
freeze for a minute 停下现在干的

don't make things worse than they already are by doing....

添乱 越搞越糟

join the party 同病相怜
--I can't find a date for the dance on Friday night. 
--Join the party, neither can I.

Die another day 择日而亡

give sb/sth a shot
sb 给人一次机会  sth 尝试

I'm not sure if I will be able to help you with your 

homework, but I will give it a shot.

You're not really qualified for this job, but I like you, so 

I will give you a shot.

an ugly display

the ugly display he put on at the dinner party.

kicking yourself 自责,要求严厉

stop kicking yourself, you tried your best.

think twice about sth = reconsider 
I think the job as soon as they offered it.I didn't even 

think twice.

itching to do sth

oh man, I'm itching to get off work. I have a hot date 


pull this off 克服种种困难搞定某事

I don't know how we're gonna pull this meeting off.
We still don't have all the facts.

leave you hanging 晾在一边,不理睬某人
Why did you ignore me at the party last night?
I can't believe you left me hanging.

Stop playing dumb. 别装傻 I know you know who ate the last 

piece of cake.

low angle shot 仰角拍摄
silly = foolish
Don't be silly, I don't have to go to school today.
It's sunday today

That song is so silly, the words don't make any sense.

turn on/off the charm.

If you want that girl to like you, you'd better turn on the 


break sth in 磨合sth  训练某人适应环境
I need to break in these new shoes. They're a little tight 

for my feet.

we need to break in the new guy. He doesn't understand the 

way things work around here.

get over it 忘记过去,看以后

You didn't make the team this year, get over it. You can 

always try again next year.

That guy doesn't like you, get over it.There'll be other nice 

guys around there to date.

Honesty is the best policy.
How did the party turn out?

The party last night was a hoot. I had a great time.
John sure is a hoot.He's always got a funny story to tell.

wind knocked out of you 喘不过气来
it knocked the wind right out of me.
I got the wind knocked out of me when I fell off my bike.

Bad news sports fan 开玩笑滴说坏消息
~, your favorite tv show just got cancelled.
~, I just ate the last piece of cake.

messed with 打扰 一般用于否定
don't mess with Steve. He's trying to finish his homework.
You shouldn't mess with those guys.They are very dangerous, you could get hurt.

prank 恶作剧

just sit tight.

I've got bigger fish to fly 更重要的事情去做
Is that your story? = is that your execuse?

wipe 划像 转场

It was a phase/period  阶段
I went thought a phase
I'm in a phase of my life when I really need to focus 

on my career

going down a road 

Don't drop out of school. I have been down the road  

我是过来人 and it makes life very difficult

I need to keep going down this road. I think it's 

gonna lead to success

playing it safe  保险起见,不够大胆

I'm not sure how many people 
are coming over for dinner tonight. Let's just play it safe, and make some extra food.

I hate playing tennis with Bob. He's not very aggressive, He's always playing it safe.

Deep down 说真的, we are not right for each other.

I'm not sure how I feel about moving to America. Deep down I don't really think it's the right decision for me.

shoulder to shoulder

