一般式方程参数
*输入参数 : mode,0横1竖
*返 回 值 : PARAM 一般式ABC三个参数
*编写时间 : 2018.8.15
*作    者 : 姚
vector <float> getVHlineParam(int mode)
	int cnt = 0;
	//vector <float> PARAM;
	float A = 0, B = 0, C = 0;
	float filter_A[4] = {
     0 }, filter_B[4] = {
     0 }, filter_C[4] = {
     0 };
	vector<vector<Point>> contours;
	Mat midImage, dstImage, img, src, img0;
	int break_cnt = 0;
	Point pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;
	while (true)
		img = imgOriginal_up;
		if (mode == 0)//横着
			Rect rect(0, img.rows*0.3, img.cols, img.rows*(0.95 - 0.3));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			img = img(rect);
		else //竖着
			Rect rect(img.cols*0.075, img.rows*0.2, img.cols*(0.875 - 0.075), img.rows*(0.83 - 0.2));   //创建一个Rect框,属于cv中的类,四个参数代表x,y,width,height 
			img = img(rect);
		cvtColor(img, img0, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
		img0 = img0 > 110;
		dstImage = findMaxContouns(img0);
		cvtColor(dstImage, midImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
		midImage = midImage > 2;
		vector<Vec2f> lines;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
		HoughLines(midImage, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 60);
		if (lines.size() > 0)
    //横竖线分类 求出两条横竖线后求交点
			vector<Vec2f> lines_h;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
			vector<Vec2f> lines_v;//定义一个矢量结构lines用于存放得到的线段矢量集合
			float rho_min_h = 10000, rho_max_h = -10000, rho_min_v = 10000, rho_max_v = -10000;
			float theta_sum_v = 0, theta_sum_h = 0;
			float theta;
			float rho_h, theta_h, rho_v, theta_v;
			double a, b;
			double x0, y0;
			for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
				theta = lines[i][1];
				if (theta >= 2.355 || theta <= 0.785)lines_v.push_back(lines[i]);//shu
				else if (theta >= 0.785&&theta <= 2.355)lines_h.push_back(lines[i]);//heng
			if (mode == 0)
				for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_h.size(); i++)
					rho_h = lines_h[i][0], theta_h = lines_h[i][1];
					theta_sum_h += theta_h;
					/*a = cos(theta_h), b = sin(theta_h);
					x0 = a*rho_h, y0 = b*rho_h;
					pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
					pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
					pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
					pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
					line(src, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, LINE_AA);*/
					if (rho_h >= rho_max_h)rho_max_h = rho_h;
					if (rho_h <= rho_min_h)rho_min_h = rho_h;
				rho_h = (rho_max_h + rho_min_h) / 2;
				theta_h = theta_sum_h / lines_h.size();
				a = cos(theta_h), b = sin(theta_h);
				x0 = a*rho_h, y0 = b*rho_h;
				pt1.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
				pt1.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
				pt2.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
				pt2.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
				line(src, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LINE_AA);

				filter_A[3] = filter_A[2];
				filter_B[3] = filter_B[2];
				filter_C[3] = filter_C[2];

				filter_A[2] = filter_A[1];
				filter_B[2] = filter_B[1];
				filter_C[2] = filter_C[1];

				filter_A[1] = filter_A[0];
				filter_B[1] = filter_B[0];
				filter_C[1] = filter_C[0];

				filter_A[0] = pt2.y - pt1.y;
				filter_B[0] = pt1.x - pt2.x;
				filter_C[0] = pt1.y*(pt2.y - pt1.y) - pt1.x*(pt2.y - pt1.y);
				if (fabs(filter_A[0] - filter_A[1])<2)
					A = 0.4*filter_A[0] + 0.3*filter_A[1] + 0.2*filter_A[2] + 0.1*filter_A[3];
					B = 0.4*filter_B[0] + 0.3*filter_B[1] + 0.2*filter_B[2] + 0.1*filter_B[3];
					C = 0.4*filter_C[0] + 0.3*filter_C[1] + 0.2*filter_C[2] + 0.1*filter_C[3];
					if (cnt>8)
					if (cnt>0)cnt--;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_v.size(); i++)
					rho_v = lines_v[i][0], theta_v = lines_v[i][1];
					if (theta_v<0.6)
						theta_sum_v += theta_v;
						theta_sum_v += CV_PI;
					else  theta_sum_v += theta_v;
					/*a = cos(theta_v), b = sin(theta_v);
					x0 = a*rho_v, y0 = b*rho_v;
					pt3.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
					pt3.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
					pt4.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
					pt4.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
					line(src, pt3, pt4, Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, LINE_AA);*/
					if (rho_v < 0)rho_v = -rho_v;
					if (rho_v >= rho_max_v)rho_max_v = rho_v;
					if (rho_v <= rho_min_v)rho_min_v = rho_v;
				rho_v = (rho_max_v + rho_min_v) / 2;
				theta_v = theta_sum_v / lines_v.size();
				if (theta_v > CV_PI)theta_v -= CV_PI;
				else rho_v = -rho_v;
				a = cos(theta_v), b = sin(theta_v);
				x0 = a*rho_v, y0 = b*rho_v;
				pt3.x = cvRound(x0 + 1000 * (-b));
				pt3.y = cvRound(y0 + 1000 * (a));
				pt4.x = cvRound(x0 - 1000 * (-b));
				pt4.y = cvRound(y0 - 1000 * (a));
				line(src, pt3, pt4, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, LINE_AA);
				filter_A[3] = filter_A[2];
				filter_B[3] = filter_B[2];
				filter_C[3] = filter_C[2];

				filter_A[2] = filter_A[1];
				filter_B[2] = filter_B[1];
				filter_C[2] = filter_C[1];

				filter_A[1] = filter_A[0];
				filter_B[1] = filter_B[0];
				filter_C[1] = filter_C[0];

				filter_A[0] = pt4.y - pt3.y;
				filter_B[0] = pt3.x - pt4.x;
				filter_C[0] = pt3.y*(pt4.y - pt3.y) - pt3.x*(pt4.y - pt3.y);
				if (fabs(filter_A[0] - filter_A[1])<2)
					A = 0.4*filter_A[0] + 0.3*filter_A[1] + 0.2*filter_A[2] + 0.1*filter_A[3];
					B = 0.4*filter_B[0] + 0.3*filter_B[1] + 0.2*filter_B[2] + 0.1*filter_B[3];
					C = 0.4*filter_C[0] + 0.3*filter_C[1] + 0.2*filter_C[2] + 0.1*filter_C[3];
					if (cnt>8)
					if (cnt>0)cnt--;
			namedWindow("图像", 0);
			imshow("图像", src);
	vector<float> fangcheng_PARAM;
	if (mode == 0)
		fangcheng_PARAM = get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng_2(pt1, pt2);
		fangcheng_PARAM = get_lines_yibanshi_fangcheng_2(pt3, pt4);
	return fangcheng_PARAM;
	//return PARAM;

