dwa_local_planner_params.yaml 参数解析

# Robot Configuration Parameters - Kobuki
# 方向最大速度的绝对值
max_vel_x: 0.25
# x 方向最小值绝对值,如果为负值表示可以后退.
min_vel_x: -0.25
# y 方向最大速度的绝对值.
max_vel_y: 0.0  # diff drive robot
# y 方向最小速度的绝对值.
min_vel_y: 0.0  # diff drive robot
# 平移速度最大值绝对值
max_trans_vel: 0.5 # choose slightly less than the base's capability

#机器人最小平移速度的绝对值,单位为 m/s
min_trans_vel: 0.1  # this is the min trans velocity when there is negligible rotational velocity
#机器人被认属于“停止”状态时的平移速度。如果机器人的速度低于该值,则认为机器人已停止。单位为 m/s

trans_stopped_vel: 0.1

# Warning!
#   do not set min_trans_vel to 0.0 otherwise dwa will always think translational velocities
#   are non-negligible and small in place rotational velocities will be created.
# max_rot_vel:最大旋转速度的绝对值.
max_rot_vel: 0.7  # choose slightly less than the base's capability
# min_rot_vel:最小旋转速度的绝对值.
min_rot_vel: 0.3  # thi

